reading...anyone who posted on my wall and asked...



  • Wat do u c for me n the baby daddy in the future we r separated rite now? @mommyto1soontobe2
  • @mommyto1soontobe2 can u tell me who my baby father is? Is he in the military or no??
  • Im due june 13th and was wondering if u could tell me when my little man is planning on making his big entrance?
  • @mommyto1soontob2 my af is 2 days late, we have been ttc, but I got a bfn this afternoon, am I prego?
  • Hey @mommyto1soontob2 I asked u before but right after I asked u hot slammed so I understand but if u have time can u tell me if my gma has anything to tell me or say about whats been happening in my life? And Wat she thinks of my fiance? And if u could figure out anything about my future and if it will get any better for us can u tell me that too? Sry its a lot just please give me wat comes to u I guess :/ if u can.
  • *got slammed
  • @mommyto1soon2b2, I know your so busy but when you have time do you know the gender of my child?
  • I have daughter who was born at thirty weeks. I'm now 35 weeks pregnant with my second baby girl and having a lot of pain and discomfort. I am dialated 3cm and it seems like labor keeps starting and stopping. I have been through a lot this pregnancy and would like to know if she is going to becoming soon?
  • @mommyto1soonb2 dont know if youll be able to tell, but am i having a boy or a girl? we both want a girl bad her name would either be ariah or amiah (my changed it because she doesnt like ariah) but everytime we talked about kids even before we got pregnant we always referred to her as ariah..what name does our baby like? And will my husband get a better paying job anytime soon we want to move into something bigger and money is really starting to stress me out, i realllyyy want my family to be okay finacially...and is my husbands mother really excited about the baby or is she just being fake? I think shes really twofaced at times..smh
  • @mommyof1soontob2 my MOTHER changed the name because she didnt like
  • @mommyof1soontob2 this pregnancy viable, will it be a boy or girl, do you see more than one baby? Thanks and God Bless.
  • I would like to know if my baby will be coming out healthy, I'm a smoker and everything is fine and healthy with her now but I've been paranoid my whole pregnancy if she will come out okay and healthy? Thank you so much for answering when you get the time
  • @mommyof1soontob2 i know u r swampped with question i was wondering if u can tell me if im definitly having a girl my U/s showed it was a girl but tech was only 80% sure....also can u see my husband and i staying together for a long time? Thank u hope u and baby r good xxx oooo have a blessed day
  • Thank you for sharing your gift with everyone! Its quite amazing! I emailed you last week, but I am sure you are super busy! Im just wondering if you are getting anything from my father or brother who have both passed. Thanks in advance!!!
  • I hate to ask you questions because I know u have a lot coming your way but I just want to know if I will have a healthy baby and delivery? I also want to know if you can tell me the father? Long story short the guy I was dating and I got into a fight and I got drunk and had a one night stand with a friend of mine. Its killing me inside and want to know if the guy I was dating the father? Please and thank you so much for taking the time to do this.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Would love to know if you can tell what my babys gender is please :-)
  • @mommyto1soontobe2 . I had a mc February 15th and I'm ttc again can you tell me when I will find out I'm pregnant? I still have not had my first period yet since the mc.
  • Will my son come early? Will he look like me or his dad? Please and thank u
  • Is my boy really a boy?
  • Am I having a boy or a girl? Will the baby survive?
  • Do u think ill be having a I doing right by still being w my boyfriend after everything he has done to me?
  • will my bd michael ever try to come back and be w me? He's acting strange...
  • I am not even going to lie lol I read this and was like oh that's pretty neat but I'm not going to bother her she has so many other people asking her a bunch of things but I couldn't resist lol I am 22 weeks and I want to know if I am having a boy or a girl and if he's a boy if he likes the name kaiden and if that's how he wants it spelt lol my boyfriend loves the name and I like it but I'm not like oh yeah that's the one lol so I need some help from the wittle guy but if its a girl she has no choice her name will be kendal :p hehe thank youuuu @mommyto1soontobe2
  • So my af started yesterday.... I just wanna ask you will I ever be able to conceive? Will it be by my fiancee when I do? Please help!! I really want a baby
  • @mommyto1soontobe2 ,you and your lil ninj are very skilled! i dont know what im having! But i get this feeling its a boy and whatever im having it is going to be JUST LIKE DADDY. am i right?
  • Hi just wanted to know am I really having a girl and do u c me getting preclampsia wit this pregnancy Thx
  • @mommyto1soontob2 this is really important to my baby ok? ive been worried and havnt gotten to go to the doctor.since 7 weeks.. If u can see.gender too that would b amazing but if not thats ok too :)
  • i know it will probably be a while before i get an answer, but i couldnt resist! i know it's probably way too early to clearly see if baby is a boy or girl, (im only 9 weeks) but can you tell me what my lil one's personality is? and what they think of me and what they think of daddy too :) we're so excited to meet our baby! im scared i stress baby out by worrying about miscarriage since this is my first pregnancy and im hoping theyre doing great. thank you!
  • I had a miscarriage in august and im really worried about this baby. Will this pregnancy go to term and will my baby be healthy im due 11-11-11. Also can you tell me thes sex and if theres more then one?
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