This isn't for me!!



  • Idk @mommie_mcatee some of these women really need to let out their problems. Who are we to judge? I don't mind seeing these posts cause I know everyone has their own issues.
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  • I agree that many of the posts on this forum seem highly dramatic, I just try to imagine what it might be like for someone who needs a forum like this to get advice about an affair or a teen pregnancy. Where are family and friends in these situations you know? I feel like most of us ladies post discussions as a way of getting some different points of view and comparing experiences, it seems like some of the more dramatic posts are very very desperate.. and i mean desperate for help! Even if they seem like sob stories - for attention, can you imagine being that kind of person that needs to tell an entire internet community that your husband is going behind your back or you lost your child at 30wks just for attention? Painful.. I'd say just let those posts slide by and devote your attention to issues that are pertinent and meaningful to you :)
  • When I signed up for this I hadn't told pple I was pregnant so I found it comforting to talk to people who knew what I was going through. Most people are just letting their hormones get the best of them. N if u can't say anything nice don't say anything at all. That's just how I feel
  • I agree 100%. People ask question but get offended over responses. This forum has changed greatly. I never wanna comment anymore cuz some way somehow someone is offended by it. Someone will get offended but this discussion I'm more than positive they will.
  • @awamommy I couldn't agree with u more!! Ha
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  • Well, I wouldn't mind the post if you were actually allowrd to give your honest opinion. Sometimes I look for the one s that ask for honest opinions
  • I must agree with @kriss82001. I joined the forum because I like good reads and sometimes I just sit back and laugh at how people react to others :-)) .... But then again I don't think it has to do with common sense not all of it anyway, because this is my first pregnancy and before this I never planned on having children (i've never even changed a diaper) so some of the things I might ask are for informational purposes (I like to get answers from people who have had 3 or 4 kids) I don't think means I have no common sense. I agree that the pregly support is more like censorship I think we should all be able to write and express our own opinions (maybe not call people names but express how we feel about the situation) without being deleted. Sometimes I post about my personal relationship because before getting pregnant I was never emotional I did not understand the hormonal changes so its comforting to know I'm not the only who hates my bf on all days that end in Y right now >:-). Well since I have typed a book now I quess I am done lol I just wish everyone the best of luck with delivering a healthy happy baby.... cant wait to meet my lil prince <):) come on May 1 :bz
  • @uncaffeinated_katie hahaha! Too true! I have a couple of friends that are female, just not many. I have three older sisters, that's enough drama for me! :-D
  • Oh I and I love the smileys on this website :-D
  • Wait, guys.. give your honest opinions but be prepared for people not to like them ya know?! who cares?! I got REALLY pissed about a post yesterday - first and last - and it just is what it is.. I mean.. have moderators ever said to not be honest? Keep a good attitude and say what you feel with class and youre fine. Cant please everyone!
  • @uncaffeinated_katie EXACTLY!! ( pat on the butt!! Either you onhere for true opinions or you want to be babied. The truth isn't always nice. So that saying has to be thrown out the window on a forum. Unless someones tlaking about killing themselves
  • @may1mommatobe I'm the same way, I'm not a very emotional person, and have problems dealing with the hormones sometimes, but some people just need to realize when they are slamming their heads against a brick wall, and they aren't going to get anywhere.
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  • Even when ppl ask for an opinion and you give it...if its not what they want to hear then your bullying or critical. I have seen alot get deleted lately but then bc of the manipulation of wording other threads get to stay. The traditional one infuriated me. I didnt comment bc I had an opposing opinion...which is not allowed!
  • Yeah I see some post that I know I am just reading because I forgot my book at home lol .... @uncaffeinate_katie I agree abt the emergency room why does no one ever want to call their dr
  • @uncaffeinated_katie AMEN!!! I'm a paramedic, and that is my biggest pet-peeve on the planet!!! I never realized how much people abused that system until I got on an ambulance!!
  • @2girls1boy.. i posted on traditional and caught hell for it.. but im stickin around! As my grandfather always says "It takes all types to make the world go round" agree to disagree, I say just avoid being blatantly rude
  • Some of the drama is ridiculous, im here to try to help others who don't have support because i don't have much support myself. One friend, no family, stuck in the house all day, nowhere to go, SO tired of the same old crap on tv all the time. I do give my honest opinion when it is asked for, and relate my experiences, but i don't comment on every post anymore. Not worth the drama..
  • I feel that we are all grown here so why do we have to be monitered? I don't hardly ever respond to post but it pisses me off when they threaten to delete someone else's comment just because they speak their mind.
  • and thats a bunch of crap. For future post that I make please say whatever you feel. I'm not one to get offended!! 1st amendmant....if I spelled it wrong so what this isn't a job app lol
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  • @mommie_mcatee even though you won't get offened there's always that one person who will and raise hell about it.
  • I think there is a difference between being rude because you think a person is wrong, and trying to communicate your difference of opinion. And while I agree that it's not a big deal to disagree, I don't think its necessary to belittle a person. However, it's a special case on here where people are quick to pull the victim card. It can be frustrating and lead to insult flinging where it isn't necessary.

    It's like... someone bitches about getting a paper cut and how bad it hurts. Then someone says that paper cuts don't hurt that bad. First person blows up because the second is so insensitive. Second tells first to get over it, its just a damn paper cut, labor and birth will be worse. First freaks out and says second is calling them a bad mother. Second just says eff it all and tells them they are a bad mother if they can't handle a paper cut.

    It's stupid.
  • @uncaffeinated_katie I'm surprised someone hasn't came on here yet stating that this post might offend someone and must be deleted. Lol
  • Jwigs: perfect explaination!
  • @momma2be1990 Yep thats what I am waiting to see happen to lol
  • Another thing this girl posted about her names for her children. Asked for honest opinions, but I felt like she was mad at us for saying that the little girls name was ugly. Maybe I should have said. In my honest opinion before I stated that I didn't like the name
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