@mommyto1soontob2 thank you for what you are doing for all of us...my question is, I'm 6 weeks today, is my baby healthy and what is the gender? Also will me and bd make it together to raise this little one? Thank you!
I am just wondering if things are going to get better ever my fiance was support to do 60 days in jail on work release and nothing has worked out yet I am scared I not going to be able to pay my bills or have the things the baby needs before he comes
@mommyto1soontob2, thank you very much for doing this. I know it means a lot to all of us ladies. I have been bleeding a lot with this pregnancy and was wondering if you could tell me if my baby its going to be ok? Also if its a boy or girl? I'm 13 weeks 2 days, thank you again.
@mommyto1soonntob2. What an awesome gift you have. I have always loved this kind of stuff!
This little man was a surprise to us, wasn't planning on having anymore (my oldest is 18 youngest 9) I have alot of questions so I'll try to keep it to a minimum I know you have alot of questions coming at you.
First as I mentioned this baby wasn't planned I can't read how hubby is feeling about it can you?
Will things get back on track financially? And when?
Probably my biggest concern are my boys 16 and 18. They are struggling. Will they get back on track and what do I need to do to help them? Does their father watch over them and what would he tell them if he could?
This is so intresting.. I was wondering if you could tell how my 2 yr old daughter will be with this baby and if you could tell what his personality is like. Thanks!
@mommyto1soontob2. Is this a boy? Will everything be okay with us? And when will he be here? I don't think I can go another 3 weeks of this. Ugh. Please help
Are things gonna get better with bd and I have such bad luck in everything like a black shadow in life I'm very blessed byr things always seem to go wrong I mean crazy stuff...why? Thnx
Please let me know, I have 4 kids and two missed carriages one was in 2009, the other one happened 2 weeks ago, will i have anymore kids? Please tell me and if so how many and gender.. please let me know.. thank you
I'd like to know if everything is okay with my baby? Second pregnancy, but feels very different and very hard on my body. Doc is trying to get me to do a vbac, but I'm wondering if another c-section is the way to go? Thanks!
First, I would like to say thank you for doing these readings! It's very nice of you to think of others & help ease our minds about our little ones & other issues we may have:) I would like to know if you see boy or girl for me also if you think I should continue to try to make things work w/ my baby's father? If possible I would also like to know if my delivery will go ok & my baby will be healthy too
This little man was a surprise to us, wasn't planning on having anymore (my oldest is 18 youngest 9) I have alot of questions so I'll try to keep it to a minimum I know you have alot of questions coming at you.
First as I mentioned this baby wasn't planned I can't read how hubby is feeling about it can you?
Will things get back on track financially? And when?
Probably my biggest concern are my boys 16 and 18. They are struggling. Will they get back on track and what do I need to do to help them? Does their father watch over them and what would he tell them if he could?
Thanks in advance