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Of course! Lol I think we have all our bases covered. I plan on starting to test at 10 dpo!
Ovulated this am!
My re triggers after 18
If still available ill take it! I take care of Foster kids and am always in need of car seats!
I like the love one. I think maybe shoulder blade or foot.
I lost baby at 9 weeks had d&c at 11 weeks. Af came 5 weeks later. I'm normally a 28 day cycle.
I've always went by "food before one is just for fun" but my babies always started to be interested in food around 9-10 months.
If you are just using an app to track ovulation it may not be right. I have a 28 day cycle and all apps show me ovulation on cycle day 14 but I know I ovulate on day 16 because I temp and take opks. So if you ovulate a little later its very possible…
Eat! Once you get to the hospital you will most likely only get ice!
My son wore a 7 at 12m F.daughter wears a 3 at 21m
Woot woot! Was that the last beta draw?
Praying for high numbers!
Do you give her juice? Maybe keep a juice cup or bottle ready just in case she decides to stop. I know at that age my son rarely got juice so when he did he sucked it down so that kept him occupied long enough. He was 14 m his first trip.
Every 88¢ one I've used gets bad evaps..even pink looking ones...but never had a problem with the dollar tree ones
Here! I took 2 tablespoons and an HR later 2 more after an HR I pumped for 10 walked for 10 for 5 rounds so 1 HR. And after went straight to the birthing center in full labor. Started at 3pm had him at 4 am. I was under supervision of my midwife and…
Neyo-Lazy love. The video and song are so sexual and I've been deprived for awhile..lol <3 15 days & a wake up
My sister had it done a 1.5 yrs ago. She has lost 160lbs. She has been at around the same weight now for about 4 months but fluctuates 10 lbs. Also you have to keep up on your vitamins and protein! Some ppl also experience hair loss. My sisters hair…
Woot woot! Where are you now?
I was 10 weeks when my baby passed. If you want to email them let me know. Thanks.
I'm so glad you were able to see him. I wish I was able to see my baby. I had to unfortunately have a dnc and they kept it. I'd love to see him.
Honestly to me it looks like a singleton. With baby on the right and yoke sac on left. But it is really grainy! Can't wait for an update!
So much worse then pot! I've seen people have seizures and pass out. And each ones different and there is no way of nowing how your body will react to it.
Yes comma before and.
Waiting for hubby to be home! Hrs been gone 5 weeks and we have 3 more to go:( but I got a fertility monitor and can't wait till next cycle to use it! Ohh and if af comes on time or a lil late he should be home right in time for ovulation!
I don't think the pail is that necessary, just another step. But have her check out eBay for diaper sprayers! I got mine for $25 with free shipping! Its lasted over 2 yrs now and we use it for everything!
With my son we used bottled til about 3 months then had our tap water tested and after we just used tap.
Mine broke naturally and it was crazy everywhere! Also looked like pea soup because of him pooping inside. So glad it waited till I was at the birth center! So scared next time of being in public!
My son was born 8#9oz and at 1 yr he was 32# he crawled at 7 months but didn't walk till 14.5m The Foster baby I take care of is 18# and 8m he doesn't have no interest in crawling but rolls every where he wants to go.
^^that was my 1st thought!
Have you had an ultrasound?