an abortion nurses story



  • @mami2be... I just read the back and forth with @sara102011... and I think you should read the posts clearly... no one that posted their own stories, me and a few others mentioned using abortion as a birth control method... and I think the consensus was that we each live with our decision to date. And I'm the only one that posted that I've had 3 abortions, you should read it fully, before you post. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but in your post, you clearly raged about birth control methods available for all which further shows u didn't read. Everyone that shared experiences used birth control. Me and another young lady shared about friends we knew that used abortion as a form of birth control, but that was 3rd party info to let u know some people are inhumane and don't recognize what their doing exactly. So, I just wanted to be clear... Have a good day and happy prego...
  • @techgirlpa... also what I noticed is that they don't even acknowledge the baby and the stage of growth as to keep you disconnected versus telling you what's going on at each stage... I think that's part of the clinics plan though...
  • @dawnwaarsbaby I just wanted to say, you carry yourself very well. You shared your story and have taken the criticism very well. I would think that you are a great mentor to younger people because you can talk from experience. People who just rant and rave instead of listening don't really help anyone. I would much have preferred to talk to someone who has been in the situation and educated then people preaching to me.
  • @kriss82001... thanks Kriss... I don't take it personally at all, because I know I made the best decision for my life. I don't know what it would have been like to be a young mother... but I know that by waiting, I can give my little girl so much more, that to me is so exciting... So very exciting... I know that had I not made the decisions for me, I never would have gone into youth advocacy... Walked hand in hand with 4 ladies into planned parenthood to make sure they got birth control, because they were going to have sex anyway. The 4 young ladies all 16, lived in my foster home. I would have never been a group home administrator with teen mothers. That type of real experience changes you and makes you more open. Everything comes full circle and if it means I can pass this on to my daughter, fantastic. You know I honestly haven't looked at it as criticism, but more of a teaching tool. If its at my experience expense, that's fine too. I don't take it back...

    @techgirlpa... great discussion :)
  • @dawnwaarsbaby I can definitely see that. I don't know if you read my earlier post, but I definitely respect you a lot for how you have handled yourself. Everything anyone does in their life molds them to who they are, some for the better, some for the worst.
  • @kriss82001... thanks Kriss... I did read your response and I appreciate u and happy prego :)
  • @dawnwaarsbaby I'm sorry but i have no idea what you are talking about. I didn't post anything about birth control methods or anything. I was clearly defending you to someone who called you triflin and heartless. I'm sorry if you mixed me up with someone else..
  • @dawnwaarsbaby oh my goodness my bad!! I didn't read the part before my name. I didn't even see it! Lol. I was confused. I get it now: ) you go girl!
  • @sara102011... no problem... I appreciate u more than u know :)
  • @dawnwaarsbaby I am keeping it. No adoption for me. My mom said over her dead body would she let me give up her grand baby and that she'd adopt it before any one else could. And my bd also said that he would just take full custody of the baby. But in my heart I wouldn't b able or strong enough to give my baby up. Plus I'm not in a "bad" situation (for a lack of better words... Sry) so it would b selfish and unfair of me too.
  • @mizsamantha... that's wonderful... you have a great support system and that's priceless. Congrats on keeping the baby:)
  • @mami2be, I have yet to read anyone say they used abortion as birth control. I saw a few talking about friend who did or their view on it, but no one saying they used it like birth control. Your anger is misplaced.
    @Dawnwaarsbaby, technically your last abortion would be called a d n c if I'm not mistaken. I know the medical community calls miscarriages spontaneous abortions, but it's hard to make the leap for anyone who has been there. Again, I respect you so much for coming out with your experience and what you have learned from your journey.
  • @Dawneaarsbaby. Exactly in response to your post to me. Clinics make it like this wonderful thing that's no big deal and will improve your quality of life. I miscarried my second child at sixteen and before it happened I had told myself that I wasn't ready to go through it again. Then I miscarried and would have done anything to have taken those thoughts back. I can't imagine what it would be like to have an abortion and then later deal with the what if thoughts. I know the miscarriage wasn't my fault but its haunted me ever since. When these clinic workers act like a baby isn't even there yet, I simply can't understand how they can sleep at night. Unfortunately for my photographic memory, I saw the small form of my baby during that mc when it came out and the image refuses to ever leave my mind.
  • This is sad. Im at work reading this and tears are running down my face. I dnt want to sound judgemental and if I do please forgive me. Its really not my intention. A little about my story, I am one of many that strongly disagree with abortion. I come me from a very small mexican family, we dont have alot of money nor big income but we are very united. I am the daughter of a single mother and I am proud of what god has given me. I am currently 18 years old, im a highschool student and I work a part time job. 3 weeks ago I found I am pregnant and even though it wasnt a shocker cause I was being sexually active, I dnt feel ready to be a mother. Im scared and at times I cry because.i love my unborn and im afraid of making mistakes. Am I keeping my child?? Yes, I am. Why, if I have a future and the ability to go to college and get a good career? Because my child did not ask to come to this world. I brought him/her here knowing of my situation... I think that when a person has the mentality to give in and have sex then you have the mentality to stand up and face the consequences. Many girls choose abortion because they have been raped and they are hurt, and I understand but its an innocent little angel sent from above to bring joy into our lifes... I love my baby and even though some may read this and just think oh another crazy woman just bashing on us cause she doesnt agree I just want you to know im actually crying at this moment cause.i have real strong feelings about this.
  • edited March 2011
    @perly I cried too. You'll be a great mom because you already have the right mentality. I am pro life myself n I don't want to judge others but I just feel like sex is meant for reproduction. That is not always everyone's goal that is having sex but that is what its made for. Getting pregnant is a risk you know you r taking every time you choose to have sex. Babies shouldn't suffer for a decision they had no part in.
  • What a horrible story- wish I had not read it.
  • @twinkiesmom, I know some ladies have chosen abortion because they thought it wasnt a good time in their life and hey, if at the time you feel its the best thing to do then no one should have an input, it just hurts me so much because I would give ANYTHING to save all those kids that have died cause of a decision like abortion... Thats why I cry, aside from my hormones which are really kicking in lol.
  • @vette_devil. I'm sorry. I realize its terrible but I'm hoping it sheds some light for people. Abortion isn't the fix it all that is advertised.
  • @techgirlpa... I am sorry that you had those mc experiences. My last mc that ended in a dnc was pretty devastating... and I am estactic to be prego again and some decisions people make, they live with. I live with my decisions, but I am thankful for them. I never would have been able to make such a contribution to so many people had I taken a different route, that I am certain of. Hopefully, you will get some peace in your mind and heart, as mc's happen to no fault of our own... Congrats on your prego...
  • @perly and @twinkiesmom... I chose to put myself out there by shedding light to my story because it's not something I'm ashamed of. My choices and reasons behind my decisions are just that, my own and honestly, I'm much better for it. Yes, sex's primary function is for reproduction, but how many young people are actually thinking that when they are having protected sex? I no expert, but I don't believe many... In my instance, I had a choice to make and I made it. Now, I live with the fact that I had two elected abortions, yes, but that has allowed for me to do transformational things with youth and advocate for them. I am not for abortion as a birth control method and I am for making all alternatives available to pregnant women, but if that's a person's decision... none of us are holier than thou to stop it or judge it... @perly... congratulations on keeping your baby... but you need to take a step back... because you have an opportunity to have a good education and career, you can't preclude that your decisions are in any way better than mine... I have acquired a great free education and have a great career and did what I thought was necessary to make that happen for me... key word... for me... Your choices and decisions are your own... and more power to you in making those come to fruition... but my decisions were my own... It's been 16 years since I've been your age... since then, I'm put alot of powerful things in motion... and I am now ready to be a mother and I'm blessed to be pregnant again and I'm almost 4 months into my pregnancy, healthy and prepared. I wish you both the best!
  • @dawnwaarsbaby, I totally see your point of view and even though i dnt agree with abortion I do believe everyone has their reasons for making the decisions they made. And by the way, please forgive me if my last post came out in a way to make you or any of the other mommies to be like if I meant my decision was better than yours cause that wasnt my intention. I actually admire the fact that you have gone out of your way to reach out to teens and advice them about abstinence and protection because that is very important to be informed about what is out there... At this point in my life I feel more in love with my unborn and my partner, and even though at times I do feel a little nervous and scared something in me tells me that i'll be fine, so believe I will. Thank you for your wise words and for sharing your story, I know many teen girls out there need people like you to look up to.
  • @TechGirlPa... no worries! I've never been a believer in abortion as a valid "opt out" of pregnancy, but my curiosity got the best of me because I really didn't know much of how it was done. Rest assured, I will never consider it... thank you for sharing this with those who might otherwise have done so.
  • Oh those poor babys then man should be lock up its full on murder an for the people that thought what they was doin was right then so should they I cant believe something like this really happen an still happening today an as for the mothers WHAT THE HELLS WRONG WITH THEM I love my unborn bby an i.d hate anything bad to happen to him i.d kill anyone that harms my children thats why I dont understand HOW THEY CAN KILL THERE BABY its sick an shameful I hope they never get bless with a nex bby
  • @perly im so with you I was 16y old when I found out I was pregnant I loved my baby as soon as I seen the blue lines Im nw 25 am 34wks pregnant with my 3 ive NEVER AN COULD NEVER KILL MY BABY. P.s congrats on your lil bby x x
  • @roxanne, I really dnt like to judge anyone on their decisions cause its different when it happens to us but I do state my opinion because its also important that teens understand that abortion should be the last, very last option to think of cause now a days there is so much help out there that even when everyone has given you their back, some one still cares.
  • @roxanne... So, I'm not exactly sure who you were talking about... but since I posted my story as a woman that has had abortions, I will respond. Your response, although it may have been your opinion was rude and callous... and you should really think before you speak... I am pregnant and blessed with another baby and can provide my daughter the best life possible. I don't know what your situation is... but it's one thing to voice your opinion and other to be judgemental, so I would tread lightly. This discussion so far has been respectful and even for the women that don't disagree, it's been a great discussion. I've also received some personal messages from women that have read it and thanked me for coming out and representing women, and I do that... I have no problem front running for people that have had abortions, elected or otherwise... but keep your disrespectful comments to a minimum. We are all on this site, because we are either ttc or pregnant. And I am pregnant, God Bless!
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