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Mine didn't hurt at all... a bit of pressure but not bad! Just spread wide and RELAX!
Me!!! 9-9 had false labor over a week ago and NOTHING! hope things happen for us all and soooon!
@newmominsept thank you! Been cleaning up all the labor dust i can find! Been holding up fine though... had a super easy pregnancy! Doctor appointment tomorrow to set induction!!
2 days over due :-(
Ooo! Thanks for this!
Not going to go in quite yet as hospital is about half hour away so want to make sure! So i will walk and enjoy my birth ball! Hope this is for real! @Chels hope things happen for you soon! I know exactly how you feel!
Same!!! One more week to go! My doctor said she thinks she will meet me at the hospital this weekend... way to get my hopes unrealistically high!!! All the best to you! Hope it flies by!
Me to! Especially since they say sex/orgasm helps with naturally getting things moving!
Try milk! I know you said you are throwing up, but i have the same thing! Up all night! You can also try zantac... or... if brave, some apple cider vinegar! Take a shot and even though its gross it actually helps! Another is chewing mint gum, tricks…
@gatorbob makes me cry sometimes! Not much fun at all! Do you take any dose level of zantac?
Wish i could help but have been wondering the same thing!
Wow some really encouraging comments in here! I have been very pro epi my whole pregnancy, but with 5 weeks to go i am getting braver by the day to give natural my all i think! You pregly ladies are amazing for offering encouragement!
Thanks Ladies! If I am not the only one doing it than I feel a little less guilty!
September 9 with our first and its a SURPRISE!!!
2 days later and no help?!
Never have to help clean up dishes and table after bug family get togethers! MIL always say, you Just go put your feet up and relax! Like taking my dishes to the sink will send me into labor lol. Enjoy it while i can!
8 weeks to go and i feel like its flown by! I have been so blessed with a very easy pregnancy! Hope the rest of you ladies can keep holding out!
Due September 9, my bithday is September 12!
If its not super bad i drink a nice cold glass of milk and that helps most of the time where i wont need zantac! And stay away from citrus drinks.
Honey nut cherrios with banana slices! Weird b/c i hated cherrios and banana before preggo! And i am with you choc. Milk ladies! I drink till it makes me sick and than i drink some more :-)
I use maderma faithfuly every morning and night and after just a couple of days i can see my oh so loved purple stretch marks fadding! So personally i love it! But know that they will never fully go away, the most you can do is moisturise and stay h…
My husband is a huge dragons den fan. Last season some one was on there with boxers that "separate" the man parts for more comfort... well what do you know i found them in a store! They are by far more money than what you pay at costco for…
I was in your same boat last weekend! After you bathe in baking soda and want some more relief make a mixture in a bowl of baking soda and water. Make it thick and pasty, than plaster it on your body! As it dries it scks any more heat out. Warning y…
@praying4our3rd i have read so many books i could probably deliver at home alone! Not going to try though! But will we learn more than just what we have read? Hb is also a paramedic so he know how to keep the kid in if need be! Otherwise he says all…
Bought a watermelon last night... after we got home from groceries and i put it on the counter i was starting regretting purchasing it... sitting there taunting me... haha i am the size of whats coming between your legs soon! I use to love watermelo…
If you want a very nice jogger travel system... baby trend from babies r us
Last night i had HORRIBLE leg cramps and woke up bawling! As soon as my husband woke up and knew what was wrong he jumped up and pretty much ran to the kitchen to throw my rice bag in the mic to warm it up and than came back and massaged my leg! Wit…
Moved from Grand Rapids, MI all the way to Manitoba Canada! Miss my family like crazy amd always counting down the days till their next visit... 2 days till mom amd sister visit! I do have to say i am incredibly blessed with a husband who can alwa…
This has been so great! Thank you so much ladies!
Congrats to you also! Cant wait to be that close! We are so excited to! Its our first how about with you?!