Emily is 2 months tomorrow, wow!
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It worked but I realized its making my face have patchy dry spots.
I always forget to take it 4x a day. And like ashley said, drop it down your throat.
I had migraines to KILL during my pregnancy everyday..I always had migraines from about 6 yrs old so I thought it was from hormonal imbalance but I realized it was my prenatal pills. My mail order hadn't come in time before i ran out so i without fo…
@nalibby2 Trader joes has a great one that's not expensive. I've used it as a pretreatment and to add more coconut flavor in my rice and peas. I tried today to eat some today to see about my breastmilk supply.
My daughter is Emily and her daddy calls her his Emmy (trophy), I call her Ly (pronounced lee) and my aunt calls her peanut bc she was small and long.
Next Thursday makes 3 months for me. She does drink pumped milk out the bottle but only when dad wants to help.
My friend moved to Canada and got one with a ny number so we always stayed connected. It works great from what she says.
Get an accord its bigger than a civic. Also Toyota camera is supposed to be a very good car. We have a Honda accord and an Escalade. BMW have great tight steering for better control but when you need a repair..Smh your gonna pay for it..I bought a t…
@nylasmommy no problem, will do.
@myheartzx3 I am just seeing this..Emily went and she is 12 lbs 3 oz, 22.5". For her shots she was cranky that whole day but slept most of the day. She gets christened this Saturday and I'm excited for some reason.
Beautiful day in ny. Went with my friend walking and talking in Brooklyn bridge park then walked over to the promenade area so I can shop for spring/work outfits. Going back on the 29th:(
I had dissolving stitches on the inside and the steri glue on the outside. @nylasmommy the baby dedication is her christening. As far as the ears piercing the weekend after she turns three months she is going to get them done. In the mean time I j…
@nylasmommy she is doing great and thank you. She has her baby dedication this Saturday and she is a lil excited. Lol...ok I am excited. Can't wait until she turns three months so I can pierce her eats she looks like a lil boy sometimes
Great this may go on forever? I hate to itch mine bc the scar tissue under is still there and it feels weird. It's itching me now typing about it. It's mental so I'm trying to ignore it.
Sounds hella nasty but if she is cranky and your desperate. Suck the snot out of her nose for her (do spit after). It gets everything out and its your baby :p
I think the itching is just a healing thing but then again the underwear I wore today...hmm you may be on to something! Do you have feeling back @ your incision line? Mine is faint and my doc said it may not ever come back. I told him as long as the…
wwhat do u mean u didn't take care of your incision right?
@nylasmommy Ooo, how long did that take to heal? I was scared for a section but after this experience with the dissolving stitches I wouldn't mind going thru it again. At my two week visit my doc told me I could start doing crunches, I was shocked!
U are obviously on the defense when I clearly stated I wasn't coming at you the wrong way. I commented to have all the catty nonsense that we all seem to dislike to end..to make a point while lightening the mood and to point out that such posts are …
Before anyone thinks I'm a druggy, my spliff is imaginary.
YUP! Funny enough mine JUST started itching today! I'm one 10 weeks pp. Did you have the inner dissolving stitches?
dudette you knew this would start some ish when you posted it. So honestly not trying to get at you but you open the flood gates and now trying to take the back roll like you are tired of the bs. If you really wanted the moderators to take you serio…
@captivated Smh! Here borrow my lighter, and here is a lil more to fatten up yours..now inhale...
Babies usually thin out and sometimes falls out all together around that middle section...I forget the reasoning and also for aa kids that's where there hair starts transitioning first into their actual texture. Just use baby conditioner and don't w…
Ladies, what's going on? I usually just ignore posts that I don't have any comment on or know that it may come off judgmental bc not EVERY post needs to have someone's two cents. We don't need a block button, we don't need moderators to hold our han…
Thank goodness I am not the only one with a barely napping baby. She acts as if she is going to miss something!
There are no placebo with the mini pill and since your ebf no telling when you will get a period.
@KayyCarter your Jamaican too? A back up to that if she does heed your warning is "a hard head make fe a soft behind"
My sister never crawled, em is 2 months and I haven't seen her belly scoot but she def moved higher off the blanket where I left her and my next door neighbors son started walking at 7 months. Every baby us different. Do you hold your baby a lot?