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  • I stopped burping my daughter when she started burping herself. During or directly after her bottle's she burps, and it's adorable :)
  • We change our daughter every time we notice she's pee'd. That being said she is still very sensitive too redness, and rash. BUT it's definitely not because we don't change her, or let her sit in it. Which some people would assume the reason would be…
  • With my daughter, my water broke 2 weeks exactly before my due date, and I had her 32 hours later :)
  • Thank you all!! @tinka1326 - I had a list of names for my daughter, and my Mother hated them all... So she made up her own name and told everyone that's what I was calling her. She even tried to put her WHOLE name in my daughters name, and got her …
  • I'm so sorry to hear that! I live in Canada... I'm going to assume (So I could TOTALLY be wrong... Shoot I said I wouldn't CAPS a word to emphasize it any more lol... Okay, last time!) So anyway, I'm going to assume you mean a -Social Security Numbe…
  • @Mimii36 Can't argue with the truth
  • @redhead25 I tried to find out at my 20 week appointment (They won't check here until you are at least 20 weeks) but the baby was in a bad position. I'm 25 weeks 4 day's now and I go in for another Ultrasound on the 31st of this month. The gender re…
  • Tough On one hand, I see people take advantage of these "support systems", and on the other hand some people genuinely need them. In my city, they put a daycare at the high school. Free daycare to teenage moms and then they made a whole ho…
  • @redhead25
  • I forgot to mention that I had my Daughter in May so I had no period after my bleeding until them, So while I was BF. I think it honestly depends on the woman. If a baby is not something you really want right now because yours is so young then just…
  • I Breastfed my daughter for about 2 months before my milk dried up. I stopped bleeding at 3 weeks PP and then my period was July 24th-27th and then I missed my next period because I was pregnant. BUT I used the period that I had gotten as a timelin…
  • @Mom2ING Yea... She's not my friend She's friends with my SIL and due too her poor parenting I never liked to be around her. It's sad, but I've seen or heard of a few women choosing men over their children. Having children, when you are a child. My…
  • First attempt at the whole tagging someone... hope I did it right lol
  • @Mom2ING The daughter is older now, she's about 12ish She lives with her grandmother because her mothers new BF and BD doesn't like the fact she's not his child and doesn't want her under the same roof as him. I think that explains things a little b…
  • I know a girl who "popped" her daughters hand all the time, they were constantly purple. I prefer the no, and pulling the toy away or moving their hand away.
  • Birth Control is not all 99.99 percent effective, it depends on which kind you take. Depo is one of the most effective.
  • I make headbands, and Clips and such. I love this one <3 <3 Put me in the mood to make some more.
  • Ohh....Boy... Well, just so everyone knows... I use Caps to emphasize a word... I never even thought people would think I was yelling at them. In my head it makes them look at or think about the word a bit more then just putting it in normal caps in…
  • My Daughter loves to play with her Daddy's Ps3 Controller, The remote for the Television, Bottles for Lotions... Especially the Mini's for the Diaper Bag. Her Wipes Container (The Plastic Kind), She loves washed Yogurt lids, Dvd Cases, and the broom…
  • I've known a lot of people who kind of used it as an excuse too put their very tiny babies in it and walk away. It's not a secure device, and babies can flip out of it. Bumbo's are pretty wicked though! I too had a Fatty legged baby so she didn't u…
  • I'm still at that stage where I don't want to leave my daughter with anyone, and luckily I've only been REALLY sick once. That time... and I had NO help. My SIL keeps having children and wants/tries for all of them. Her husband was deported and had…
  • P.S It does sound like you're being used as a live in Nanny You're saving them SO MUCH in daycare
  • I do it ALL BY MYSELF! My family doesn't help me, and my partner's family doesn't either They take his sisters three kids so she can just hang out with friends, or go shopping, even my being so sick that I could barely see... Well... "That's ju…
  • OMG TWINS!! That's so Awesome, Congrats!!!
  • Do you feel he needs it, or are you only doing it because people are telling you too? If he doesn't need it then you could probably hold off, but if you think he's ready then go for it. I started my daughter out with half a scoop in a bottle just to…
  • I think Cloth Diapers can also go by the weight of the baby, don't actually know though Was thinking about trying them with Baby Number Two. I think Women who do it are pretty nifty... and then I remember I'm kind of lazy lol which is why I buy them
  • Yea, Like I said Every Mom is different, it's one of those things that you could either argue about until you're blue in the face, OR just do what you feel is best and trust that other women will do the same. Your baby will also let you know. A good…
  • Depends on you If you ask a nutritionist (Where I live) they say absolutely nothing before 6 months old. I started making my daughter baby food at about 5 months. At 6 months old I started giving her egg's and the other stuff because it's recommende…
  • Eight Months old Size Three Diapers :)