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- snowwhitej
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Congratulations that's so exciting so happy for you
I hope you come back to pfb I enjoyed reading about Bentley and his pix are always so cute. I know how it feels not to have friends but don't let the ignorant people get to you. Just cuz of your age doesn't make you any better then anyone else my m…
Pee on me or poop on me
Thank you ladies have tried gas drops and didn't really work then switche@d to dr. Brown bottles worked a little now 4411im on gripe water hope it works he looks like he is in pain with all this gas @kimberly4411 yikes well my baby wakes like every …
Let's say two hours per drink. It stays un your milk just as ling ss it stays in your blood so if your not drunk or tipsy or anything them your free to breastfeed. Next time try to breastfeed right before you drink that way you last longer and know …
Congratulations tons of sticky healthy baby dust
My nephew did it was the scariest thing ever for me when I took care of him
Mine was born 3 months early. Lol I don't know if that counts on your poll.
@Samantha @missq_1sttimemommy2b my family is four hours away and im looking at like a day maybe a day in a half @fwee I know your right and he has come so far I don't want to go and come back and he went backwards.....ahhh I just don't know ...than…
Yay congratulations
I was having the same problem when I talked to my doctor she told me to keep taking it like you have been that sometimes women bleed cuz their body needs to regulate or you need a pill with more estrogen. But see if it happens again next month and y…
@vanalkr thank you he is my miracle he has the funniest smiles
Monkey cuz he was so hairy. Lol. Baby fish mouth .
Well elijah was born 7/27/11 at 27 weeks he was 2lbs5oz and now he is 7lbs 3oz he is learning to eat every feeding from a bottle and nursing a few times a day... we are so thankful for his progress. He loves to smile and look around.
Just for a few minutes maybe like five ar most. Use lotion or oil and just massage the tummy area in circles
You will get there you just started . Just let him nurse when he wants and you supply will come in. Don't forget to pump if he sleeps through a feeding
How old is your baby
My son poops every day and a half. But we massage his tummy and his feet when we thunk it might go over that
@preggo123 I was due oct 23 but I had him on july 27
Praying that everything turns out normal
@preggo123 that's great news that they were able to stop it. Ill be praying that baby stays in
Have you tried a nipple shield to help him latch. Im sorry about the wic situation and hope you get a pump soon
@preggo123 oh yikes ok keep baking dust to you then. I know how scared goes my baby came at 27 weeks
Yikes I hope you get some kind of relief. Blowing labor dust your way. Labor dust to @preggo123 as well
Yay congratulations
@amylynn he was born at 27weeks they said they don't know why he came so early but when I went into ob triage I was already 7cm with minimal cramps. @emy I know I shouldn't be but going and visiting him and having him all to myself is all the diffe…
But benedryl dries out your milk
Oh ok thank you. My baby isn't home yet he is in the Nicu but will be hone in two weeks and I need to kick this before he comes home.. thank you its good to know it wont pass through the milk
Don't worry it could mean its taking a little longer for baby to process milk..do you give your baby vitamins cuz that could do it too. My son is 11weeks and his poop just turned yellow and the nurses in the Nicu assured me its not an issue
@lyndsay1983 thank you im so proud of him for being such a little fighter