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  • I'm 25 weeks and have felt everything u described. Called the ob who sent me to the er. They did ekg, ultrasound, heart monitor, blood tests. Found nothing wrong. It got bad a week later, went to the ob. He listened to my heart and said he heard an …
  • @azmom a Bumbo is a seat that helps them sit up on their own before they can alone. Its made of a rubbery type material and curves around their lap n legs. One of my friends swore hers was the greatest thing ever so we bought one with a removable tr…
  • If anyone else sees any deals like this on other stuff please pass along:)
  • Once I submitted the order at seven slings it gave me a code for a free udder covers nursing coverup which I planned on getting anyway. Shipping on that was $9.99.
  • @ashleyfew...ok, now I've been researching, so far found that 35mg niacin per day is safe in pregnancy, they haven't studied the higher values yet. The vitamins I was taking 1 per day though it says a serving is 2 have 50mg in each not counting what…
    in Red bulls Comment by magickal April 2011
  • @ashleyfew sorry for the delay...I have Meijer Naturals B-Complex w/Vitamin C-says essential b vitamins for energy production, right now. I've had other brands, it's just a combo of the B Vitamins. Paid about $7 for 250. It has Niacin, Thiamin, Ribo…
    in Red bulls Comment by magickal April 2011
  • @babymamma18 I always liked energy drinks but when my boss who was only mid twenties had his doctor tell him they were damaging his heart my fiancee and I started researching it. Most of the ingredients that give the effect are forms of b vitamins. …
    in Red bulls Comment by magickal April 2011
  • My fiancee said "I will let you know what the name's gonna be" and he's serious! He has yet to come up with one I like. I have an entire list of names I've picked out and he doesn't like any. Our baby girl is due Sept 2 and I'm getting ner…
  • Can u give us a little more info? What happened? How long have u been together? I've been there too but he's back now. There's lots of support available to single moms if he did