silly prego confessions



  • Funny one of the day,, im not really a open person about farts or going poo ,, ive been married for 6 months now an this is his firstbaby my second,,,so here is my story, my hubby was foldin clothes an my 5 year old was in the shower and I had to use the bath room we only have 1bath room an its right next to are bed room where my hibby was an so im using the bathroom an my daughter was like oh mommy are u takin a poo u stink,,,and started singin about it I know my hubby hurd her cus the wals are really thin I was so embarrous I pourd a cup of cold water on her to get her to stop,,, she was like what was that for,, I told her yhat was not nice,,she said well what u did wasnt nice either an also got me with cold water,,,when I got out of the bath rom my hubby wouldnt lok at me,, im glad I prob would of cried
  • when I sneeze I have to cross my legs tight Cuz I pee and oneday it was a lot. Another time I just got in my soothing bath, sneezed and peed a bunch. My husband asked what was wrong when I came out right away and upset about ruining my bath. Also if I don't pee when I sneeze I always rip one and it cracks me up because my husband gets grossed out then five minutes later rips one himself
  • I feel bad because ever since I became pregnant with my second child its like I have the shortest temper ever! @ night when my fiance wants to cuddle I ger really irritated because I cant get comfy in the first place bcuz my belly is huge and my daughter is really active when I lay down so I sort of give him the push and shove all night! Sorry babes!
  • @casnleslie - thank you, I haven't laughed that hard in ages! :) I am nearly 8 wks prego and I am a raging bitch. The other day my 7 and 4 year old were driving me nuts and I was yelling at them for something. I stopped halfway through and apologized and said I was just in a really bad mood, and it wasn't their fault, and asked them to be super good because I'm needed lots of cooperation. my 4 yr old son came over, gently took my hand, looked deep into my eyes and said, "is this the baby's fault, mama?"..... and I burst into tears. Lol. Now every time I get upset he tells me he understands, it's just because I'm pregnant.
  • @mrslamaster. Thanks so much. I was rereading ur story to my bf and I laughed so hard tears came. I had to let him read the rest I couldn't breathe!
  • Ok so in the beginning when I was throwing up so much I was on my hands and knees hugging the toilet and I peed all over myself I mean it looked a dog peed on the bathroom rug so I called my mom to tell her I peed on her rug and she didn't tell me she had me on speaker phone at work! Talk about embarrasing!
  • The other day I had a cup of juice and I was heating up pizza.. took I out the microwave, and started gagging uncontrollably. So I go to the bathroom but the heaving made me pee a little so I ask him to get me clean pajamas and he goes "you threw up on yourself babe?" And im like no I had an accident..... I'm surprised he didn't pee himself from laughing so hard and I haven't heard the end of it
  • Thanks, guys. I <3 you all. I really needed a good laugh today. Brushing my teeth made me throw up today, and I don't want to do it again until my second trimester.
  • In the beginning of my pregnancy I had horrible nausea...I was feedin my 5yr old daughter noodles n thn ran to the bathroom n jus vomitted from the she runs behind me n asks if I'm ok...n b4 I can answer she's lik MOMMY UR PEEIN ON THE FLOOR! STOP IT NOW...LOL...n I jus couldn't for some reason..
  • My daughter said to me after farting on the couch " its okay mommy, the baby's just sitting on your farty parts" lmao
  • Haha these r so funny.... i thought i was the only one to let out gas... i was over my childs fathers house and we were watching a movie and he was laying on my lap and i started laughing and a fart came out he was sooo mad but at the same time couldn't stop laughing but i couldn't help it at all
  • @jwigs Omg I threw up the other day when I was brushing my teeth too!! I tried to brush my tongue like I always do and I just lost it lol

    @katlilly that's toooooo cute!!!!!
  • We had chicken and coslaw and after an hour or so I wanted leftovers but someone ate the coslaw and I flipped a brick on my family. I also ate two ice cream sandwhichs and a large king cone in less then an hour...X.X!
  • I made chicken alfredo for dinner the other night and was soo looking forward to eating the leftovers. As soon as I got home, I went to the fridge for my leftovers and could not find them. I saw the empty bowl on the counter and COMPLETELY lost it! I started screaming and crying. I told my husband to leave the house because I couldn't stand to be around him when he's such a selfish ass! Im so embarrassed. My poor husband :(
  • These comments are really makin me laugh. I'm 28 wks but I'm not gassy like you guys. The smallest things makes me laugh uncontrollably tho :p
  • Starxoxo9, It was the tongue scraper that pushed me over the edge, too. I was looking for a towel to dry my face and decided that I had better grab a pony tail holder and stay in the bathroom instead! It was my first preggy puke.
  • I'm sitting at my husband's work cracking up at these. Nothing too embarrassing yet, but today my kitten ran up the curtains again and I completely list it on her. I ended up putting her food bowl in the bathroom with her litter box and shutting her in while I took a nap. I feel bad now, but when I'm finally sleeping, its not ok to wake up to her scratching my face or doing other naughty things. I'm pretty gassy too! Earlier I was afraid I was gonna poo.
  • I was walking into my doctors office when some guys in a work truck passed by and would not stop staring at I cussed them out and held up my hand and was like "these rings are on my hands for a reason" lol
  • I was reading th's in bed while hubby was asleep. The more i read the funnier it got until i busted out laughing and woke him up. Then i started crying because i woke him!
  • I did the same thing@eaparker83. But I didn't cry I just ended up going in the other room
  • Alright so with my last baby I was laying in bed taking a nap at 7pm likne most weman do at 9 months and I woke up from what I thought was gas. I ran to the bath room and relized io could not stop peeing. So I put in a pad and asked my dad to stand out side with me while I called my doc. When I got my dr on the phone I was like I think my water broke. At that moment I had a huge contraction and it was like some one turned on the fosite. There was so much it filled my crock shoes with water. Lol I looked at my dad who was trying to call my husband on his phone histaricly and his eyes were as large as sausers and mouth wide open. Lol it was cool I had my son 40 min later fast birth
  • this is soo funny! My big thing is smells, everything stinks. So my fiancee finds it funny to pass gas and not warn me. We were laying in bed a few days ago, and he did his normal thing, I started gagging and ran to the bathroom. He felt so bad. So now he'll roll over and say baby cover you nose asap. Lol. And omg his morning breath! I'll push his face the other way and tell him to turn away when he talks. It's so mean, but I wishh def throw up if I get a good wiff of that stink breath!
  • Hilarious! Post like this lift my spirits ive been up n down kinda depressed for no reason sincw being prego. Need more jokes like these!
  • Ok I have another I have a few kids. So I was at a friends house and we were all sitting around playin men vs. Weman. I was kicking butt when i t came to my turn I leand in to grab a card to read and the loudest fart came out. I then turned bright res and turned to my husband and blaimed him. He so good he took the blaim with out a hickup. I felt so bad after words we cut the game short and when home I still get crap...
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  • I don't really have anything funny like yo guys. You guys crack me up! But yesterday I made beef stew for dinner... the boyfriend loved it but it made me sick so I didn't all day at work I was dreaming about my leftovers got home took a few bites and it made me sick...again!!!
  • @mama_kat... I had the same 'problem' & my hubby works full time & goes to school full time, so I decided to remedy the issue on my own & for some crazy reason it pissed me off & I was angry all day- even when my poor husband came home & had no idea what was wrong! I was too embarassed to tell him & he just thought I had had a bad day! Lol...
  • Ever since I was about 4 months pregnant I've been having a problem with snoring. Well the other morning my bf and I were sleeping and I snored so loud I woke both of us up and he couldn't stop laughing at me. lol
  • My huggin the toliet days were gone, so I thought. One morning the love of my life woke me up with a fart! It smelled like rotting pinnappale. Ooooooo nnnnnnooooooo! I trew up all morning and sick the rest of the day! It was all from that 5:00 am fart!
  • Thank god im not the only one with bad gas, I was gassy before bein.g preggers, but now its constant, that and I eat everything in sight... auhhh!
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