reading...anyone who posted on my wall and asked...



  • This is so crazy lol I was a skeptic before but dang how weird... ooh ooh can you tell me a few things? Please! First am I having a boy or a girl? Will my baby be healthy? And should I keep try with the father or kick him to the curb? This is exciting :D
  • @mommyto1soon2-omg my whole family is saying that it's a boy and I keep telling them no it's a And me n my hubby were both big babies. Thanks!!
  • is my baby going to have straight or curly hair... dark or medium skin... will my bf and i get our own place in the next year
  • I emailed you Mama, but I have 1 more question to go with my others.

    I was living with my boyfriend for 4 months but we had problems. Then we broke up. I moved out, but still we were trying to work our issues out. Yesterday I told him I was done with him, but didn't mean it.

    I want to know if we have a future together or if I'm wasting my time trying to be with him?? Plus he keeps saying he has a gut feeling I'm pregnant with a lil girl.. .true??

  • Beatrice he's psychic look up crystal children. and I forget tje other type but it should tell u. u need to stop talkin to him n makin him talk more he can and will When ready. he wants u to feel more. he speaks to u other ways u don't see it. I'm very intune with my daughter I don't need to speak with her. for one day I want u to not ask him things jus observe and figure him out
  • Sorry didnt understand the last sentence.
  • @mommyto1soontob2, thank you so much. Also, I keep calling my baby he or him, can you tel if it's a boy? I'm hoping it is a boy :) I'm 13 weeks so I won't get to find out for a few more weeks.
  • Ladies I'm sleepy and gettin fuzzy. I'll return tomorrow and scan through. Any more questions message me on here so I can't loose the place
  • Just want to know if my son will be healthy?
  • @mommyto1soontob2
    thank you soooo much..!! Of course emotional little teary eye..yes i ive been talking for my son alot lately ..ok ill stop talking ..its hard cus does something so cute or sweet..:) ok im gonna do it..its gonna be hard!
  • mamaqueen boy...mimi u will fight because he gives up and has no patients
  • @mommyto1soontob2 do you think she is going to be a big baby? And I keep telling everyone that my waters gonna break at the most embarrassing time lol!!! So that sounds about right!
  • Ooh very cool... can i get in on this? Please? We r ttc... can u tell me if it will happen & maybe when it will happen? Thank u ;) how very exciting for u to have such a gift.
  • i mean talk to him Whem u have to lol but try and figure out what he wants etc. don't guess after he can't reply. he is smarter than words
  • Thank you again. You made my day :D
  • You never anwsered mine. :/
  • i need rest so goodnight ladies ill be back tomorrow and ready lol
  • Can you tell me if I am having a boy or girl???? And when will I finally be getting a break in life when it comes to finances??? I have been waiting for some inheritance for what seems like forever, and normally I wouldnt be so impatient but with the little one on the way and absolutely no income..I am about to have a complete breakdown! :(
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • One last thing. Is there a possability of twins? Have a good night and get some rest. I haven't been able to sleep real well lately. Thank you again!! :)
  • Have a great night! Sleep well!
  • Wow! One busy lady! Rest up mama.
  • edited March 2011
  • edited March 2011
    Ok!! Ive been guessing alot of what he says!! :)
  • I would like to know if a boy or girl as well as single or twins sorry for asking but this is driving me nuts please and thank you.
  • I'm drawing a blank on names :\ maybe the baby has some suggestions? (I saw your other post :) ) is my baby gonna be really big? Or is there more than 1 in there?
  • I just want to know if my baby is a boy or girl? I am 22 weeks and due to insurance problems I missed my u/s. I am always saying she and dreaming about a girl but I could br wrong. Am I?
  • @mommyto1soon2b... what a gift u have... I wanted to know will my baby be healthy, hearing, vision and happy? I also just gave my hubby the boot, will he get his act together... ever? Thank u so much...
  • @mommyto1soon2b2... I forgot the 2 at the end... but the question directly above is for u... thanks :)
  • @mommyto1soontob2... I think I got it right this time... Sorry... question two up is mine :)
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