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  • My bd and i discused about stds and stuff but we were both virgins when we started doing it. i know the risk but i want a baby and i still do, but im scared just like alot of you
  • @jenniiee im excited but startin to get scared n my mom isnt makin things ne easier. havnt had a very good day but ur comment made me =). happy mothers day
  • I dunno whaqt yal want from me. I made this decision but nw yal are freakin me out. I just want advise and now I'm readin bout people sayin I should do adoption or abortion. Not a good day
  • @anadoll92 i haven said anything bad to anyone here but you dont even know my bd. im just here for friendship and advice but everyone is bein so negative =(
  • i dunno what to think right now. =(
  • @prayin i dunno how long its been there. my brother is there right now and its bin there since he started goin
  • @seifer well I live with my mom but I have a bunch of friends. I see my dad every other weekend but I like it more with my mom. kinda freaking out right now n gonna try to sleep. Ill tell yal how it goes tomorrow
  • I looked on the computer and there are a bunch of things that can help me with this like wic and other programs that help young moms. I can get that stuff to help me so my mom won't have to do so much. Yal are freaking me out my mom is not going to …
  • Ahh all I have to do is @ lol
  • How do I do that @ thing where I can tell who I am talkin to? @seifer well I'm goin to hs next year and the baby will be born b4 the second sememster (I think, I gotta go to the doctor first to know) and at the school I'm going to they have daycare …
  • K well yal think what you want. I'm makin my mom breakfest in bed in the morning and I'm gonna tell her tomorrow to. Ill tell you how it goes
  • I live in aurora colorado, goin to montbello high school next year. I live with my mom n my older brother.
  • Yal think what u want. I was only on here cuz I was excited, I know its gonna b hard I'm not foolin myself about that. Just trying to talk to other women and b happy
  • Whatever yal r gonna hate, just excited for my baby.
  • Why is everyone being so negative and hating on me. I only came to this place to be excited and meet new friends who understand. Talk about a let down =(
  • I know its going to be tough but my bd and I aree strong. Hes super excied about beein a bd. I've just always known I want to be a mom and its finally hapening
  • 14 I know I'm young but all I want is to be a mom. When you know you just know