an abortion nurses story

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Since there has been a lot of talk about abortion on here I thought I would share this link. I will warn you though that it is difficult to read and I would not recommend it if you've recently lost due to miscarriage. This nurse witnessed abortions including partial birth and it changed her life.


  • Heartbreaking
  • @twinkiesmom. That's what I thought too. I actually found the story while searching for info on other miscarriage victims who had been left hemorrhageing at the hospital which happened to me late last year.
  • Wow now thts sad :(
  • Omg this is so much to think about for people who consider abortion this will change ya mind I'm tellin ya glad u posted it for them
  • I honestly.....can't say a thing...don't know what I can incredibly heartbreaking & sad.
  • I didn't know you could have an abortion after like twelve weeks. That's so terrible! I personally would never have an abortion, but this may definitely be an eye opener for people who may be considering it! I hope I never see that in my years ahead of me as a Nurse.
  • I'm so sorry for your loss... I never had one but the stories make me cry ...
  • Omg I read that and think of my unborn son. I'm 26 1/2 weeks along. I cud not imagine that. I feel him moving all the time and it breaks my heart jus to no ur baby can survive at 24 Weeks.
  • That's the most horrific thing I have ever read. I thought the silent scream was terrible, I couldn't imagine watching what she saw
  • Wow...that made me tear up. Absolutely horrible
  • I don't remember where I saw it, but I saw an actual abortion procedure done on sum type of health channel on tv!!!. The second one that she describes. I was definately scarred for life, and that permanently changed my whole mindset. Very upsetting and emotional. It's indescribable.
  • Ladies... with respect to all... it was truly heartbreaking... but for some, abortion is the only option. I've been prego 4 times... the first at 18, and wasn't ready to be a mother, abortion at 10 weeks. The second time at 22 years old 12 weeks... I found out at 11 weeks and had to wait to get emergency medical and an appt to get an abortion. The 3rd time, I had fetal demise and had to get a D&C at 32 years old and married and now 14 weeks tomorrow. Do I advocate for abortion as a birth control method... Absolutely not! In my younger years, did I have safe sex, yes! But things happen and I wasn't ready to be a parent. I was ready at 32 and I definitely am now. For those that have miscarried, like myself and are ttc, I was that person too... it is gut-wrenching... but at the same time, we need to advocate for education and birth control for those that aren't ready to be pregnant. And for those that have abortions, we need to give them support, it is a horrible experience, when u elect to have it or when ur forced to have it because of fetal demise. Every baby that is carried in utero deserves to be loved, or loved enough to be given away. Those that are not ready, don't give what's necessary to their baby and that has been linked to schizophrenia and children and adults that have other mental and attachment disorders. Just a sideline note and my story. We never know what other people are going through... home life, finances, etc. And I know I would have made it with my babies had I decided to keep them at that age. But now I am established and can offer my child the best... the best education, the best medical, the best home environment and all the love and time without stress... that was best for me... just my 20 cents...
  • Don't get me wrong! I'm not judging anyone on the decisions they make. Cuz only they know wuts best for themselves. Just my opinion for wuts best for me.
  • Oh ummm tears that's horrible I'm against abortion u not ready to have a baby in my eyes keep Ur legs shut simple dont have sex u won't fall preg , so sad
  • Of course no one falls prego, but is it realistic to not have sex in today's society and to just keep your legs closed. Its not and hasn't been for sometime. I used to work with teens and advocate for sex education and taking necessary precautions, and I was surprised at the numbers of teens who didn't wear condoms or use birth control as a measure to protect themselves from pregnancy. Thinking or telling people, don't have sex until your ready to have kids is unrealsitic and leads to people being ill-informed and doing horrible things to their babies, I'm sure that's one of the reasons they enacted the law about just bringing your newborn to the hospital to give it up. Again, I'm not an advocate for abortion as a form of birth control, but I have been on both sides of the issue and have educated teens about it as an advocate, foster parent, an group home administrator for a teen mothers home. This is a real occurrence and education and preventive measures are key. I've shown videos and have facilatated discussions on pregnancy, motherhood, pregancy prevention and abortion and have shared my own experiences with them and have even taken youth to planned parenthood to get birth control. Because sex happens... prevention education is key and open dialogue and support on the issue one way or another, I believe is best practice or its gotten results for me.
  • There is also a story on that site about a girl who had an abortion but not everything was removed and she had to have a second dnc. The second caused problems in her uterus which then caused cancer.
    @DawnwaarsBaby. I definitely agree that our youth need help but in this age abortion is presented as a normal option and shouldn't be. There's an oh well if I get pregnant ill just get rid of it mentality and its not right. I went through it myself at 15. I was told by a clinic worker at nearly four months that I needed to have an abortion and she even scheduled one in New York without my consent. Basically when she told me I told her off and left.
    There are a lot of people out there who say its an acceptable option, but there are a lot of women who are told that its not really a baby yet and all kinds of junk. Unfortunately it is a baby whether anyone likes it or not. We have also made it only the woman's choice which is stupid. A young man I worked with begged and pleaded with his ex to not abort their child around 4 months and she did it one day while they had been fighting. He told her he would raise her by himself and sign something saying he'd never file for child support (which was her excuse). He was never the same after that and fell into severe depression. Its not a quick fix, its a life.
    The "you better not have sex" route doesn't work but neither does the "I know you're gonna do it so" route. Kids need to be made aware that the biological purpose of sex is to create life, not because our society has made it glamorous and the best thing ever.
  • @techgirlpa... I think we can agree on that... abortion is not a method of birth control and as I educated myself to help youth, I realized the miraculous development that happens in utero at the very early stages and it is a life. Which made me promote for more prevention and birth control for all i was able to impact.
  • @DawnwaarsBaby I can relate I had one at 19 due to being a kid and also my seizures were not under control at all. There wasn't a selfish bone in my body for that decission. And yes, I know exactly the procedure and what's done and the f'ed up feelings. But now I'm in love so very much with my husband to be. And we are happy to be 8 weeks and 6days. I wouldn't change a thing. Sorry for offense for religion barriers and what have you...but understand there are reasons.
  • @ckazfirst... congrats on your prego. I do understand that there are very strong opinions on religion, abortion, politics, etc., there always have been and always will be... but I do believe prevention education is key...
  • @Dawneaarsbaby. And That's wonderful Hon. I'm 12 weeks today actually and baby should be perfect but still tiny. By next week she will even have fingerprints and the idea of such a tiny little person is amazing.

    I guess a lot of the problem is that we have become a society of speed and convenience. You want Mexican for dinner you just go buy it. You don't want to be brunette you go buy hair dye. You want anything you can find it, unlike in other countries. I view abortion in the same way. Its more convenient to not be pregnant, its just where we've come to as a society.

    I think what you're doing is great. The more kids learn about life and consequence the brighter hopefully our nations future will be. Birth control is so important. When I think of what my life would have been like had a listened to that clinic worker... I can't even imagine where I would be today.
  • @TechGirlPa. It is about education but I believe that if suggested from a doctor there is just cause and more than a friend of mine, you should just help yourself to a tube tied and a heap of a lifetime supply of condoms. Believe me when I say if it was a smart choice and all I prolly would have kept it.
  • Thanjs for sharing this. Ive always said "abortion is homicide!" And i will continue to tell people just what it is. I dont know how u could not cry reading this. A few months back i saw a video of a wonan who survived abortion. She was the baby that they were trying to kill. Ill look for it again and try to post it if i can. Im all for womans rights but i dont think its anyones right to decided to take a life or not... especially since there is now a "morning after" pill. Why arent people just taking this asap if they dont want to get preg?
  • If only everyone considering this knew...I honestly think adoption would be more appealing to them...terribly sad :(
  • @techgirlpa... Congratulations on your prego. I actually am 14 weeks today and ecstatic. I had a nuchal us 2 weeks ago and saw that my baby was fully formed, brain, spine, fingers, toes, elbows, knees, butt, all internal organs, and that I was having a girl... it was incredible... we are with life at time of conception... and u are absolutely right, our society is now based on convenience... and honestly, even the 2 abortions I elected to have and the 1 from fetal demise still bother me... the first two made me get into my previous professions. Birth control is important and although I'm not in that field anymore, with my new career, I still get a chance to be extra noisey and advocate for prevention. I now work in public housing and your are right more than ever, youth need to be educated as to break the generational poverty cycle. Take care and congrats again...
  • @ckazfirst. Hi Hon. For me its not about religion, its about reality. If you couldn't carry the baby due to seizures and especially if your life was in danger then it should be considered an option. Too many women do it because it seems easier and often they aren't given the full information.
  • @TechGirlPa yes I agree. My friend has had her over amount of them and is perfectly healthy. But that's our opinion I just think she is selfish and god forbid she can't get the nine west high heals that she needs too bad.
  • @mommyof3girls... I know for when I had my 2 elected abortions, the last one over 12 years ago... the morning after pill was not available. Even if it was, I probably still wouldn't have taken it, because by all accounts I was having safe sex. And I do believe its great to be strong in opinion, but I think the bigger question is... how do we stop people having abortion as a form of birth control... as we know, just saying its bad does nothing, but push you further away in building the connection and forces more people towards doing it. Sugar or vinegar! Do u think although the video that u have is horrific, I'm sure... but do u think that's going to make a teen not have an abortion, when there scared to death of being pregnant. Or a high school graduate that has a full scholarship to an esteemed college and a chance to get out the system... U got to think preventative measures... I have... and again... I don't think abortion should be an alternative, but I understand... I was that high school graduate with the scholarship and although my decisions that I've made still haunt me... I made the best choice, I know I did...
  • @ckazfirst. It sound like your friend needs someone like dawn in her life.
  • @techgirlpa and ckazfirst... I too have a friend that uses this as a birth control method, or had a friend... and it was sickening to me... she is well into her 30's and there is no damn excuse for her to be this careless and irresponsible.
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