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- MandyGregory
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I'm due the 20th. Dilated at 2cm and 75% effaced, been like this since June 26th. Still have my plug and I don't think she's ever coming out!!!
I'll be 37 weeks on wednesday and today at the doctors I was 2cm dilated and 75% effaced. She said I could go anytime :)
@usmcwifemommy101107 Okay :) I had no idea it was like that, I thought it happened in one movement! I guess that would explain why its getting harder for me to walk.
Thank you ladies!!! That makes me feel a whole lot better!!!
Ill be 35w tomorrow and I'm due July 20th. I still haven't had braxton hicks, don't know if that's good or bad, but she sure is kicking away!
I would never cry like that! Dang hormones :)
Okay good, that makes me feel so much better :)
Kaden Keller :)
Do you use this app on you're phone or computer? The phone app has a name section with almost any "C" name you could think of :)
I live in Harrisonville, Mo and I'm due July 20th with a girl! We're naming her Lucille but she'll be Lucy for short :) Congrats on the boy!
Same here, I took the gel first trimester and I'm 23 weeks with no problem :)
The reason why I could feel my girl early was because the placenta is behind her and there for pushes her out.
It very well could be, I'm pregnant with my first and I started feeling her around the 15-16 week. I'm 23 weeks now and she never stops :) Congrats Momma!
Im so scared that I'm not going to be able to lose the weight! As for how much I've gained... I turn the other way when I'm at the doctors office getting weighed :)
haha! I totally agree! It drives me nuts and it scares me a little because those people are having babies...
Haha, it just freaks me out a little, I've never been bigger than a B, but I'll tell ya, my husband sure loves it :)
I'm using my grandmothers name for my daughters first name. Her name will be Lucille but we'll call her Lucy for short. My mothers excited about the name because she knows how excited my grandma will be :) Plus I can always name my second girl after…
Thanks ladies! It always makes me feel better talking to you guys!
Usually insurance doesn't cover it. Its totally out of pocket. Mine is going to cost $125
we're having our 3D scan done when I'm at 28 weeks. They say to have it done between 26 to 30 weeks. Having one before 26 weeks, the doctor says theres too much water around the baby. After 30 weeks the baby could be too smooched.
I would totally say girl. My girl is 170 :) another way my family could tell that I was having a girl, is that I'm carrying her from all around and usually if your having a boy, generally their carried all in front and not from side to side.
@pooh22 yes ma'am it is! :)
Definitely sounds like a girl to me :)
BACON!!! Yuck!!!
I'm hungry 24/7! I hope it's normal haha :)
160!!! I bet your having a girl... :)
Our little girl will be here July 20th and we're naming her Lucille Ann, but Luci for short :)
We're having a girl!!! Were so excited!
I'm 19 weeks 4 days