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  • It's not like obgyn doctors enjoy looking at women's vaginas and putting their hand up there, the reason they want to be obgyn doctors is to deliver babies. And the yucky part of it just comes with being a doctor that delivers babies lol.
  • wow...that's dumb. does he think you're gonna do the doctor right in the room or something? hah, doctors are doctors and when you have a male theres always a female nurse in the room too. tell him if he has a problem with it that he should just go w…
  • @kbg10 early? i'll be almost 19 weeks by then
  • Thanks. I just don't feel attractive anymore, I used to be skinny and my skin was always clear now I have acne breaking out everywhere and weight being gained on my hips and thighs. I'm worried about summer because I still wanna be able to wear shor…
  • Lately i've noticed that within the past couple days when I wake up in the morning on one side of my stomach below my belly button theres like a hard lump but then i get up moving around and it goes away. I'm only 15 weeks but idk if thats the baby …
  • @tamsy79 I feel the exact same way, when i wake up in the morning i look normal but then after i eat i look bloated so i know i don't have a "baby bump" yet, and i dont feel any movement, i don't have morning sickness anymore. I don't feel…
  • @BabyComingSoon143 lol like a month ago I wasn't feeling like i'm pregnant, I still dont, but I had one pregnancy test left over and I took it lol
  • I heard my baby's heartbeat at 7 weeks, that's a little odd that they still can't detect it. You might wanna go to a doctor or hospital and get an ultrasound?
  • I'm due September 28 and am 15 weeks tomorrow but i'm not showing yet, and don't feel any movement. I'll know the sex on May 3rd
  • Meee, I have to take naps every day and i'll be 15 weeks tomorrow. Thank god my morning sickness is gone at least
  • @ashley_smashley that sounds really good i'm gonna have to make that lol
  • Haha that's like my dad, my mom and him are 18 years apart. He was married and had kids way before he met my mom. When they had me , both of my dads other kids were already married and one had kids already. So I have a niece and nephew who are older…
  • thanks. i also don't see how the show gives teen moms a bad name, well jenelle definetly does, but everything else in the show is real life drama teens go through when they're parents.
  • @marinesangel you're bashing people saying "don't open up your legs til you know you're ready for a baby" when you had a baby at 18? i'm guessing your baby wasn't planned, so you should know that shit happens....everyone is different and s…
  • They didn't give up their baby because they weren't able to support it, they gave it up because of the enviroment that they lived in and didn't want to raise their baby where there was always constant fighting and their parents in and out of jail. i…
  • @mama0811 haha i think the same exact thing. i know a girl who is 8 months pregnant, still smoking weed and cigarettes and going to parties. i don't consider myself a "teen mom" because i'm 19 and will be almost 20 by the time my baby is b…
  • Lol yeah I used to be someone who looked down on people who got pregnant at young ages but now i'm one of those people and I really can't do anything about it. All I know it I will never again in my life say "thats not gonna happen to me"
  • Lol "lie down an let him do his job" and calling your body your "goodies" makes you sound like you really have no respect for yourself. And it could happen to anyone. Pregnancies aren't always planned and at least she didn't get …
  • I basically live with my heating pad attached to my back lately lol, and i'm only 15 weeks pregnant. It's just gonna get worse :[ Maybe try going to a chiropractor or getting a massage?
    in Backaches Comment by ashabash April 2011
  • I say who cares if people judge you? Lol. They're no doctor and they don't even know who you are.
  • @marinesangel have you ever given a baby up for adoption? don't you think that even though you know it's the right decision you would still regret it and want to spend as much time as you can with your child?
  • @bkuneki yeah i think they are the best parents on season 1 and they don't even have their baby living with them. it makes me feel honored to actually know them in person and live in the same area
  • @proudmomma agreed. i grew up the moment i found out i'm pregnant. i'm 19 years old and more mature than a lot of people who i know that are even older than me. i don't sit on this forum all day trying to start things with people, i check discussion…
  • It's my favorite show. I actually know Caitlyn and Tyler from Season 1 who gave their baby up. I live in the same town as them. They did it for a good reason and they weren't "whining and complaining" about giving Carly up, they were going…
  • I like Alexavier, I've never heard of it before I thought that I made it up when I was thinking of baby names one day lol because I really like the name Xavier.
  • I am also due in September and will probably have my shower in July or August. I'm probably going to have mine in my backyard and have a BBQ and have a beach/hawaiian theme since my mom is big into having luaus and already has tiki torchs, grass ski…
  • hahahaha i don't think anyone wants an ugly baby. but even people who do have ugly babies think their baby is the most beautiful thing in the world. it's your child and you will love it no matter what and in your eyes it will be beautiful :]
  • I'm 15 weeks and don't feel pregnant at all but its prob just because I'm in my 2nd trimester now and that's when you're supposed to feel your best. I just had a doc appointment the other day , checked the heartbeat and everything is fine. I'm sure …
  • @shy and @Jaime77 mine are the same way and I couldn't take them either so my doctor told me I can take 2 Flintstone chewable vitamins a day..they actually have even more vitamins in it than prenatals. And they taste a lot better!