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  • He sounds like my father when I was growing up...n still to this day my father is like that and I'm 26 will be 27 in 26 days...I've told my dad I don't want to hear it and he still makes his little comments....well up until I got married and asked b…
  • I've talked to a lactation consultant n they said if it hurt or u get chapped nipples the baby ismost likely latched wrong....I would talk to a lactation consultant to help with the proper latch so it stops hurting...
  • Only condoms work.... in 2007 I had gotten preggo when the condom broke...but had a miscarriage 2 months later....so when my husband n I were trying for six months n nothing was happening we tried using a condom and what do u know I'm pregnant...l…
  • due Sept 6th with a boy
  • How does that get you in trouble? My husband and I did the 3d but our son was being stubborn and wanted to keep his fist in in front of his face the whole time...I was mad that we wasted the money to see him fist pumping...n what mad it worse is my …
    in 3d scan Comment by jo32ni May 2011
  • I would get a test done when the baby is born even if he excepts the baby as his because u don't want him getting mad later on down the line and saying the babys not his....I told my husband that I was getting one done after the baby is born even th…
  • @0911mommyof2 her name is Jessica...I love True Blood...I'm so addicted n can't wait for June 24 to watch season 4...I'm not a Harry Potter fan and Twilight is ok...but True Blood is my series...
  • That's what I was gonna do if my husband couldn't make it to the appointment...I was gonna have the tech write it down and seal it in an envelope and when my hubby got off work open it together...but we didn't have to do that because he made it...
  • I love True Blood...I am so addicted and can't wait for season 4 to finally air....but I wish they didn't kill Eggs he was my eye candy...lol
  • My tummy does the same thing....lol its so funny. I noticed though that its on the flatter side when I wake up in the morning then when I get up and start moving around my belly pops out. Although some days it don't pop out as much as others. My mom…
  • I can't wait to do mine either....I have my kit already I told my hubby I wanted to do it and he bought it for me for valentines day...I'm gonna do mine I think a couple of wks before my due date....I can't wait
  • me n my good friend are like a week apart and we joke around about going into labor at the same time.....my cousin is...and two or three other friends are as well....I think 2011 is a baby boom year
  • I first felt my little one at 15 wks and on the outside with my hand at 16wks I will be 17 wks tuesday
  • We are going to find out april 6th n cant wait....due sept 6
  • If its going to be a coed baby shower then yes he should definitely be there but if its not just think of it as a all womens day. But if he feels comfortable being there with a whole bunch of women then sure why not. It could go anyway. I would love…
  • I was feeling the same way in the begining cause I had a mc before and I was always worried about having another. I didn't have the symptoms all the time either n when I did get sick it was cause of the prenatal vitamins I was taking. Now I can feel…
  • I'm 26 will be 27 in august and my first one is due sept 6th