ARE YOU SERIOUS (just my opinion)



  • edited March 2011
    @lea3 that's horrible! I've watched a Foster dad rub my friends leg and say mmmm if I was a little younger! Totally grossed me out! Of course we were trouble teens and lieing... buttheads!
  • @gettobetty you are so right! I grew up in some of those foster homes. they did horrible things to me and others. There were some that were ok but I mostly remember the ones where I was locked in a room all day I was 7 and they locked me in a room for weeks with a two year old. I tried my best to take care of her. That's just one of many horrible things that happened. It was just terrible.
  • Any kind of smoke really increases the risk for cancer (even later in life)...especially for a developing fetus.
  • Dude they put alarm locks on all the windows and doors in the girls room!I'm talking bunkbeds everywhere barely any room to turn around. I felt so bad....
  • I was sent to foster care because my mother had something called mpd and was committed to a mental home. I was in foster care and group homes from 6-15Years old. there were a few good ones but mostly horrible ones.@lay3 I'm so sorry sweetheart. I know that pain all to well. my brother was trying to protect me from the very same thing and they took him away too. :(
  • @gettobetty yeah bared windows and locks everywhere. barely fed us and sometimes I stayed in a room with so many bunk beds it was easier to walk on them then the floor. nothing to do. no toys. and the one I was talking about where they locked me up with the two year old they told me it was my fault my mom was crazy. there are horrible people out there.
  • And the Foster parents have BMW's and gucuzies don't know how to spell that sorry. You get my point.
  • Oh yeah I got ya! I went back later on in life to have it shut down and the guy arrested but someone had already done it... thank God! But its still happening all over. I would have been better off if they would have just let me go with my mom.
  • If you don't want your baby taken away, don't put yourself in the situation. Plain and simple. Even if someone decides to accuse you, if you've never been involved in the stuff you have no reason to worry.
  • I have a medical mj prescription for severe fibromyalgia....once I found out I was preggo I never used it again....there are nights I've contemplated it because I'm in such severe pain but id rather suffer than even think about letting my baby get it into their blood pain cannot be fixed with tylenol but its a small price to pay for another healthy baby
  • Not everyone puts themselves in bad situations and that's rude of you to say not personally knowing these girls period!
  • Then I'm rude. But at least my baby wont get taken away.
  • Never say never....
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  • Now who's rude? If you'd read this entire conversation you would've realized that I'm biased. I'm sure now that I tell you I'm from a small southern town you immediately think I'm an ignorant hick just because that's what my situation is. Everyone makes assumptions. Adults know who they are and don't care.
  • @almost4 you don't have to defend yourself to @brookiesbaby. You have been through enough already. Let her speak her mind and just take the higher ground hun. Some people just don't know what happens in the real world.
  • Now this is just annoying.... maybe you should take your own advice.
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  • @almost4 you sound very bright and mature. I hope no one ever has to experience what you have had to endure. I wish nothing but the best for all the moms on here. This world can be such a scary place and people can be very mean for no real reason.
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  • @almost4 perhaps not fuel the fire... I know its hard but really not worth the arguement....
  • edited March 2011
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  • @fwee. I didn't go callin you names so let's not be disrespectful and call me names. Thank you. If you don't like my opinion on things then don't comment. I am just saying how I feel about the whole situation.
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  • Some smoke it everyday and you can get addicted to everything. The baby would also have withdraw symptoms after birth. I don't care who smokes it due to a disease or getting it described by a doctor. I don't agree on it but if some moms to be are doing it its up to them. What does it give you getting mad/upset about it or leaving nasty comments. People do what they want if you like it or not. Myself I don't do drugs

    Someone said to legalize pot and make tobacco and alcohol illegal the only reason pot isn't legal I think is because the government hasn't found a way to make a profit out of it.
  • edited March 2011
    Get informed. I personally know people who sell pot to dispenseries/ pharmacys. Its the same stuff u get on the street. They all sell on the street too since they can't make enough $ selling to just pharmacys. Its just a way to get your growers card and b legal. And chamamile is okay in small amounts when tea once in a while. And look around you. A huge percentage of the population are pot babies. You wouldn't b able to tell them from anyone else. I personally know someone who has 3 pot babies who are a grade ahead in school now. Not that I think its the most ideal thing to do while preg. If you can I think u should avoid it while preg... But how dare you judge others and decide that your morning sickness was as bad as someone elses. You have no idea how bad it is for them. I was sick for the whole 9 mo.s and was almost hospitalized due to dropping 14. Lbs in a month . I thought I would die...was so weak. The prescription stuff didn't work and had side effects and risks of their own. People...research it on your own. Nothings perfect or ideal...just like all our lives..just like our parenting is going to be. But we will make it through and all will be fine.
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