My heart is so broken. UPDATE 4*



  • I googled it and it means weed.
  • edited April 2013
    I just seen that on cops the other day . yea it is drugs
  • No no. Zip means an ounce. It can be of any drug. It is slang for ounce to paranoid dealers who don't want to communicate the actual word ounce for incrimination. They may be using it for weed tho.
  • Oh joy :( .. Ugh wow i really have no words right now :( thanks guys for letting me know. @excitedforoctober , @mrz_jackson , @captivated

    @Candy101 Wow I'm sorry you went through that. The thing is my daughter is almost 2 and he still acts this way.

    Yesterday was his day off and it was amazing. We didn't argue at all and he told me he loved me multiple times, after the baby went to bed we watched a movie and cuddled. I'm still mad though he's always hiding his phone and now i know why..its not as much the girl i have to worry about its the weed/drugs. I'm so disappointed and mad at him.

  • Oh, its also a common term for crystal methamphetamine. I'm sorry :(
  • Well I'm glad ur standing on ur own a lot of women have hard time with that and I'm sorry ur lo hasn't been feeling soo well. At least u know why and it doesn't have to continue. As far as the zip thing yes it can be related to drugs but also can be as in zip code, or zip drive relating to computers. I really hope for u that it has nothing to do with drugs and if it does my advice to u is he needs to go if he ever gets cought how horrible would it be for u to get into trouble bc u knew and still alowed ur child around him since u don't know if his just selling dealing or using who knows always better be safe then sorry.
  • @captivated & @jules oh joy :( i confronted him bout it but I'm sure he was lying because he said he was referring a friend..

    Update: so i found a casino receipt in his car dated on Easter (the day he ditched the baby and I) so i confronted him and he said it was the girl he was withs ticket... at 5am!!!!!! I'm so hurt right now!! I'm packing all of my things and I'm leaving. I'm so lost because i only have $80 to my name i know my parents will give me money and buy the baby whatever she needs but this is a horrible feeling :'(
  • Omg I'm so sorry that you are going through this, in blueberrysmom memory : throat punch him.
    You are one strong woman and I'm sure you are going to be ok, it might hurt for a while but with time you will see that what you are doing is for the best , for you and your baby. -hugs-
  • I'm sorry, that is just terrible! He needs to grow up.
  • I'm sorry his such jerk and so stupid his obviousoidly not worth it as hard as it is I really think your an amazing mother and strong women for leaving. And once your setteled at your parents give yourself lots time to not have to worry about him your heart needs it get routine going set some goals and stay active exercise when you can it's very good for when your stressed out or have a lot of emotional things to deal with. And I know you're very overwhelmed but your parents sounds just like mine they are always there for me and my daughter and my hubby it's such blessing so when you feel lonely remember that! And I'll be praying for you, and your welcome to text me when you need someone to talk to or just an ear to listen. 951 760 3006. :)
  • @mommylovessparkle do what you have to do and don't look back. And don't feel bad because you need help, its all for a good reason. Use all these struggles as your strength to push forward and always aim for more. DO NOT DOUBT YOURSELF!!! You can do and be whatever you want. Always believe that. Show this piece of crap man that you can and will do better off without him.

    I don't know you, and i believe in you. Believe in yourself!
  • edited April 2013
    @Janet_2011 & @wilsomom thank you guys so much. You guys all give me strength.

    @jules Thank you so much!! Your such an angel :) you guys seriously give me so much strength. i will for sure text you probably tomorrow. If you have a Facebook you can add me let me know ill pm you my info. you and @perly made me cry :)

    @perly Thank you so much! Thank you for giving me strength also. This is why i love pregly so much you guys are the best.

    I left my house and packed everything. I'm so sad but i feel strong thanks to you guys and my family. I left a very awesome note wrote in lipstick on our bedroom mirror saying "you want her, now you got her." I'm working my way on getting a makeover and bettering myself then when he sees me his jaw is going to drop.
  • @mommylovessparkle you're welcome. This topic hits home. I went through so much because my mom worked and it was hard, but thanks to her and to what i lived, i value myself a lot more. Seeing my mom struggle was probably not the best thing for a kid to see, but i wouldn't be the person i am today if it wasn't for that.
  • I'm so sorry you went through that. @perly. I haven't been in a situation like that with my parents they are married about 30 years and so was all my grandparents and most of all my family. So I'm like the odd one out I'm so sad this is happening to me i don't deserve it. No one does any i wouldn't wish it on anyone. Its hitting me hard, really hard right now. Everything is coming to realization that I'm not ever going to be with him again. That he left me and our daughter for a girl who looks like a warthog and is two times my size and way older than me, has two kids, and is married. I'm SO heartbroken. I would've gave him ANYTHING he asked for , i cooked and cleaned for him, always made him happy our sex life was great until he started working at this job. (Where he met this girl.) I'm sick to my stomach the pain I'm feeling right now but i have to be strong and trust in God i just don't know how too be strong when I'm hurting so badly
  • I just want to break down. Thinking about him taking care of her kids when he won't even take care of his own. Everything we planned and talked about we now have and he's cheating on me with HER!! I'm sick to my stomach, i can't take the pain. I'm so so heart broken. I sent him a text saying I'm leaving and he can basically do whatever he wants and he didn't reply all day. I wish heart break didn't ever exist.
  • he might not text or call now but he well. that woman well not leave her husband for him they have two kids it well hit him and when it does he well be crying and begging u to go back with him and he well use ur baby to get u back its up to u to decide what u want but if u go back please make sure u scare the shit out of him so he wont do this again I know its hard and hurts and u guys have been together for a long time and had plans being in a relationship has bumpy roads just stay strong pray a lot God well get u threw this u heart well heal just might take time I'm sorry u have to go threw this with so much pain that women should b ashame of her self shell meet carma one day
  • Stay strong mama!!
  • I am so proud of you! You can do this and you have an amazing support system! Did you find out for sure that he is cheating with her? I think I missed it because in the OP you said you found out he was texting her, but didn't say anything much more than that. I am so sorry :(
  • You can do it, just keep thinking about you & your baby's future! I doubt she will stay with him, he doesn't sound like much of a catch. Just stay strong & if you do feel weak, remember why you're doing this. (((hugs)))
  • @roxy that girl could leave her husband that was exactly what happened to my hubby and his ex she cheated he found out she said she didn't want to make it work filled for divorce they have child together. And I hope me doesn't come back he doesn't deserve you those two deserve each other trust me karma is bitch my hubby and I are very happy have another baby on the way great home she got nothing that's actually theirs everything she got is bc of my hubby letting her have it like the house the car we even paid her mortgage for year and all these were under his name she can't get anything under her name bc they both don't have that great of jobs bc they don't want to do anymore school and they don't have good credit bc of her which she messed up my husband's while they were still married but thank God were able to fix everything she's stuck. That's why @mommylovesspark you deserve much better :)
  • I'm so sorry :( please stay strong...for your daughter. Because he WILL come crawling back.
  • @mommylovessparkle it won't be easy. Its ok to be scared and its ok to cry, i know this is gonna sound harsh and maybe mean, but take a few days to hurt and cry all you want and then get up, clean those tears away and look forward and move on to the better future that awaits you. You are strong, but if you let this get to you it will affect you. You have a daughter to live for, you cannot let this throw you down.
    Who cares if your family has never seen a separation? There's always a first time for everything, and Im sure they don't care cause they are supporting you. Don't worry about what the world has to say, worry about doing better for you and your daughter :)
  • @roxy he was telling me a few months back that she was unhappy in her marriage. I know he's going to miss me and want me back I'm going to make sure of it but I'm NOT going to take him back.

    @mommyof3girls thank you.

    @captivated I don't know for sure, but if he's hiding texts from her and going out with her at 5am when he knows he's not even allowed to be alone with another girl in the car then i know for a fact he's cheating. Why is he even showing her all this attention and neglecting our child and I. I'm not even joking when i said she was ugly. She weighs at least 300lbs and looks like a warthog it was a total downgrade.

    @wilsomom i doubt she'll stay with him too if he does us with her. Oh who knows maybe they'll be one happy family. I care and I'm sad but right now I'm angry with him for treating our daughter like sh*t. I just hate him so much :(

  • @Jules oh no, that scares me. I'm for sure going to be a strong woman and pray that everything goes good, easy, and smooth for me and on daughter. Since day one everyone told me I'm too good for him or too pretty for him and now i know they're right.i still love him but i can't look at him after i think about what he's done to my daughter and I.

    @ExcitedforOctober I definitely will stay strong. Last night i really broke down throwing up, stomach knots, chills, crying, you name it i went through it. But believe me.. I'm going to make him go crazy over me.

    @perly your completely correct. I don't even want to break down, I'm ready to fight back today I'm going to look for a job and start saving money for a car then hopefully my daughter and I will get our own place. I know i can do it. I will do it.
  • @mommylovessparkle and when he comes back asking you to forgive him and to take him back, forgive him (because we all make mistakes) but DO NOT TAKE HIM BACK (because you and your daughter didn't deserve to pay for his mistakes).

    You see the difference? Kinda like when people say "i can forgive but i can't forget", ok well just like that. Forgive his mistakes, but don't justify his mistakes.
  • @perly Am I wrong for leaving him or right? I will forgive but not forget. I won't take him back. After all the hurt he's caused me I can't do it. Its already so weird to live life without him i was extremely dependant on him and I think no matter what I'll always love him but i can't get it out of my head how he treats my daughter and myself and i hate that!
  • Ur not wrong at all for leaving him that's what's best for bu and ur daughter his not being good man to u or good father or example for his daughter if u stay u will be showing ur daughter that its ok to let men do whatever and that this is noraml for women to be treated this way. Things won't be soo bad for u guys u were never married to him therefore there's not much he can do and if he is doing drugs no court will even let him around a child so u don't have to worry about him taking her away. And as far as that girl staying with him or whatever don't even give it another thought who cares what those two do as long as u and ur daughter as safe happy healthy he can do whatever.
  • @Jules your completely right i couldn't agree more with you. Thank you.
  • @mommylovessparkle honey, you are absolutely right in every way, shape or form. You put up with a lot more than i would have. I would have left the first time he went out at 5am with another woman.
    I might sound like Im mean, but i don't put up with bullshit. I strongly believe that if im giving a man my all, i deserve the same, so i don't settle. To my husband, i am his dream wife... but he knows that if he messes up(cheats on me or abuses me) once, he will lose his dream wife. And we are on the same page about this. Im warned as well. He is my dream husband, but if one day i mess up, he will be out the door...

    Like i said, i believe that people make mistakes and i can forgive a mistake, but i won't go back because i don't have to suffer for anyone else's mistake.
  • @perly your right i have to say the truth. I keep doubting myself because i love this man like no other but dann how can he hurt me like that. I deserve so much better.
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