This app....

edited March 2011 in About App & Forum
Is confusing, unfair, pure comedy, aaand a few folks are contradictory, lmbo can I say tht?


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  • Lol, this is my opinion, although you really cant say to much on here or someone will be offended, everyone is not gunna always agree with me, I can understand and except tht, but others act like were in gradeschool, they r running to tell, lmbo to funny we r adults wht does telling solve, toughen up, and face life,..we r all big boys and girls, just keep it respectful, and say whts on ur mind.
  • i totally agree...its crazy
  • Yup. I was just reading mama kat's post about living in the projects and two women started being all rude about it. That isn't pregnancy related and blahblahblah. Lighten up >.>
  • I'm also tired of people talking about getting abortions. That's never a good subject on a pregnancy app!
  • I completely and utterly agree.....grrrrrrrrr lol x
  • agree agree agree!!!!!!
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  • Agree...ugh!!! Some peeps are rude!
  • @KerriDeeRN unless you have your fan club and background singers to back you up,...thn its ok to speak your mind,.lol I dont get it, girl its throwin me for a loop, but ive come to this conclusion, if its a touchy subject, I wont comment wheather I agree or disagree. I dont think it should be tht way. But at the same time I realize tht I am just as much of an adult as anyone else on here,..and you r absolutely right in your comment.
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  • The weed and abortion topics used to be the its the norm happening daily. I miss the good funny stuff!!!
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  • I do...the joke thread was hysterical! I read them to hubby....we laughed!!
  • @ladeebug i agree..i was enjoying this app..and learning and giving advise ..but nicely and nothing rude..but yesterday and today..all see is people getting mad..everyones mad@ there bd there family a stranger..I dnt mind the venting,but man everyones venting today! I ve been seeing alot of abortion talk..and soo many mc/still birth which sadness and scares me!
  • This mess is too serious! I never get to see any lol's or lmao's.. And on the touchy subjects, sense when did being pregnant involve getting your panties in a wad! Lol. I like this thread..I probably done pissed some people off with this post.
  • I dislike the comments about weed and stuff too. I Don't understand why someone would choose That lifestyle while pregnant. Abortion though is such a touchy and terrible subject and if people couldn't talk about it here they may not have anyone else to go to. I'm against abortion for many reasons including losing two pregnancies of my own and if my opinion on the topic helps someone or an unborn child I'll gladly give it. Unfortunately to a scared pregnant woman looking for answers, the information provided even in a clinic is purely opinion. I also think sometimes people post about abortion just to start drama rather than providing real help or information.
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  • You guys have prob already been told on,...picture it, tapping admins shoulder, and so doesnt feel the same way I do about a subject thts sure to get plenty of feed back,.lmbo
  • yea i barely comment because when i do i get emails from martin...i was always taught realness is the best way to be...its crazy u cant free ur sure this thread will be deleted soon...i dont need to run and tell im grown but alot of people on here do....
  • Wow emails from martin lol...i just get threads shut down. I better step up my game
  • Lmbo, yeah the truth usually hurts,..
  • I rarely post...u guys are right no one pays attention unless there is drama involved. I loved this forum but its getting worse than "myspace". Ugh...i mean I just try n read but mind my business! Or I might get attacked...
  • I feel the same way ladies! Some of the things that people post are crazy. I'm sure I've pissed several people off. Don't ask stupid questions without expecting stupid answers!
  • I would prefer in your face honesty over candy sweet bull$hit anyday!
  • edited March 2011
    Excuse me ms @kerrideern I love ya post. Ms what was the funniest kid line in a movie
  • N I agree wit it sometimes bein an attack forum. I got attacked for tellin ppl that babies are people not dogs nd leashes were wrong
  • all i see is email martin or moderators....Smfh....we not in school.....i dont need to tell on anyone....POlICE ON HERE lol....imma get banned for saying that
  • waiting on this one get closed.....or a moderator to comment to email martin or them lol
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