reading...anyone who posted on my wall and asked...



  • @mommyto1soontob2 Hey I would like to know if my baby will be ok? Im 13 weeks and last week doctors found a hemorrhage next toy uterus and part of the placenta covering the cervix. Im just really worried bout the baby
  • @mommyto1soontob2
    Am I having a healthy pregnancy?
  • Hi. Just wanted to see if you could tell whether my baby is a boy or girl. I was told girl, then 2 hours later told boy.
  • Am I ever gonna be able to have a baby with my boyfriend is it me or him n if I am how soon
  • Hi! I just want to know if my son is coming soon or if ill be overdue... and also if he will be a healthy child and if he looks like me or his father??
  • I have 2 questions...1st my gut is saying grl, I'm I rght...the next is is this my hubby's baby
  • edited March 2011
    @mommyto1soontob2 Hi this so awesome, you have a very special gift! I have a couple questions.. I ended up having a csection with my son and it was a very scary situation. My dr's telling me I have to have another one.. will I have to have another csection this time or will she come on her own? Will she be early? & is she healthy? Oh & if I have to have another csection will it be easier this time? Or if I have her naturally will labor be easy? Sorry as you can see i'm really nervous Lol. Thank you so much!
  • @mommy1soontobe2 will I finally get my boy, can u tell if my life will change for the better? Thanks
  • Will my fam accept my babyy?
  • Will i b getting another c section? And will this baby b smaller or bigger? Thanks :)
  • Is my babys father ever gonna change his ways;/
  • @mommyto1soontob2 : I have a few questions. First, do you have any insight regarding my miscarriage? Second, do I specifically have anybody that watches over my son and I, such as a relative that has passed on? Third, are all these pregnancy related issues going to affect the health of my baby girl, and will she be normal and healthy (and will she be a large baby at birth lol)? Last, will her father EVER decide to stop being such a piece of crap?

    Sorry to bombard you, but these are all questions I ponder on a daily basis, and any insight or answers would be delightful.

    Thanks! :)
  • Any idea on gender for this baby? Which due date is more accurate to when baby comes, is it my first due date or second due date? Thanks! :)
  • My baby keeps measuring big. Does that mean i'll have her earlier?
  • I was told i was having a girl at 18 weeks the ultra sound tech was 80% sure was she correct?
  • Heres Mine, kinda random. will I ever stop having dreams about my ex? And if you can answer this, why has this been happening every single night for the past 4 years?
  • Oh yeah i forgot lol is my husband and i going to last also can u see the name i choose for her im having such a hard time choosing lol
  • Hey if you have time could you maybe tell me if im going to be doing this with or without the father? Thank you so much for your time and all the best to you and baby xx
  • @mommyto1soontob2 my husband just got a letter saying he didn't make it in the nursing program and we don't know why he scored really high on his test and he has amazing grades in school should he continue to try for another school or move onto another career ... he seems lost and depressed about the news I don't know how to comfort him.
  • @mommyto1soontobe2 I had mc in 09 I'm now 15 weeks with this pregnancy and just wanting to make sure my little squiggle bug is healthy and doing good in there? Also can you see if its a fiesty little girl? I have a feeling it is?? Also I'm scared to death of having another c section and want to find out if the c section will go right and all will be ok? Sorry I have lots of questions, I hope you will be able to tell :) thanks! :)
  • Alos @mommyto1soontobe2... I have been having nightmares that my husband does not love me anymore and the dreams are so realistic, in the dream he tells me he needs space, and he does not know if he loves me anymore???? I am also pregnant in the dreams, and what's happening in real life is happening in my dreams, other than the part where my hubby tells me he does not know if he loves me anymore. Are those dreams telling me something, or is it just an effect of pregnancy hormones?
  • I'm 8wks today. I want a girl. Plus my ex is against this pregnancy will he come around to it and will this baby be hapoy and healthy just like its brother.
  • Hey...this is my 1st time preggs...will it be a successful 1?!
  • @mommyto1soontobe2

    Think i posted on ur wall a while back. I just want to kno, what are the signs i should look for when my nans around? and can you tell my babas gender? Ive got till june to wait! Thanks in advance :)
  • Mommy- I am wondering if I am having a girl this time? Everyone tells me it's going to be another boy.
  • @mommyto1soontobe2 am i having a girl? and will she come before the expected due date, sept 6?
  • Lol are you for real lol I dont believe you lol
  • @mommyto1soontobe2 Just wondering if your able too see a boy or a girl I already have a boy and a girl, and if I should leave my boyfriend alone pz :)
  • Ok my question is I had a u/s at 6 weeks we saw a baby and a faint heart beat. I don't have my next appt till April 6th. I need to know baby is ok? And still growing? And if u can boy or girl? Thank you!
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