silly prego confessions



  • Haha, these stories are a lifesaver! I've never been gassy, which is good because the house couldn't handle more gas after my husband! However, I've been sneezing all the time, and at really bad moments!

    I have really bad morning sickness all day, but I can usually quell it with a glass of the caffeine free Crush sodas (cherry and orange mmm). I made a run this morning to pick up a bottle for the next few days and a small one for immediate relief. When I came back to my apartment, a good friend of mine (and also my neighbor) was walking by and just as he turned to wave to me I sneezed and got cherry crush all over my window. He thought something awful had happened and rushed to see that I was okay, afterall who sneezes cherry colored??, and I started bawling thinking my husband would be mad I had sneezed all over our new car. My friend told me to just "put some windex on it" and it made me crack up thinking about My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I laughed so hard I wet myself. Worst morning ever, but my friend got a good laugh. :)
  • I'm 12 weeks 3 days and up until recently I've had horrible mood swings. I flipped out on my husband bc he put the wrong shoes on my stepson. They weren't the ones I wanted him to wear, like my husband can read my mind.
  • @mommagrunepune..that is hysterical and mad me laugh! How funny
  • A funny visual for u guys....this was me this morning: watching I didn't know I was pregnant, crying, and stuffing my face with burger king breakfast lmao....
  • Ok, I finally have a really good one. I went to go pee, but after I started, I realized that I forgot to pull my undies down first. I just sighed and grabbed a fresh pair, thinking, "I can't wait for this to be over!"
  • Yesterday I screamed at my brother for eating my salt and vinegar chips. And then I started crying. My brother felt really bad and was trying to get me to stop crying. Then his friend made a joke about me yelling so I started to yell at him. But I didnt feel bad cuz that particular friend gets on my nerves now more than ever
  • Iam 13w..iam craving spicy foods rite now. Even tho i hav da worst heartburn.. Lol. I made mt bf go to taco bell @ 1 in da AM & Get me hard tacos w l alot of fire sauce!!! Den after i ate it..i had da worst heart burn so til like 4AM i wuz up & he went to walgreens & got me some mylanta. He only got 3 hours of sleep. He is @ his dads now doin some painting. He calld & told me he wuz exhausted. Lol. I felt bad but its his fault im like dis. Lol
  • I remember one night my stepson woke me up telling me he couldn't make it to the bathroom and randomly puked on the floor. Like i would normally do I headed to the kitchen to get some things to clean it up. I bent down caught one wiff of the horrid smell and COULDN'T do it. So I woke his dad up and insisted he clean it up or I'm gonna g3t sick as well. The next day my mom had to come over and shampoo the carpets because I swear I could still smell it. To this day I cannot eat Marcos pizza.
  • I just ate a king size kit kat and it was FABULOUS!!!! lol
  • Oh and Sunday I bawled my eyes out at Monsters Inc. Lmao wtf...
  • I was laying in bed on my back when I sneezed and I pulled a muscle in my lower abs. It hurt so bad. Now I know to curl up if I feel a sneeze coming in bed.
  • @jwigs the same thing happens to me!! Also if I cough or move too suddenly when I'm laying down...its agonizing!
  • When I was in the first trimester I fell asleep next to my hubby while ur was on the computer and I farted so loud that I woke my self up looked up and found him staring at me... he was like really?!?! Do u really just do that while I were asleep... I was sooo embarrassed
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  • These are too funny! Kind of glad I'm home alone because I would get stared at like I was crazy for hard I'm laughing:)
    The first time I got morning sickness (at 430am) I called my baby daddy and told him I wanted him to be up when the baby was keeping me up, and then felt bad and started crying.
    Now when I get morning sickness I don't want anyone to know because I pee on myself a little bit everytime, and this is right after I pee. Its a never ending cycle of peeing:(
  • edited March 2011
    My fiance & I were at burger king in the drive thru waiting for our food. I had to potty soo badly, so I decided that I would go inside. I unbuckled my seatbelt, opened the door & tripped on my hanging seatbelt & twisted my ankle :( I was so embrassed & my fiance laughed for a sec then got out the car & helped me up. The lady at the window was like "aww omg, are you okay?" I couldnt even answer I just burst into Tears. My fiance answered for me got the food & parked in the parking lot. He held & hugged me for about 10 mins while I was crying badly. Its sooo hilarious now that I look back on it. & my fiance NEVER lets me forget. Lol
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  • Omg this has just cheered me up. Well here goes mine. I really fancied a lasagna for dinner tonight so I cook up this lovely meal, my hubby comes home and is like "hey babe what's for tea" so I tell him and he's all "oh, I'm not that keen on lasagna" so I threw the lot away whilst screaming that he could write me a meal list for the Effin week and I'm now sat on my bed in a, I can hear him downstairs moaning about another 7 months of this...:-) oops
  • Oh and what's worse is I'm bloody starving now :-(
  • My dog threw up her food on the carpet and when I bent down to clean it up I threw up my bowl of lucky charms I just ate! I made my hubby leave work and come clean it up.
  • edited March 2011
    I love this post :X
  • Lol I love it :)
  • I have one :) me and my boyfriend were eating at dennys and he rold me a story about a lady at work who treated her kids like shit so I started crying hysterically!!!! Could not stop and the waitress asked me if it was ok and ur made me cry then more! I felt so dumb cus I couldn't stop lol my poor bf !!!
  • I fart so bad because the sushi and my hubby now call me " my little rose petal " sarcasm :0&
  • Oh lord. I was reading this with my 11 month old asleep in my bed and busted out laughing. She got mad, that made me laugh worse. So I busted out crying. That made her think she hurt my feelings, so she started crying. Basically we were crying together lol. Poor Laken, mommy is sorry for waking you up!

    But today I was in wal mart... I have had the worst cold, so I was coughing like crazy... I ended up peeing on myself a little and had to rush to the bathroom to check out the damage. Luckily I had a panty liner on so there was none, but when I.came back out an old guy hit on me and I tried so hard not to laugh, and I.started tearing up.... He didnt know what to do haha
  • Gotta bring this back after what I just did...

    I just ate 10 peanut butter fudge cookies...

    Now I feel like barfing Lol.....
  • Ok here's one of mine, with my last pregnancy my mom would go with me to dr appts to watch my other daughter. She always seemed to irritate me! So I was driving and the cars in front of me were stopping for the light, she starts telling me to put on the brake, I replied I am, she said it again, and so I slammed on the brakes, making her freak out. It wasn't nice considering she has a bad heart!
  • Ok I got one to top things off, I was sleeping and my hubby came and got in bed with me to take a nap,well some how his hand ended up being next to my face when I rolled over and I bit him,,,, I guess I was hungry !!!! I woke up and thought it was a dream or something and he asked r u hungry I said a lil why,,, he said u tryed to eat me ,,,, I started laughing so hard I was crying then had to pee, I didnt stop for a hour
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