an abortion nurses story



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  • @perly... I wasn't directing that to you saying that you mentioned that God should not bless anyone with a child... In my comment towards you, I believe I said, thank you for your opinion or something else. I included that remark and should have put a space there, my bad... only to show the level of disrespect and pose a question... But that wasn't directed towards you at all. I think your responses have been respectful...
  • @perly... also, I did read your comment to where you said that it was not right to judge someone who's views were different and I do appreciate that... that is the way to have a mature discussion... it's fine to disagree respectfully... but the key word is respectfully and you've been that... :)
  • @gabschillin... :) your absolutely right... the right to chose is for everyone... and bottom line what's good for the best for one person is not the best for another... and at the end of the day... the decision is left to the person that's making it... and it is in no way good to judge or say ridiculous things to people because the views are different. Thank you...

    i guess the worst thing about this post is just what @perly mentioned... whether you like it or not... young ladies need help, they need advice and they need support when they are in tough situations and anyone who even had real questions about options would run from this post!
  • @z_mommy_2009... I have heard stories about the down syndrome test being inaccurate and babies who were diagnosed where born healthy.. and I definitely not a fan of late term abortion... and although you or I may have strong feelings about abortions to babies that have downs and other genetic illnesses... that's why those tests are performed before the 3 month mark... to give the mother the option to decide to continue the pregnancy... we may not like it... but even at hospitals that are pro-life, like the one I belong too... that is there practice... and everyone is entitled their own opinion... without judgement, bashing, etc...

    I find that to be a big problem on this site... jumping on the AMEN corner and bashing... not saying that's what you've done... I'm just saying...
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  • There are also other stories on the site. Granted its a site totally against abortion but I think we need more againsts than fors in our current society. As I've said before, abortion like so much in our society is about convenience and the self serving of ones self. If you think about human history... what would have happened to a pregnant woman a couple hundred years ago? Regardless of how she became pregnant she would still carry that child to delivery unless she miscarried. People today take far too much for granted and focus too much on themselves, and I'm not badmouthing anyone here.. its just the state of the human race and what we are now being taught. Its like I said.. you don't want your brunette hair you buy hair dye. You want to see the pyramids you hop onto a plane. You don't want a baby you abort. Technology can be great, I work in the field of technology, but I also see it aiding in bad changes in people. Women have choices but often not all the information needed to make them. There are all kinds of self serving institutions out there and of all the abortion industry is one of the worst.
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  • Wow. I'm crying because of how mean some ladies are. I just don't get what drives someone to be so malicious. This discussion should be closed at this point. Its not going anywhere.
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  • @usmcwifemommy101107... I think your second post clarified your meaning alot better than your first. Because there have been so many posts, I think to some degree the initial post @techgirlpa started has been largely twisted. I think we all can agree that the industry of abortion is not a good one and whether you are pro choice or pro life, no one would agree that aborting a baby at 26 weeks is nothing short of murder... the baby is viable and with all the medical testing that can be done in the earlier dates, it seems almost crazy that a doc would agree to perform an abortion. I believe even I, a pro-choice free thinking proud woman stated that even at that state, it was murder... what I think @gabschillin was stating, and please correct me if I'm wrong is that... although it is saddening that people that are trying to conceive and others cannot get pregnant, the only responsibility that a girl has when she becomes prego is to herself and her own future and ultimately it is her decision.

    I do advocate for making all alternatives known and available to pregnant women so they are fully aware of their options and the risks involved... But ultimately... it is the womans choice and that whether people agree or not... the decision must be respected... Ultimately, if there was a place that women that are conflicted in their decisions should be... I think it should be this site... unfortunately... with all the flat out rudeness, is it really safe to share? NO!

    Happy prego all...
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  • I just want to throw out there that I meant no judgement...just putting my opinion out there. For those who chose abortion, while I don't agree, it is their choice and is not my place to judge. I do hope all who do think it out and weigh the pros and cons and wish clinics did more to educate before performing the procedure (some anyway-not saying none do) esp for the younger girls. It just kills me to hear of young women using abortion as birth control. I am against outlawing abortion completely tho bc I worry what would happen if they did. Hope I didn't offend anyone too much or make anyone feel judged-not my intention
  • Wow that was sad dnt understand y u would be that far along jus tovget an abortion n shows how ppl of higher power is so f***ed up glad she is fighting for wats right
  • I have always considered myself pro choice and after reading this I still stand by that but w/ limits...I have never agreed w/ late term abortions for any reason. Although it is not my place to judge anyone's decision what was depicted in this article was horrific! This docter clearly did not have the best interests of his patients at heart. I wonder did these women receive any counseling before or after? Also I wonder if they would have been told what was going to happen during the procedure if they would have went through w/ it?
  • My bd wanted me to have an abortion but I couldn go through with it..and now we arre not together becaz I didn't do wat he wanted.
  • First off I have a way higher maturity level then most my age and as far as im concerned my age has nothing to do with this. As for interaction that was kind of the point I was making a statement not a discussion. Sry if I offended you although I don't find it fair for you to be judging my parenting about w.e. wisdom your speaking of. You also wouldn't understand the being angry about it because we view two different opinions.. also you automatically assumed I was speaking of only you so if im not correct you may have a guilty conscious..( no offense if im wrong sry) it was a statement like I said before. And plz don't tell me that im shamed because that will only cause more drama. Bless you and your unborn child. Good luck.
  • edited March 2011
    The boy who says he was in Heaven. Found this on MSNBC
  • Ladies this story is terrible, but another point that I want to make is that a fetus feels and moves and has a heartbeat before the first trimester is over. I heard the little heart beating of the child I miscarried last year as I turned 5 weeks. One of the problems is that people are told these aren't babies but just something that is easy to dispose of. That's part of what I'm trying to stand up for here. Unless you abort within the first week or so you are dealing with a life. By the time most women realize they are pregnant there's already a little heart and life. Clinics aren't going to tell you that because if they did you would be less likely to go through with it and more likely to find someone to adopt your child. My baby was moving around like crazy as I turned 9 weeks.. I was fortunate enough to have had my second sonogram at that time.

    I would also like to know why its commonly accepted that the mother is the only one with that right. The father should have equal rights if he wants to keep and raise that child.
  • I agree that the father should have rights just as much as the mother. It may b her body but its still his baby too. It's sad that there isn't more education done before the procedure
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