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- mommy2be2011
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After my appointment Friday I start going every 2 weeks. & I'm 28 weeks.
Okay thank you!!((:
Thanks ladies for commenting! @USMCwifemommy101107 Oh that sounds so lovely! Lol not. Yea I'm 18 so that might be why. I tried calling my doctor but they're bad about not returning calls! So that's why I posted it on here. I kinda thought it might b…
Wow...um really??
I will deff miss feeling her roll around in there!! Person below: when did you first start feeling constant movement?
I took some Robitussin & it still hasn't helped the pain! :(
The colors are purple, green, & white & have Teddy bears everywhere!((: Person below: what are you having, name, & how far along are you??(:
A big bowl of lucky charms... I'm loving cereal these days!!((:
Yay we're all getting soooo close!((: & yes this is my first.((:
Boooo! I wish I was 21 days away, lol! Yea I'm super excited tho! A lil nervous too lol... is this your first?
Good ole Tennessee! (: aha!
Yes yes & they're coming!((:
For me it was about 24 weeks when I noticed that it got a lot harder and rounder!!((:
I seen lil kicks on the outside at about 20 weeks but I'm talking about full on rolls and punches...and when they ball up one side!!((:
It is really amazing but who else thinks it feels extremely weird when they're rolling around in there???
@Jenna218xx wow that is awesome!((: @momof22be atleast you don't have that much longer!((; @moodymommie that is extremely early so feel lucky!! I didn't feel much of anything till about 22 weeks. But now I'm almost 26 weeks & I constantly feel h…
My babygirl kicked extremely low too until about a week ago. I'm now 25 weeks & she still kicks low sometimes but mainly right beside my belly button!
YES deff different!! Haha but sooo amazing at the same time!<3
It really is. Try playing music on your phone and put it on your belly...she kicks so hard my whole belly jerks.((:
For me babied heartbeat has been real high & I'm having a girl...but for my friend it wasn't true cause she's having a boy.
We have a 1 year old boxer named Buster who is the most hillarious dog you will ever meet & a 2 year old razor edge & gotti mixed pit named Lexi. They both look super mean but are the biggest babies you will ever meet!<3
August 25th for me & that just seems like a lifetime away, haha!!
I'm having mine June 11th & ill be 30 weeks. It doesn't matter when you do it. You could do it as soon as you find out the gender really.
Almost 25 weeks & I've gained 15!
My belly is bigger than what it looks like in the pic. Do any of you have Facebook? You can see more better pics on there.
@allie8955 that would be so cool if you ended up having it on your bday(:
@upnorthmom haha too funny!! (:
@bumpgirl I go to the main first page and the title will be upload pics and at the very top you just click on that link
@naliibby2 Girl I love my bump too & at first it didn't really bother me but then I just got tired of it! Like I don't already feel huge enough without you telling me? @allie8955 I'm due August 25th.(: what all are you ladies having??
Thank you ladies!!(: and congrats on these beautiful lil babies we have inside of us"(: