This isn't for me!!



  • @may1mommatobe AMEN!! HAHAHA, you know that song Bitch by Meredith Brooks? I love that song and all the guys at work say its my theme song! I'm not that bad I don't think, I just don't sugarcoat things and I don't put up with ignorance very well.
  • @kriss82001 I have her on my pandora radio i love that song and my bf calls me the devil
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  • @mam_kat that is where the problems come in for me why what was said that was so wrong or hurtful towards any one person. I might just end up deleting pregly I did not want to but it might have come to that point for me.
  • @mama_kat this is what I don't understand, one person put up a post that she didn't like what we were saying, we acknowledged her comment without any arguements or rudeness, and now you are "sinking" the post. Why?
  • So how do I inbox @martin cause I want to tell him how I used to like his app but not so much anymore
  • @may1mommatobe I'm with you I'm ready to delete this app also I feel like I'm in school have to watch what we say. Maybe someone should create another pregnancy app to where people can speak their minds and have fun cause this just isn't fun anymore.
  • @momma2be1990 I mean atleast on faceook I can cuss lol and speak my mind and no one can delete me for it Im about to get rude as I try so hard not to be on here
  • @mama_kat I know I'll probably get deleted or whatever for saying this but what gives u the right to sink this post? Its been a great post n no ones said anything outta line. I get that ur a monitor now but I think ur taking it a bit to ur head. Not to be rude, I'm really not, but its getting tiring hearing about u being a monitor every time u post. Plus I've been on here for a while now n I've never seen the need to actually have monitors. @Martin was doin a fine job. I'm sorry to let it out n be rude but u asked. N I'm not saying other people feel the same. Its just my feelings.
  • I'm disappointed that this thread is being modified in any way, honestly. I've really enjoyed reading it, it's one of the few posts that have made me laugh in a while. it seems like the issue isn't with the people posting, just with one person who complained. It just doesn't seem fair. I'm all for moderating when people are being nasty, but when the majority are enjoying themselves and one or two people don't like it, I don't understand why those one or two people aren't asked to stay off the thread if they have a problem. I'm not in your shoes, @mama_kat, and I don't want to judge (generally I think you do a great job) but I don't think this is fair.
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  • This has been a great thread...i have watched it all day. First time in a long time that I enjoyed person comes on with a remark and the thread gets sank....sheesh!

    @mommie_mcatee thank you...i agree with your intentions and appreciaye them
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  • @itsfinallyhappening @2girls1boy @uncaffeinated_katie we all knew it was coming I have been waiting all day for it to happen I just dont understand it. Why is the post "I love this place" not being sunk. They have just really mad me cranky
  • This by far was the best post in a long time. You ladies are hilarious & made my day. :-)
  • I've enjoyed talking with you ladies all day, it's the first time I've ever done that. I wish we could say "if you don't agree then don't read" like everyone else does, but that would go against what this whole convo started as. I hope everyone has happy, healthy pregnancies and babies!
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  • edited March 2011
    But I don't think its fair to sink it cause of one bad apple. We're all adults here & if that person didn't like it she shouldn't have commented. This feels like grade school all over again
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  • its like the leash thread earlier...ppl got hot on it it got deleted. I made a thread and it was closed for potential drama but the traditional parenting stayed up and even had the moderators commenting how they agree. Its frustrating
  • Ok stepped out for some pizza. Now yall know I'm pissed! Mama kat get a life. You wanna give all the bull crap happy go lucky advice. Well this post isn't fake! We've enjoyed ourselves and it's always a rotten apple in every bunch! And for you up there making excuses for every pregnant woman who asked you to comment. When I read b s trust me I back out of it. People dont warn me that their post will be some b s I'm the title thats why I read smart ass
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  • Mmmm pizza! Hawaiaan pizza extra cheese pls
  • I'll take pepperoni!! :p
  • Mmmm what kind is it my fav is Hawaiian pizza with pineapple soo good lol
  • I agree this has been an entertaining, drama free thread and it is ridiculous to "sink" it.
  • OOh...and I want some pizza!!!
  • There really needs to be a "smart ass" club category....
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