abortion topics should be banned



  • This site is for PREGNANT women..no matter what decision they decide to make..they are PREGNANT now. For some ppl this site is all they have! Dont take away the only thing they have!
  • If the abortion topic is too "touchy" for you then simply dont read it! If it bothers you that much then why read it? Thats just stupid! You wouldnt read a book you dont find interesting so dont read a discussion that you dont like & eveyone will be happy!
  • @fingersctossed. I didn't take it that way. :-) . I take this almost like a death subject and It hurts that's all. I've seen what abortion did to a couple friends of mine. I was always there for them and respected their decision but I saw how much it hurt them later on.
  • Now perfect example of someone's opinion going to far. Aimed at me yes. A little disrespectful yes. I did.not aim anything at anyone. This person should do as they preach.
  • @fingerscrossed i couldn't agree with your statemnents more

    @Supermom405 don't even bat an eyelash at these abortion bashing topics. U are not even the first or only one to bring up this topic or ask for help and don't for one second think u should've just keep it bottled in. That is not mentally healthy.
    If u need someone to talk to know that there are plenty of women who will be there for u to discuss anything u r feeling without putting u down. Just also know that there will most likely be plenty of woman who WILL go out of there way to out u down unfortunatley.
  • edited March 2011
    @babyboyontheway .now that's not fair. No one was bashing anything here so I think you should re think that statement.
  • @shmegs i didn't accuse anyone of bashing her if u read her comment above she seemed to be feeling bad about how her thread might have caused this thread and I'm simply telling her not to take it to heart. And saying no one is bashing anyone here is only half true. While nobody has directly called out any one person in the conversation, the whole thread about banning abortion seems to be calling out all the somebody today who have asked for help with abortion options.
    but that's just my opinion.
  • It is my opinion; a general opinion in which I can express as I have in a most general statement.
    I think ppl are very passionate about abortion as I am however no one agrees on the subject and ppl get hurt. Its a moral issue that one has to decide for themselves
  • @babyboyontheway its stuff like ths is the reason y I feel the way I do @ times I seek advice & I still get criticized is there no winning? I try nt to let it bug me bt it does & bcus I am pregnant & ths is an open forum 4 pregnant women I thought tht maybe I wud find sum women who hve been n my situation & kud offer sound advice nt post it 4 attention nor did I ent to b shunned I jus need to vent
  • Its nt sayin names bt its indirectly kallin out women who seek abortion advice jus bcus ut got posted as a topic nt a comment so it was meant for others to see including the women who hve asked 4 the advice
  • @Supermom405 Well u can talk to me about it anytime I've been thru one and i understand how it feels to be confused and have to make a decision like that
  • Ok ladies sorry for bring the. subject up. But now without knowing it u have called me out. Double standard. I'm out.
  • I really don't think anything should be off limits as long as it's respectful.
  • @supermom405... Don't regret the post. I have made decisions that would cause major judgement on here which is why I wish the subject would go away. Feel free to get me offline if I can help any...i was raised very catholic and no one agreed with my decisions but I did what was best at the time. Regardless your decision...it doesn't define you as a person
  • @shmegs I am glad you did not think I directed it at you. I can understand why you may feel hurt to see. I have seen or talked to the many faces of abortion as well - from those who have had abortions for personal reasons to those who have chosen to have them for medical reasons.

    I am sorry you feel called out now because of all of this. None of us should feel afraid or ashamed for stating our opinions. Don't apologize for having a belief or opinion. Discussions like this help others open up.
  • Last time I checked you had to be pregnant to have an abortion.
    There are ladies on here that need help and support, whether they choose to have an abortion or not.
    Pregly is a place to express your opinion and concerns, and reasons for abortions often vary. These ladies arent monsters that should be banned. If you don't want to read a topic on abortion, don't read it.

    I respect your concern for arguments but there are going to be arguments everywhere you go.
    I hope everybody has a safe and happy pregnancy.
  • While I only read MAYBE the first 5 comments after the topic view, I will say that while I am not one that has made the choice to terminate a pregnancy, to each their own. I will also state that I feel there are women that use abortion as birth control instead of using a condom, and I feel that is wrong. However I feel these women also deserve a place to come to feel safe as that could oneday be your daughter and you wouldnt want people to cast them out. I also feel that this posting should be deamed inappropriate as it is ultamately the "type" of topic that draws drama, division & conflict for the site as well as distraction of the true reason we are all here.
  • I think there needs to be something on here letting people know that this is a pro prego and ttc site. That way people wouldn't feel bashed by coming on and posting comments to get supportive advice and get crapped on in return...
  • I think since this is a pro pregnancy and TTC site, the topic of anyone saying considering a abortion shudnt be brought up. Its a very controlversal topic. And women her and get offened and we r harmonal. And if someone wants to tell a person how they feel whether in a good way or bad, the person posting shudnt get mad. I mean its a pro pregnancy site, not a place to get advice whether or not to get an abortion. Come on ladies. Think about really
  • I personally dont believe in abortion or adoption. Like,many ladies have said, many women cannot get pregnant and we are all lucky to be blessed with a baby regardless of the situation BUT many people are confused and emotional cause of the pregnancy that ideas like abortion run through their mind at a given point. Thats where we come in and as future mothers, some with same situations we work our magic so the mother wont go through with the abortion. If after the first opinion you post you notice that the mother is not agreeing with you then be grown and smart and leave the disscussion. You cant just bann something just because you dont agree. I am pregnant myself and I have mood swings as well but I control myself cause I dont wanna harm my baby, if I can control myself I think we all can.
  • You've all said it, this is a pregnancy site. Well you can't have an abortion if you're not pregnant. So the two go hand in hand. Nowhere does it say this is a prolife forum and nor should it be. If you ban one topic then where does it stop? Yes there are trolls that just post topics for drama, but its not their faults the drama escalates, its ours. Its the fault of the woman who take things to heart and get worked up and then turn to judgements and negativity. This "crap" will still happen even if it the topis of abortion was never brought up again. Do any of you recall preglys first big blow out? Where the lady claimed to have had her baby at 24wks after miscarrying its twin and then was later found to have made it all up? Pregnant woman are going to get emotional and worked up over everything pretty much. And stupid attention seekers are going to take advantage of that no matter what. But in order to maintain a positive and supportive forum, we have to be available to offer support regardless the situation. Its always going to be a touchy subject but its up to the people who respond to keep it from getting nasty. Its usually never the original poster's fault it gets out of hand.
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