ARE YOU SERIOUS (just my opinion)



  • I have read this discussion for the past 30min trying to make sense of done peoples frame of mind. First off, weed nor anything is actually good for you. EVERYTHING has a positive and negative, especially when your pregnant. What I mean is anything can effect your body in a negative given the circumstance. With that being said, whether you agree with smoking while pregnant is your choice (i have mine that I won't share) there is research to say that "it can be harmful" and "its not harmful at all". With that, you should make the choice as to what risk your willing to take. You can risk smoking, and it being good for baby, or being bad for baby.
  • *some not done
  • A huge percentage of the population are pot babies. Ha. Lol. Now ur just pulling stuff out of ur ass. Some of the stuff ppl r saying on here is so dumb!!! How do ppl get like this???
  • This is a fact: in my state, its illegal. If you get caught you could go to jail and risk losing your child.
    If your getting that "high" its gotta be affecting your baby the same way. I'm not gonna preach or judge, I was nasty earlier and I'm sorry. If you decide to smoke while pregnant that's your own choice one that I have a right not to agree with.
  • Anyone who's parents were flower children and pregnant at that time I'm willing to bet smoked while pregnant. Almost all my friends are pot babies and yes there are alot of pot babes out there.and none of them have anything wrong with them including me
  • U tellit jazzi. Its ok if they want to hide from the truth.
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  • @rhondala71 ya I dont think people realize that kids born in the 70s were born to hippies and ya hippies were stoners people and I gaurantee almost all of them kept smoking
  • @ashabash. Thank you. I see so many ppl say that there is no long term effect but really there are long to effects for everything we do. And I understand its the parents choice but shouldn't the baby have a chioce too.
  • I have a friend who smoked pot during both her pragnacys. 1 has epilepsy the other has speech and growth problems. There is no sign of any health issues in her family other then her two children. Even if these issues were not caused by her pot smoking. I have watched her struggle everyday believeing that it was the pot that harmed her children. The guilt she feels now is enough for me to say that smoking while pg is not a good idea.
  • @jazzi89
    Marijuana was drastically different in the 70s and contained far less THC making it less potent than the marijuana people smoke today. That is scientifically documented and is a fact. Keep that in mind, if that is your reason for justifying smoking marijuana while carrying a child. Best wishes.
  • Its not that much different and I dont smoke. I know enough about it though if your not stupid and getting it from good sources your good. Like I said my parents smoked daily and I turned out perfectly fine
  • What's the point of dragging this on? Really.. especially since you are saying people who smoke weed pregnant are mentally retarded? What about other cultures that use it for religon. This discussion needs to be closed. People are too ignorant for this to be any kind of discussion
  • LOL @sara102011 my thoughts exactly! Couldn't believe it when I saw the discussion was back.... let it rest people!
  • I just happened upon it and saw misinformation and wanted to help. I feel I have that right.
  • @ghettobetty and @jazzi89 it really is just a joke now! I was shocked when i saw it. Grr well maybe it will get closed today. I really wouldn't mind it if we all weren't going around in circles. But I'm getting dizzy! Lol
  • Blah blah blah that's what I have to say blah!
  • You guys are hateful and immature. By the way, how would you know someone was commenting on this discussion if you weren't checking it constantly to cause drama? I didn't mention you, nor was I talking to you. I made a scientifically backed statement. Get over it. Have a nice day. :)
  • It pops up on top of discussion list when you commented. Sorry your taking things so personal these were all just opinions just ones that did not agree with you @mommy2be10262011
  • Not going to argue with you. I feel I'm better than a conversation with an adult that includes the statement "blah blah blah". Thank you.
  • Trying to apologize and I get a rude reply how mature of me... sorry for the other blah coulndt help myself!
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  • I was so mad when my former roommates gf swore up and down that her doctor told her to smoke pot instead of cigarettes cause its better for the baby.... sounds like a good excuse to be irresponsible, to me.
This discussion has been closed.