This isn't for me!!



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  • I mean of course you should leave big dummy, yall never had sex thats not your child, send her trifling ass packing. Thats what I wanted to say lol
  • Tell her to go be with the baby daddie
  • Lol. My dad hates the names I picked out. Achilles (no middle name yet) for a boy and Pandora Valkyrie/Briseis for a girl. They're both ancient Greek names and Valkyrie is Nordic. When my dad asked and I told him, he said, "You can't make up names like a negro! They have to be in a baby name book." My face went :O who says negro anymore??? And in public! Wtf?! I don't want traditional or Biblical names, but these aren't ghetto or made up.
  • Now even though I'm black I agree with your dad. Most of us make up names, and thats what I'm steering clear of! I want my child to have aequal chance at a job! Donnisha or lashay isn't gonna have the same oopurrunity as Jenny or Becky
  • Oh yeah, I do like the Greek names. I like Apollonia for a girl. My mom said it sounds like a boys name. And Adeena. Don't remember if that one is Greek or Italian.
  • Greek names are weird
  • YEah, especially now women tattle tale if you say something they don't like. If you post something publicly I believe you should be ready for other peoples views and feedback. I like to laugh when people get too into it, its the internet!
  • I think this needs to be deleted.... Omg you women are so rude I just can't handle it :) jk ha I thought that was funny and I agree to some things I don't try to get sympathy from anyone I just try explain things so that someone else understands and may offer information I do not know and I do feel bad for people worse off than i. But still we gotta be strong some people should just suck it up. Some stuff is a ligit question. Other is just a laugh to me :) but I could go on all day. I wish I knew what the forum was like before I just recently joined so I thought it was all like this.. oh well I don't have a clue but all I gave to say to all if everything is YAY BABIES!!!!!!! THEY SHALL BE WONDEROUS :)
  • Lol u had me there. But yeah idk whats wrong with some of these women.
    oh and one more opinion hispanic women let there kids run all over the place in public give me a belt I'll sit them down
  • Speaking of spanking, I was spanked as a kid, I've spanked my kids. I swat on the butt isn't going to kill them, why are people so up in arms about that? Don't get me wrong, it takes a lot for me to spank my boys, I think I've had to do it once in the past 4 years. I would never beat me kids, but I just don't understand why people are getting abuse charges put on them for a swat in the butt.
  • OMG that's like the funniest thing I have ever read then thought about it and its so true. Ha I needed a good laugh and BTW I just had to be sarcastic its just me :)
  • edited March 2011
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  • @mommie_Mcatee I must agree I live in Houston TX and I have to use the laundry mat to do my laundry I hate sundays lol
  • @Mommie_McAtee you are so funny! My husband is african and I'm caucasian (not that it really matters). We have a serious diva princess named Sophia Esinam. She's hillarious. I'm with you though I don't want my children to have ghetto sounding names or something made up. So I've told my husband that he can pick a Ghanian middle name and I get to pick first names. That way they can claim roots to both sides of our family. He and I always take note of names like Lucrietia or Candida.
  • @Mommie_McAtee you need E girl names? and @Jwigs I LOVE Apollonia!
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  • I think the worst name I ever heard was a little boy named shithead pronounced shi-theed, I was like seriously?!
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  • @uncaffeinated_katie I thought it was a joke too, but he was so serious.
  • Lol we the movies and little boy running up and down the stairs during the movie. My bf said where yo dad? Sit yo ass down. lol and behold the rascal stayed his as s in that seat. I mean how can they ignore. Oh I worked at wal mart I was about ready to slap those kids. All under the racks. Messing up the tables.
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  • I used to work as an usher and security for the arenas around here, and every year I dreaded the circus coming to town. I hated working those shows because the kids are sugared up and insane. And there was always so many lost kids because their parents weren't paying attention, or the fits because they wanted their parents to buy them something. I don't understand how parents can let their kids act that way and not do anything.
  • Sometimes I ask the kids what was your mama thinking naming you that
  • Im sorry but when I see the white ladies with the kids connected to their wrist with the animal connected to the child I hard. Thats too much
  • Lol...the "leash" works tho. I have a 3 yr old who loves to run off and not listen. I have used one at carnival or fairs where there's so many people and a strolled is hard to get around. I was always embarrassed at first tho. LOL
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