This isn't for me!!



  • I'm with uncaffeinated_katie on that one...
  • Lol I.would be too. Especially with me being black they would say look at her cant control her child pityful
  • it's ok my people do too because they think pajamas are made for public
  • I saw this lady one time and she had like 5 leashed kids attached to her, and they looked to be all under the age of 7. I was like please let her be a babysitter!!
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  • And what about the koreans who have their kids, in strollers and their feet touch the ground lmao
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  • oooo yeah, as soon as I heard my full name, I went running for the hills, because I new that I was pushing it. I'm a WASP, technically, but both of my parents were active duty enlisted navy, and my mom was a firefighter before she joined the navy. You did not misbehave.
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  • @mama_kat I don't think that it's we have something against you, I just think that if one person is offended, and most aren't, then maybe y'all should talk to that one person. I don't think it's fair to censor people or stop a convo because one person gets upset.
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  • Mama kat I dont read your post sorry
  • Ha ha @Mommie_McAtee when I read the leash thing I know you said your African American and its so funny cuz I totally thought of katt Williams lol I'm caucasion as well shame on us lol I look at some of my people like ha really WOW but your totally right its flat hysterical :)
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  • @uncaffeinated_katie yes! those people are crazy!

    @lmelanson I thought of Katt Williams too! I love that part!
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  • @mama_kat, I can completely understand that. I don't understand why most people get offended in general. I wouldn't know what to do if I was in your shoes, and I think you are doing a great job. I really don't have a problem with what you are doing, I just have a general problem with some of the people. But I guess that's my opinion. ;)
  • I don't understand why you would post this. If you are consistently annoyed don't read it! You are talking about hormonal, pregnant woman who just need a little support. Maybe you shouldn't let it get to you so much.
  • was fun while it lasted. Thanks @mommie_mcatee for making this post I really enjoyed it.
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  • This might get hilarious very quickly...
  • I personally have enjoyed reading this post and all the comments. Everyone has gotten along...its been great!!! I feel the drama coming tho...its only a matter of time.
  • Yeah thanks @mommie_mcatee this post has kept me occupies most of my while I have been extremely bored at work
  • I liked reading it today :) I also liked the responses I got from my post about the names I picked and my dads reaction. Lol.
  • Why do we always fall back to the hormones I might not have been emotional before pregnancy but I dam sure was an opionated B*tch that didnt change >:-)
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