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Ready to meet my baby girl.


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  • I'm 20 and it was my first pregnancy n you right it makes Mr feel so scared to try again. But one day ill find the strength to do it.
  • Yea they told me abt the whole funeral thing. I need to see how I cope with the birth first takin it one step at a time. Thanks for all the prayers they are needed right now.
  • I was 23.5 weeks. They not really sayin much till they have me deliver n they send idk I guess the fetus for an autopsy. But my heart hurts knowing I'm bout to go thru the whole birth process n my baby is not here anymore. I just want to know wat wa…
  • Yea that's what I thought or sometimes I may put my hand on it and I can feel it. It's kinda weird Nd hard to explain. But u get what I'm.asking :-)
  • Thanks ladies I don't want him to seem as tho in takin his child from him cause he is one if those that.wants to be there for his kid and I don't wanna rob him of that opportunity but I have 4 months left and I want it to go smooth. Maybe we need ti…
  • Ok thank u :-)
    in PAIN Comment by proudmommy18 March 2011
  • Ok I try to lay down and relax as much cause I'm at class all week but its like in really feeling it today its not a pain its more like a pressure if u get what im sayin
    in PAIN Comment by proudmommy18 March 2011
  • Anyone due in July
  • Lol these stories are hilarious I'm happy to know I'm not the only one.
  • Lol sorry I am so late but jwigs that's funny. But I both understand what u all sayin bf just don't understand that I just don't wanna be bothered and don't take it personal. I hope my baby don't come out mean cause Im always aggravated.