silly prego confessions

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I saw this on another website and laughed for like an hour at some of the stuff ppl confessed to. They can be anything from crazy things your eating, raging moodswing causing outbursts, embarrassing moments or anything else you wanna share without being judged :) have fun!!

Mine for the day:

I had tater tots for breakfast and just ate a big ass piece of cake and it was delicious and I don't care how many calories it had!! Ha!


  • This is baby #2 for me an the first for my husband, and this preg is different then my first, but ive got gas an most of the time I cant control it so I just blame it on my 1 year old puppy who always stays right by,,
  • Since I have been preggers..i have been very off balance (i think due to the new belly I have aquired). I have been running into everything! Just today I attempted to walk thru a doorway only to miss and hit the wall..bouncing myself back............TWICE!
  • I cussed out someone at work for tossing a ball at my butt. She missed and hit my lower back... I almost made her cry and she barely hit me.
  • I thought the smell of my two boys was making me sick...turns out its tide with downy my oldest sons morning breath is still an issue
  • I have had the worst temper since I've been pregnant! I cussed my brother out for eating a bite of muffin mix..I feel soo bad after I bite someone's head off :(
  • I gagged uncontrollably after seeing a PICTURE of a spiral sliced Ham! Ahahaha :)
  • Okay so today at work I'm a cashier and this guy seriously smelled like gasoline and like he just pissed on himself and the smells made me throw up
  • I fart so much and blame it on my 18 month old..haha and my husband believes its her farting!
  • I at 3 pudding cups right in row they were just so good!
    Also I work as a waitress and I happened to go into the bathroom right after some lady who had taken THE SMELLIST pool ever! I walked in and instantly started gagging and had to run out of the bathroom. The woman was standing near the bathroom and saw me comegasping for air and gagging so much my eyes were watering! She was so embarrassed and I felt so bad!
  • Haha that's some funny stuff. The other night my boyfriend and I were watching movies at his house and I had suppeeerrr bad gas. And of course I have to pee every 30 minutes. Haha well It was one of my trips to the bathroom and farted like while peeing. I didn't think it was so loud. I finished up in the bathroom only to find my boyfriends mom walking in the hallway near the bathroom and my boyfriend told me he heard the fart all the way from his room. I was so embarrassed cause his mom was right there too!
  • took my gf to dinner. she wanted some spaghetti. turn out she didn't like it. it was makin her feel sick. so I was like k il eat it. she was like u cant eat it either. cuz seein u eat it is makin me sick too lol. usually I finish whatever she decides she doesn't wasnt to finish (:
  • edited January 2011
    I have a dill pickle spear for breakfast every morning. My husband had to buy me a huge jar from Sam's last week and it's already half empty! Also a co-worker who fell asleep @ work and drooled made me throw up!
  • @ginmae78 - that is the funniest thing I have read in a while! Thanks for making my day- I was feeling really frustrated because I couldn't sleep & I'm starting my 2nd trimester just as sick as my first & afraid I'm in this for the long haul... I really needed the laugh!!! =)
  • Omg I'm cracking up!! I have such bad gas too and the messed up thing is I used to yell at my bf all the time for stinking up the room and now I'm just as bad LOL!!!!
  • Lol...this is a good way to get your mind off stressful things.
    I'm a cashier, my line was clear and I thought no one would notice if I passed gas, I turned around to find a customer waiting to ask me a question. He was holding his nose, so embarrassing...
  • I AM A LITTLE FAT KID!! I love food, before I got pregnant I could eat a foot long in one sitting in like 10 minutes or less!! I am about 5'2, 160lb, on an average, my fiance is about 5'7 and 160lbs, he eats like a bird and takes FOREVVVVER!, which can be embarrassing @ a restaurant, when I have licked my plate clean and he has barely taken 3 bites...after an hour.... NOW, I'm in my 8th wk, and I HAVE YET to eat one full meal w/o yacking! I have been forced or should I say reduced to watching him GOBBLE twice what he would "normally" consume in 1/3 the time, AND I'M PISSED!!! All I want is a friggin' big juicy burger!!! Never thought it would take being pregnant for a doctor to tell me I'm underweight!!! This stuff sucks!!
    -The mood swings is a whole other story!!
  • I bawled my eyes out at my brother's (he is the coach) basketball game listening to a young girl talk about being a foster kid at halftime. I'm 12 weeks and not showing, so people were staring at me and I could not get myself together!
  • My husband will chug a soda then belch like 10 times and it makes me gag each time, he thinks that it is funny but it's SO gross!
  • This morning I sit in a Mc Donald's's parking lot for 30 mins waiting on lunch time so I could order a cheeseburger. Got it took one look at it and threw up. Talk about disappointment.
  • I've been craving root beer lately. My husband brought home dinner the other night but forgot my root beer. I burst into to tears and cried hysterically ( I never even liked root beer before I got pregnant). Luckily I have the best hubby and he ran to the store to get it for me.
  • I was laughing so hard a month ago I peed on the bed then rolled off the bed onto the floor and continued to pee on the floor. My husband still makes fun of me.
  • Okay Nykolle, you inspired me to tell the worst one I have! Lol... early in my last pregnancy I was wiped out & with my husband at his best friends' house watching a football game. My hubby went to use the bathroom & was gone a while & I zonked out on the couch, only to let out the BIGGEST, NASTIEST fart ever & wake myself up!!! My husband best friend was DYING of laughter & I was so mortified I didn't show my face at his house for many, many weeks! =)
  • Ok so the other night my husband and I are watching Wendy Cummings stand up and she is talking about how ugly men's man parts are and I am laughing because it was stinking hysterical...all of the sudden I went from laughing so hard I was tearing up to crying uncontrollably...just sobbing. I hid my face so hubby wouldnt see!
  • Ok, after one of my early morning pee trips I hopped back in bed and tried watchin law n order to fall back asleep. Out of nowhere I got the biggest cramp. I farted
  • It was so bad that I woke my bf out of his sleeping coma. Nothing wakes him up I swear. He look at me with the sad face and was like " that's messed up"
  • @Nykolle. Don't feel so bad. I was doing laundry and while waiting for someone to come downstairs I peed on myself. Luckily I had sweat pants on. My mom n her bf still laugh at me
  • all were the best part of my day! Thanks ladies for being so hilariously honest. I wish I had a funny story to tell.....maybe soon! Keep up the fun times. Xoxo
  • I was at work yesterday n i was walking away and some girl was calling me and ended up saying hey hoe, so i turned around n looked at her n said WHAT bi*** so she went to me n said hey u know i wasn't talking to u right, so i said well nxt time get ur sh** straight so today at work i guess i was in her way n she said excuse me like if she was scared, i mean i don't mean to scream but my hormones r just out of control and i've been talking HORRIBLE to the customers, its sad!
  • Omg today I was making dinner and I started crying because we didn't have any parmesan cheese!! It sounds sooo ridiculous now Haha!!
  • Lol that's funny, its like when me n my bf are playing i just start crying out of nowhere
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