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  • @Island_Mommie2B How did your ultrasound go? I'm so mad. I guess the baby is measuring 3 weeks ahead now (So 38). They are making me redo my glucose test and also go in for non stress tests twice a week. I don't know what the glucose test is going t…
  • @jamiesandefur are you nervous at all? What kinds of complications are you having? My baby has a different blood type than I do so I had to get a shot that basically shuts off my immune syatem and then after birth I will get another one to "tur…
  • @augustbaby I'm hoping mine just comes early on his own. I had a birthing class yesterday and there were ladies in there due in a week or two and they still haven't dropped yet but I have. Also watched a video on c sections and it was more like a sc…
  • I really just don't want the induction because I was reading about the process and it doesn't sound pleasant. Plus I've heard it is more painful and makes labor last longer. I don't want an epidural at all which is one of the main reasons I don't wa…
  • @kailiasmomma05 That's exactly how I believe it should be is me having my birth the way I want it. I understand there are health risks with pushing a baby out that is too big but while a c section will take away those risks, inducing will only make …
  • @bettymomma and @Island_Mommie2B C section is my biggest fear too next to induction. Both ways are more painful and they take away from the excitement of going into labor and childbirth. @naliiby2 That is awesome!!! :) So was it just extra fluid or …
  • I am 33 weeks today and I packed mine last week after my doctor's appointment when my doctor told me she might push up my due date. I'd rather be ready too soon than not ready too late!
  • @augustbaby Oh goodness...is the baby also 3-4 weeks ahead? @Island_Mommie2B Yah all the ones people are giving me are freaking me out more! haha.
  • @jamiesandefur Ohh goodness! Are you nervous at all? How far are you/when's your due date? What exactly did they say they were having to induce you for?
  • @bettymomma That's crazy they won't discuss it with you until then because most women don't even make it to 39 weeks! How far are you? @Island_Mommie2B Definitely let me know how it goes since you are getting it done the day before me it'll hopeful…
  • I went in at 19 weeks 9 days and the gender was perfectly clear. You should be able to find out what you're having :)
  • That's going to be a big baby! At 12 weeks my baby was measuring four days ahead and when I went in two days ago for the gender ultrasound, my little boy was measuring right on target at 19 weeks 6 days exact. I guess he had a growth spurt. That's w…
  • I'm due September 15th. :) I just found out two days ago that the little ball of energy thatsconstantly moving and kicking me is a boy and I was exactly 20 weeks yesterday. September does seem far away but if the last half of my pregnancy goes as qu…
  • I'm a worrier so everything scares me haha. 1. Being in labor for a ridiculous amount of time. 2. Epidural (I can tolerate pain so I want to try and do it during the whole labor/birth or as long as I can). 3. Unhealthy baby. 4. Pooping while pushing…
  • "You look too big/little for # weeks" oh excuse me while I go inflate/deflate my stomach...seriously??? There's no set size for each week. "You shouldn't have morning sickness all day and as bad as you do" ohh I'm sorry you've n…