Diaper bag finally here! && It's gorgeous two times

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- yella_bell
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@lae3 Godspeed darling because I'm not feeling any of this madness in my uterus lol I'm on edge & its unearthly hot
@angieahren I wish! My doctor.. he's far from gentle. He lubs that glove up & goes to town like I'm any farm animal :\
@podgemarine bless your heart! Idk how I'm gonna be if I were to be over due :( I'll probably be an ogre since I suck so much now
I know right! My sister asked me did I feel like I was about to deliver. I told her to shut up talking to me before I punched her in the face & does it look like it?! She thought it was the funniest thing she's ever heard but I was so serious lol
I hope. Sadly, it's only gonna be more awkward once he leaves for NC because it's not like our baby is gonna be born speaking full sentences & logging in to Skype to see his father LOL I know breast milk is one hellvua brain developer but not th…
Lmao sign me up!
@lae3 I'm serious lol I can't but there's a bright side... And don't we all need an easy button :D
I know right! lol
Honestly, I can't even blame God for this situation but I'm glad he allowed it & I got something so special out of it for my ignorance :)
@Fate Thank you :) @JesseDenver Tell me about it. I'm a year & 7 mths older than he is but I highly doubt this magical growth & he's leaving for NC for school 3-4 weeks before my DD therefore I have to laugh to keep from crying since I'll b…
@MommyLovesSparkles ikr :( thank God for my family until the @YNVTish 2 years @thehumancrockpot lol thanks & my lord that would b helpful
@Mybabe I'm camping outside Walmart customer service desk :D @MommyLovesSparkle I wish! lol we're both students aka actively broke & he's a frickin' ball player too so my child support won't be here until the season is over next April :/
Idk if it was just the flashlight. My little boy is like that little neighborhood dog that runs from wherever to bark at whoever is passing. He just kicks at everything near my stomach until its gone lol
Lol I wish! Wal-mart would be my first stop.. they'll take back anything :-D
@dncrcass lol that's cute. She'll have something to play with in his loving memory
@letysfirst We're emotional because we maybe just finding out that we ruined our own lives forever and still in love lol I cry all the time thinking about it! This is forever for real & not just 18 years then he's gone.
@dncrcass Sad thing and Idek if I'd get much money back on him lol
@serenitysmommy Omgeee, you know you mature slower than normal people when you can cause someone to question their own mental status... lol I ask my mom every other day if I fell short on the common sense side & I'm just book smart. She laughs i…
@letysfirst All you can do is laugh at this point. I just sit & look at myself in the mirror and question my choices in life when I deal with him! I have less than 7 weeks so that refund isn't gonna happen lol @mshahir the world would be a diff…
Lol no it won't but it'll make you feel better
LOL @major case of ninja. With his father genes I wouldn't doubt it, my baby will be extra special. I fear he'll bust through my bellybutton before I can evict him If I get any bigger.
Lol I just want him out so he can kick & abuse somebody else
@lovingmylife11: that's cute lol I can only imagine what my baby will like after that u/s
@lovemylife11: lol my u/s was at 7 in the morning at 20 wks & he was sleep. The tech kept poking him in the head to wake him up & got a frontal view of his little face. He had the dumbest expression then slow blinked. It was hilarious becaus…
@sammylouiseday: it does look freakish & hurts very bad
@ahendricks09: lol I thank God my ultrasound was at 7 in the morning because he was knocked out. He just wouldn't open his legs and she kept poking him in the head. He looked so dumb at screen and slow blinked. It was hilarious!
@bwilliams24: lol I was recently in the hospital and it sounded like a horrible beat boxing battle was going on in the room then he'd leave the monitoring area & the nurses would freak because It seemed like he had no heart rate. It took her 15 …
@ashleyfew I was denied bc I wasn't taxed at my job due to it being thru the state or I made too much with other temp jobs @Mybabe thanks; I'm not worried. I've gotten this far & I know what you mean lol so good luck to you
@Mybabe sadly the closest baby store or something like that is 2 hrs away. I'm probably gonna be unemployed until after the baby
@biffymnstr that's the beauty of "At Will" for employers in business. Ones termination can mean anything and when employees contest it. It'll take forever to prove something that was not said