


  • I am going to cautiously say that the reason I have a problem with it is becuase the illegal immigrants get hired before americans because they will work for a lot less than a person who is here legally...and companies take advantage of that. I have seen it happen and its disgusting to me. I also understand that it may be hard to get your legal status but its not impossible...and people who come here and never pay taxes and take advantage of our system irritate me...
  • I understand why they send it back.there families struggle back there. @ghettobetty
  • And that's ok @ashley_smashley I respect your views.nothing wrong here.
  • @mshahir, walk away hun! Please for your sanity, walk away! This is gonna take a turn for the worst before you know it. I'm steering clear! I'm headed to my MIL's fridge to get a frozen fruit bar :-)
  • It is wrong for companies to hire immigrants over Americans just to save money.. not to treat immigrants fairly but to make more money for themselves ... meanwhile Americans lose their jobs and get find any. Not because they don't want to provide but because big companies would rather hire immigrants.
  • It is wrong for companies to hire immigrants over Americans just to save money.. not to treat immigrants fairly but to make more money for themselves ... meanwhile Americans lose their jobs and get find any. Not because they don't want to provide but because big companies would rather hire immigrants.
  • @tishj330 Girl, don't front! You know you're going to heat up some of that okra! :0&
  • edited June 2011
    double post. Ignore. One okra mention is plenty.
  • My fiance is a legal immigrant and thinks is absolutely wrong how these companies only hire immigrants and abuse they power when it come to immigrants and unions......
  • @ghettobetty I really think that's the companies fault. Not the immigrants. The companies are doing wrong.
  • There's lots of Americans that are too picky about jobs, they also do not work as hard as the illegal immigrants. We don't like to do hard labor and always will complain about the pay not being worth it. I'm sure no one says anything when they need labor done and want it for cheap and not half assed.
  • @blueberrysmom, but I have to crumble FRESH saltines in that delicious treat! C'mon, try girl lmao!
  • @TishJ330 I don't think it'll go wrong. No ones calling names here.
  • Well the companies are the ones doing the hiring its not fair to say Americans don't want those jobs cause many do.
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  • @jcmommy I for the farm jobs,I don't think they will want to be out in the sun all day doing farm work.

    @ghettobetty the companies should somehow get dealt with not wiping out all immigrants.
  • All I'm saying its false to say Americans don't want to work certain jobs many will and want those jobs! To provide for their families.
  • My husband is a legal immigrant. He was fortunate enough to win the visa lottery but we have several friends who came here legally for school and had companies or schools drop the ball when they applied for work visas. They ended up being here illegally and really struggled to get work. They basically had to work for cash under the table and several of them married americans just to stay. All the immigrants I know are very hard working and thorough at what they do. In contrast the felons I know can't hold a job and have a bad work ethic. Even a sence of entitlement. Like "the man" owes them a job. If I were a boss (which I'm not) I would hire the person who does the job well.
  • Sorry, I don't mean all Americans but I do feel like most won't do those hard long strenuous hours without complaints.
  • This is a very sensitive subject, and one I don't take lightly. Yes you bring up a good point that many illegal immigrants are looking for a better life but consider the way many choose to start that life. They illegally enter the country, often under the guidance of a violent human smuggler
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  • Illegal is illegal. It's illegal to steal its illegal to sell drugs its illegal to be here without the right documentation its a crime just as murder selling drugs or stealing or what not its still illegal. That's just my opinion. On that note I've had very good friends that were illegally here but it doesn't mean I support it. I personally feel like there is a better way to handle the immigrant situation. That is all.
  • edited June 2011
    I support myself and my 5yo. I work close to 10-11 hr days, 6days a week, no vacations, no maternity leave, no breaks, no overtime pay and deal with customers all day. I'm 36 wks pregnant and still bust my swollen body and do it with a smile on my face.

    I don't mean any harm, its just my opinion.
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  • @mshahir, I don't think you feel sorry for me at all baby girl lol! I need to go to the Food section and post all the gross sh!t my FIL eats daily. Is he preggo? Lol!
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  • @mommy2isaiahngiselle, you get out of here too! I'm not risking you and @mshahir on this thread! Now ignore this & focus on my poor hostage situation lol!
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