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I just delivered on 4/4 and my biggest fear the whole time was pooping..i have my fiance convinced that girls dont poop and lets just say hes still convinced..i did get a hemroid that that is my biggest fear for the next one i couldnt sit or walk fo…
Should i ween off of breastfeeding to slow down the production of milk
I have been on zoloft for 6 years now and just had a healthybaby girl on 4/4. My doctor suggested weening me off a month before the due date so the baby would go through withdrawal before she was born and she still was a litle fussy for the first fe…
My doctor said to stop breast feeding 2 weeks before i went back to work to avoid pumping. But if u do pump at work just store it in a lunch box in the fridge
I had my little girl monday morning vaginally and lost 10 lbs already. Im pretty sore still with back pains and stiches but when you think about all your body goes through during labor its pretty amazing how your body heals
** spotting** and i already lost themucus plug 2 weeks ago
Ughhh anyone due in march still playing the waiting game. I was due march 31 with my first and still waiting. I am sooo misserable at this point and everything hurts but i found a nice hot shower helps to relax me and make me feel good for a little …
If possible i would wait till i knew they were both home and print out an early ultrasound of twins....and bring it to them. You can always say later that the doctor was mistaken ;-)
I was due yesterday and my doctor didnt check for dilated but lasr week i was 50 effaced and not dilated but lost the mucus plug since than. Hopfully shell come soon. The baby dropped 3 weeks ago and i walked so much my back hurts and i cant get out…
What state are you in? Many times you can talk to a social worker and they will help find housing
I lost my mucus plug a week and a half ago and still no baby and im due tomarrow. Hopefully when i go to the doctors i will have atleast started to dialate
I was gunna ask the same question except my boobs arnt sore at all but they did go up a cup size. Could it be just from the weight gain since i gained 40 lbs and due tomarrow? I havent had any leaking and even when i squeeze nothing at all. Im hopin…
I had that pain everyday unless is rolled to my side and pushed myself up. Its most likely just your stomach muscles pulling. I found when i get nervous about movement i lay on my left side and it helps me see and feel the movement better
I think that the baby should be taken from that whole messy controversal situation. Being around all that fighting cant be good
Janelle must have a mojor drug problem which i havent heard anyone on the show bring up. She spent 700 in two days. Most were cash advances and her mom didnt even ask what it was foe. She swipped the card for gas and food so what else could she have…
I dont have any other kids but we have 2 large dogs 3 cats 3 kotens and a baby goat we have to bottle feed in the house(long story) i cant even get bd to put clothes in a basket. His clothes end up on the living room floor. He has slept on the couch…
I was convinved at 37 weeks i would self induce, but than i got nervous that maybe she wasnt ready to come out and then i would feel horrible, im now 39 due thursday and have tried everything with no luck. My birthday is thursday so i want her to co…
Target, they have everything walmart does for the same price, and the registry is available at the store for people that cant check it online. Also they offer you a discount off anything on your registry you didnt get for your shower which i thought…
They say they all work the same. I took the digital test at 5 weeks, but they sometimes say digital cant tell you ealry because hormones arnt strong enough, but then you just get a faint line and arnt sure anyways
Im also 39 weeks due thursday. I lost the mucus plug friday and have been having braxton hicks for weeks but wasnt dialated on thursday but cervix is soft and baby dropped almost 3 weeks ago, i just cant wait!! My doctor will let you go up to two we…
When is this little girl gunna come out?!?!
Im i am due march 31 which is my bday and was my grandmothers
Im 39 weeks and have tried everything mentioned except castrol oil with no luck :(
My sister just had a boy and named him deckan which is irish. My choice fir a biy was logan. Good luck
Drink alot of water. Sometimes cramping is brought on by dehydration. Also could be a bladder infection
I just got a whole bunch in the last week and im now 39 weeks. Not happy about this at all. They are very light but want this baby out before they get worse
Yea well I thought two weeks ago I was close when I was 50% effaced and the baby dropped. Now the mucus plug but no bloody show. Is this a sure sign labor is close? Or just one more step?
Im 39 weeks and just had an apt today and they said I wasn't dilated but my cervix was very thin and the babies head is extremely low. It wasn't bloody just like clearish long snot lol
Just an update it was vertigo from a cold Chad the week before