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- jayjay1106
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thats for sure, the funniest thing is my daughters father was acually my bfs boss two yrs ago, thats how we met. now he is raiseing my daughter n her sperm donner anint even around. she calls my bf daddy and its just one happy fam. makes me smile to…
I have severe depression and anxiety which effects how I am with my children. I've been dealing with this since I was 9 n my fam refused to get me help. I'm 24 now n prego with bby #3. I just recently got help do during my other pregnancies it was …
Ive known my bf/bd for two yrs....i have two kids from a previous relationship n weve been together for 4mons were so happy n perfect together i love him so much n he treats me n my kids so wonderfuly my kids already call him daddy its fantastic....
I found out i have hpv back in 09' when i was pregnant with my 2nd child...im now preg with my 3rd n so far no warts or nething....when i was preg with my 2nd i didnt have warts either. I hope all goes well n im def gunna ask my doc bout hormones ca…
Oh also i told my bestfriends n sis in law right away told my fam as well but my husband wants to wait to tell his fam. Kinda sucks bc his mom n dad live with us due to their both sick n cant work, so u cant even talk bout my pregnancy in my own hom…
Im due oct 28th as well....i am extremly tired and i feel a little sick but i can deal if i drink water n breath lol. This is my third baby. Other symptoms i really havent gotton cept for slight headache and my nipples are tender but not my breasts …
My first child i had my mom n bd and my second was mom stepdad and brother. This time its guna be my husband his sister as we are close n maybe my sis n mom but im not sure bc they dont like my husband. Idk what to do with that bc i know my mom expe…
Im due oct 28th with my 3rd:) were so excited