an abortion nurses story



  • @techgirlpa and @chazfirst... you know some people can be helped... others are just insane... I just was saying that I had to end a friendship behind someone who was so careless and irresponsible about her body and used abortion as a birth control method and I tried desperately to get her to see the light... she didn't... so, I had to stop talking to her... she is definitely crazy...
  • I totally agree that education is key!!! U have ur opinions and i have mine... and thats ok... i still dont think its ok to take a life. But i do understand why sone women do it. I was just stating how i feel about abortion... just like u stating how u feel...
  • Did you guys see the post last night about the mom considering abortion? It made me tear up because several people people posted that they would take her baby. Its true though, there are people out there who would love to adopt. Our adoption system often makes it impossible to adopt for years so women who set something up with a family wanting a baby are actually doing a wonderful thing for that family. Yeah it means the woman has to go through the pregnancy but wouldn't it be worth it?
  • I completely support a womans right to choose what is best for her and her body. But...and this is totally going sound like im contradicting myself... an abortion at 26wks just because of down syndrome is very very sad. I mean that woman could have waited just one more trimester. Its just heartbreaking.
  • I'm with you,@ techgirlpa. Abortion is considered to be a normal option, is over used, and many of the girls who go through it don't know there are other options or exactly what thr procedure entails. I believe that adoption should be pushed more. So many people wanting but unable to have babies and end up going overseas to get a baby. What does going through the pregnancy really cost you? Most of the time either the adoptive parents our the state will help with the medical bills. And think of the size of the gift you are giving. Rates some heavy thinking there. Yea, accidents happen. But what is the first option presented when you feel you can't see yourself being a parent? Oh, you made an oopsie, go get rid of it. Think if what that one life could mean to adoptve parents or even the world...i don't believe in abortion at.all. There are options. I'll keep my mouth shut on the rest off my feelings.
  • @mommyof3girls... of course, it is all based on our opinions and experiences and I was only sharing my view as u shared yours and I respect your viewpoints. I think we agreed that education is important and that's cool.
    @techgirlpa... I didn't see the post and that is sad... the system does make it hard to adopt and I do think private arrangements work. There are also a lot of needy children in foster care that need placement. Sometimes they advocate for longterm care and possible adoption. But there all children in need of homes.
    @rockinmama... I didn't even think they did abortions that late term and that is very, very sad. At the age, the baby is viable on its own... that sounds like murder...
  • @mommytoaprince... I do agree that adoption public and private should be pushed more... also that abortion is not a form of birth control and I hope that I've changed some minds with the people I've helped... overall people have to make decisions that suit them, given all the options available... I've had abortions years ago... and it may have been a selfish decision, but I had a decision to make. Full ride scholarship and make a different life for me and my family or have a baby, give the baby and lose my scholarship. That scholarship afforded me an undergraduate and graduate degree. My guilt behind my decisions led me to advocacy, sexual education and prevention, but I was never irresponsible in my activity, I was always protected... people do make oopsies... followed by tough decisions... And now married, I had another dnc for fetal demise and i'm prego again and my baby is perfect and I am able to give my child the best. The issue I have with abortion is that it should not be used as the first option to absolving pregnancy, there are options... and they all need to be made available...
  • You have to remember that who's best interest is it in to not provide the real info to the expecting mom. If a clinic said your baby now moves its fingers and is fully developed or even your baby is now losing its webbed feet, a lot more women would think twice I would hope. They would lose business. Clinics definitely don't do it to help the world, its about making money. A real doctor with a suggestion due to real health risks to the mother should always be considered, but using it for birth control is wrong. I guess that's why I wanted to post the link here in the first place. Was that clinic "doctor" thinking about the lives he was dealing with? No he was thinking about his wallet.
  • edited March 2011
    Oh and I wanted to thank everyone for keeping the talk here in a respectful manor. I know more than anyone how tuff it can be talking about a subject like this especially when hormonal but I think we have all done pretty well here.
  • @dawnwaarsbaby, I couldn't agree more. I've never been in that position so I really can't say what my experience would be, but I do feel that if a woman really feels it's her only option, she should know exactly what is going to happen and what to expect after, rather than bringing her in and telling her that it's all going away and all will be fine again. No it won't. There are after thoughts and other things that could or will happen. I commend you on your stance and advocacy. Takes a lot of courage to stand up and put yourself out there.
    @techgirlpa, I agree here also. If women really knew all the details, fewer would get this done and the abortion clinics would die off. More education is needed. These women become victims of a greedy dr or clinic that wants those $$ and don't see the woman as a lost soul needing help and information to make a fully informed choice. How many would abort knowing that a heart is beating in week 6 our that the baby is able to shield it's eyes from as light shined into momma's belly, or baby can taste the sour in the amnio and stop swallowing or they can feel pain and will grab hold a finger if their palm is touched? Or that there is a couple out there who can't have kids for one reason or another and would do anything fire a baby? I think we could help all those couples and they wouldn't HAVE TO look over seas for a baby. Unless they wanted to of course.
  • I will b honest, had I not known wut the procedure entails as far as an abortion goes I probably would be getting one as we speak. It really is all about education, preventive and also the development of the baby and procedures involved in that type of situation. However, wen it comes to the health of mommy that's a whole other issue. My bd's cousin told me she got an abortion like it was nothing. I don't think people really understand the magnitude of the situation. Again I am not here to judge anyone on past or present decisions that were made. But if girls and women were more educated about this topic and about adoption a lot of situations might have been handled differently.
  • @mommytoaprince... thanks and your right... it doesn't just go away... it stays with u if your humane, in touch with your body and sensitive. But there are people who aren't... and they use it for birth control and that's just dumb...

    @mizsamantha... I am very encouraged and happy with your decision to keep your baby... you are a wise lady. Are u keeping your baby or looking into adoption?
  • edited March 2011
    Um so sad!
  • @mami2be how dare you? That's all I'm gonna say
  • Yeesh. That's hard to read :( I'm pro choice, but I've never liked the idea of late abortions. I think if you're going to do it, do it early. I'd never get one but that's because its not for me. When I was having sex in high school, I used protection everytime (except once when I asked the guy to put on a condom and he just pretended to do it; needless to say, I was pissed) this is my first time being pregnant and I'm hoping its my last, but if I had a surprise baby, I'd keep it.
    I think it was weird how the doctor and his office lied about her working there :/
  • When I was 16 & pregnant with my twins, I was told to have an abortion by my bd & the doctors. I waited to tell anyone I was pregnant until I was 5 months along, just so no one could try to force an abortion on me. The doctors told me to have an abortion because of medical reasons, but I refused. My Mom was the only one who supported my decision. The three of us barely survived. After I refused the abortion, I started getting packets in the mail from people id never heard of who wanted to adopt my boys. Someone had given my name to an adoption agency & they had found my address in the phone book, I have a rare last name. Then they tried kicking me out of school for keeping my kids. Everything was just crazy. But I was lucky that I had a support system. Where I live there really isn't sex ed, but there's a lot of rich families, & a lot of people get abortions around here. I know a girl that aborted triplets in high school. I'm not saying whether abortion is right or wrong, I was just surprised that everyone was so pressed on me getting rid of my boys in one way or another. Adoption is an amazing thing, but you can't press it on people either. I think there needs to be a place where a scared teenager or anyone can go without having any kind of agenda being pushed on them. It might exist already, but I know it doesn't around here.
  • The whole time I was reading this I was holding my stomach thinking that my baby isn't even formed yet I'm 5 weeks abd 5 days and I love it to death and would die for it. I don't understand how some one can let something groww and form into a beautiful thing and just end its life cause somethings wrong with it like sister is 55 and has downsyndrym the dr told my mom to get an abortion when she found out. But my mom could never do something so cruel and neither can I. The baby so little and defenseless and depends on you. How could anyone look at that and want tgo end it. I don't get it
  • @sara102011 I can say what I want an like I said if the shoe fits wear it!!! Having abortion after abortion isn't right when u can get free birth control!! So how dare you what? I only speak the truth...
  • This is just my opionion if u lay down and open ur leg knowing ur not doing nothing to stop u from getting pregnant then u shouldnt punish the unborn for ur faults now on the hand if ur raped or something to that circumstance then its ur chance. Now in days everyone now how not to get pregnant so theres no excuse for teens either i was a teen mom a my son made me a better person.
  • Very sad. I believe that all babies are a blessing from god. With illnesses or not . I think every unborn baby deserves a chance at life..
  • @mami2be how dare you call her triflin and heartless when she was opening up. Sad you had to bring it there when everyone was doing just fine. I respect your opinion until you start name callin. Then you are being just rude
  • I said anyone who get them more then once is heartless an triflin bc they are!! And I didn't put a name on....So ohwell idk
  • edited March 2011
    I think this is a very tough subject for everyone. I can not imagine getting an abortion because of a chromosomal defect. I had my son last June and he was trisomy 13. He lived for 2 weeks and i cherish every moment I got with him. I am just getting genetic screening not an amniocentesis or CVS this time because we wouldn't abort because our child is not "normal". I can't imagine how this woman felt to go through with this at 6 months pregnant that baby could have been given up for adoption and that child had a chance to live. I didn't know my son would be incompatible with life but even if I would've known I would've still given him What I gave him and that was a chance. I believe in freedom of choice but this is morally wrong. It reminds me of what people did in the old days before ultrasound and abortion. They'd drop they're genetically challenged children off at a home and then have "normal" children and keep them. These people have to live with these choices and @DawnwaarsBaby I completely feel your pain and respect your decision. I had an abortion at 16 because I was in high school and on birth control and somehow it happened with an abusive boyfriend. But I have lived with the pain and resentment. Even though I wanted my life back I never got it back life was never the same. I started being self destructive and doing drugs to numb my pain because I killed an innocent child that I could've given up for adoption if the boyfriend would've allowed it. I know I made the right decision because that guy would've made my life hell but I did it at my unborn child's expense. It haunts you for life and what this woman did I can not respect. I know she feels terrible for doing it and every time she sees a kid it haunts her. Poor women that dont know the pain that This comes with. I could never do it again the pain is too unbearable.
  • edited March 2011
    That sick I would never I won't know how to live with that guit
  • @1angel1here1ntheoven... my prayers are with you for your loss. I also got genetic testing for my baby and I'm praying that your unborn will be perfect... the pain of abortion does stick with you if you are humane... and like me, u had a choice to make and I'm glad u feel overall that your decision was the best. I'm glad that u were able to make it through and be a better person and mother...

    @babiilove... for those that are humane they live with the guilt, others don't... I tried to use that experience as a way to inform other teens about prevention and protection... and although I still think about those decisions 12 and 16 years ago... I made the best decisions...

    @mami2be... everyone is entitled to their opinion... and I've had more then one abortion... actually 3... 1 at 18, 1 at 22 that I chose to get... and 1 at 32 because of fetal demise... and I am prego now. My reasons for them, I won't restate, but I will say that I made the best decisions for my life at the time. You made reference to people having more than one so
  • @mami2be...continued...
    You made reference to people having more than one so I chimed in... only to say that you have your opinion and I have mine... I shared my story and the path that I've chosen to give to others and educate youth on pregnancy prevention as a way to heal myself from my decisions, it has helped me. Along with the education I was able to get that allowed for me to have a wonderful career... So, I don't take my decisions back, nor do I feel that it was a poor decisions at the time. Thanks for sharing...
  • @DawnwaarsBaby I'm not sayin u did a bad thing I'm just was sayin I won't have the heart to do it
  • @sara102011... :) your too cute! Thanks...

    @erika_lopez11... you made a good comment... so let me get you to a deeper thinking... is abortion ever ok? When? If a person has protected sex and still ends up prego... and is in college on a scholarship, what then? By all accounts they tried to be sexually responsible? What do you propose, because scholarships don't wait?
  • @babiilove... no worries... I know I didn't do a bad thing... they don't prepare you for what comes later... which is the afterthought... but I know I'm a better person because of it and my life path has been different...
  • @techgirlpa... you are right... its not in the clinic's best interest to pump alternatives... the money is in abortion... there needs to be an advocate there to fully make the person aware of all her choices, the good and the bad and the risks associated with abortion...
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