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- new_army_mom
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Tricare will cover 3 ultra sounds and anything that is needed the only thing they won't cover is to find out the sex or to see the baby but that's it other then that they pay for pretty much everything I mean I have had tricare for 3 years and haven…
That's just my person experience tho
Standard is a lot better! I hated prime! U can only go on base n get refered out n I'm sorry but a lot of military bases doctors/hospitals suck! standard u can go to a doctor of base within the network and there more caring I think....plus standard …
@emmz18mummy2b yeah it cost us 100 but was well worth it n I'm like 95 percent who is due in sept havin a girl lol but I'm so excited now n I don't care so much about the shoppin part I'm more excited about meeting my baby girl!
I'm due sept 20 n going today to find out! I'm having a 3d ultra sound done......1 more hour!! Want a boy but will be happy as long as the baby is healthy!
Congrats! I'm 16 weeks today and goin to get a 3 d ultra sound to find out the sex of our baby!! I'm so so excited lol....this is my first and so far its been an easy pregnancy!
So all the advice given so far is good but I would say weigh ur options talk to ur fiance about it and look at how long u will be away for basic and ait honestly I'm in the army and my husband are I'm 14 weeks prego and he leaves 2 weeks after baby …
Lol me to till my doctor looked at me like I was crazy but I didn't think I would feel something that soon lol
I'm 14 weeks n I haven't felt a kick but it feels like the baby is like right on my skin because I feel its heart beat I first I was like wow that's my heart beat then when I went to my docs I asked her and she was like oh no that's not urs ur heart…
That's how I was to @miaradavis hold it till the last min and that's what caused me to have a uti but I was so used to holding me pee becaues of my job so when I got prego it was like my brain didn't click lol but I also had no signs of a uti except…
Wow ur so lucky! The only place around here that does ultra sounds to find out the sex is gonna cost me 100! And my insurance won't pay for me to find out the sex so I'm gonna have to pay or wait till I have the baby and I can't do that lol so I'm g…
I was freaked out about it to and mine started when I was around 12 weeks my doctor told me to drink water if it didn't clear up then to come in I have already had 2 uti and yeast infection both of which I had no burning or anything when I went the …
I figured it was my stomach streching and all but my nose itches also all the time and I don't have allergys so I didn't really understand why it was itching....is there anything I can do to stop my nose and I heard not to put scented lotion on ur s…
I know ur feeling but at least ur hubby will be home not long after ur baby is born my husband leaves 2 weeks after my due date for a year in afghanstsin:( I would do anything for him to be gone during the pregnancy and home for the babys first year…
If we have a boy were naming him bentley william :)
Wow I'm from ohio but live in south carolina and I really want skyline chilli and chipotle! Ugh its a 10hr car ride to which sucks!
The baby starts to develop there sex parts between 10 to 12 weeks at 12 weeks there developed but most people have an ultra sound done at 20 weeks because the doctor is looking for certain things at that time......I hope that helps
I think that if u love ur job then stay in....I'm in the army n my husband also is in....I'm 12 weeks and I have to go in the morning to talk to my commander about staying in....if u have a good support system and u love ur job then I would stay in.…
A lot of u are lucky I'm due september 20 and my husband leaves october 1 for his 2nd deployment since we have been together he first left after we got married in 2009 and now is leaving 2 weeks after our first baby is born:(
Wow I'm 12 weeks and I crave mcdonalds chicken nuggets everyday! And have for like 2 weeks its crazy because before I was prego I wouldn't eat there I thought it was nasty lol
Wow I know what ur feeling I'm due september 20 but my husband leaves to go to afghanstain september 1 which sucks because there's nothing I can do about trying to keep him home for the birth :( the only thing that might happen is his leave date get…
I would love fair food lmao I want a polish sausage with onions and peppers lol I have been craving this for 3 days lmao!
Yeah bed rest is nice but it sucks when there's no tv or anything to do but stare at walls lol and yeah they shouldn't expect me to but there's to many people in sp there trying to get me to get out last month they caused a girl to have a miscarge b…
Thanks for the help but my commander.....boss is a bitch I have a female and it sucks but I went to the hopsital and found out that I have a uti a yeast infection and I'm producing to many white blood cells so now I'm on bed rest but thank u for the…
Yes I'm in the army and yes they kno I'm pregnant well my worry was because now I'm headed to the hospital I'm having sever cramps in my lower stomach:( and I'm worried its my first baby and I don't want to do anything to mess it up:(
I kno the feelin that's how I was also I didn't even believe the doctor then I had my first ultra sound today and I got to see my baby and its heart beatin n I knew it was true after the ultra sound was when I got happy:)
Wow u guys are lucky! I'm goin in at 16 weeks but I'm goin to the 4d to find out I have to pay for it tho because the military won't pay for me to find out the sex of my baby so I would have to wait till 30 weeks if I waited for my doctors
Last week my doctor did take my blood levels and drew blood and all that but I will have to check and see because I am sleepin alot
Ok yeah I take a nap after lunch and then I go to sleep at 9 n wake up at 9 but my naps are 4 to 5 hours long
Wow that's crazy I'm 9 weeks and my baby hates fast food and junk food! I have lost 7 pounds and can only eat raw veggies its crazy!