foodstamps and medicaid..vent



  • Smoothie tums are tummy yummy lol
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  • edited April 2011
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  • @lil_buggie_3 I love your informative yet random comments.
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  • @mama_kat its kinda the same here in ohio, have to work or go to school full time. I've never had it, blessed with a big family and hubby and i workedd opposite shifts. But my best friend was working and goin to school, she has 2 kids and was just gettin daycare. She got a bonus and reported that money for that month, she was 10 dollars over the guidelines so they cut all of her day care assistance. She is a good example of how the system is glitched. She was paying 155 a week, but now she cant afford the 900+ a month, and is cutting back at work :(
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  • The woman I know got kicked off daycare assistance because I reported her for not going to school or work. She was taking needed spots so she can freely do drugs all day. The case worker refuses to drug test her! She says its an invasion of privacy. So now she just has her boyfriend pay the daycare.
  • The government is just wack. I know someone whos bd is 20k behind is childsupport and owes 5k to medicaid but he's getting Pell grants, which is fraud. She even reported him to the CS office but he completed school which took two years and they still did nothing.
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  • I only get $829 a month im only income. Rent $600 cable n internet $120 cause I go to school n my daughter kinda wants tv. My elec I owe $700 plus my monthly bill of$120 so im suposed to pay $275. Do the math plus food and diapers. I'm paying his car insurance for now he does lawns to make gas money since thts all he can afford. I was DENIED all help but emergency assistance to keep elec on and my heat paid. Not fair!! I really need help. I gotta wait a month till they will accept me after all critera I missed gettin in by two ppl. So yeah y are illegals given this before me? I paid alot in taxes for them to have MY hard earned money. I had to fight for unemployment and now fighting for something I desperately need. By then ill get a job n won't need it. If I run to say Italy will they help me?
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  • @isaiahnjocelynsmommy @firsttimemommytobe
    In your own words you wrote "He obtained a work permit, social security card and drivers license." Which means although he wasnt a citizen, he was legally allowed to work in America. He had a permit to work and pay taxes. I'm just going to reword my question. How can an illegal immigrant, who cannot legally obtain a job here, with no work permit, SSN, or visa, pay taxes?
  • edited April 2011
    This was my original question, but I think maybe I misworded it.
    It's kind of like, if I wanted to get a job at the age of 14 but couldn't legally work,
    how could I go about doing that illegally, while paying taxes?
    Because employers are suppose to check and make sure all of your information to legally work, are authentic.
  • Don't jump at me n I know for a fact thts y. I am I'm temp outta work and goin to school for rn so I'm not just lazy I've been through alot to be at tje bottom! So u f in know I totaled my car was fired for false pretense couldn't afford lawyer my fiance was fired I had just found out I was prego after all tht not to mention from my wreck I was outta work for THREE months and bad concussion. I'm sayin I need temp help and was turned down for what I was told by a state worker. I don't care I deserve help before someone who wasn't born here or here first. I will be back in a job after the baby so really I'm just sayin its not fair to treat a native worse then a non. I have been paying my taxes legally for my whole life and got all tht money taken out my checks and I deserve the help I paid into. Thts just my point. I'm not bashing illegals I understand other countries but as a resident and native to this country I should be put first
  • how can anyone leave there place n go somewhere else to get what they need? I live here n I need somethin and get get it.
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  • @mommyto1soontob2
    My son is a little behind, I have tried teaching him myself, but I believe he needs someone who is professionally trained in childhood development to help him, this school also offers a speech therapist. Although I would love to put him in pre-k before he starts kindergarten, I can't.
    Because I am not within poverty guidelines, and my son is a citizen who speaks english.
    I was told the only thing I could do was put him in daycare which only requires a hs diploma or GED for you to work there and they are not curriculum based.
  • edited April 2011
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  • He will talk when he's ready. He communicates n understands u lol but u don't get him I guess. He's actually smart and very old for his age. He don't feel words always express feelings. I'm not saying ignore his speech persay but just watch n adapt to how he communicates. He is empathic n can feel how u do. Even if u are just talking calmly he feels your true feelings. I don't need to talk to ppl to get info. One thing psychics have and especially empathic gifts are strong for. Google empathy psychic gifts.
  • See, I have no problems with people who want to come over here and do good for themselves, like your father did. I know alot of good people who love America and the oppurtunities this country provides, and even though they aren't citizens, they act better than people who are.
    Even though I hate taxes, thats what makes this country survive because it's tax dollars that go towards education, the roads we drive on, giving teens a place to turn to for birth control etc. and helping families in a time of need. I believe everyone should do their part in making this country successful, not just going along for the free ride.
  • iI know but think.... I live here we have help for our own country and won't get it. why does America help so many. It's not our countries fault tje others are the way they are but when your taking from your own country and It's ppl to help with others how does tht make any sense. we made America what it is not any country feeds the Americans. I'm not sayin specific races im sayin any race who isn't legally a citizen or tryin to be they shouldn't be first. y are ppl sent here on work visas?! Now in this economy Americans should be filling those spots not Bulgaria or Russians or any other country. America is stupid for showing off we r best cause we are the only country who don't help ourselves
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  • lol ppl need to stop talking crap about illegals not paying taxes. where the hell are u getting ur info from? ofcourse using a fake social is wrong, BUT THEY STILL PAY TAXES. its sad how somebody has "a bad experiance" with an illegal and now they wanna sit there and talk shit about all immigrants. shit, i know more citizens on welfare than illegals, so shut ur mouths if u dont know what the hell ur talking about.
  • Oh crap, I didn't know you were psychic, I was just talking about I feel it really isnt fair that only immigrants or low income families are qualified for pre-k. If my tax dollars are going towards education I think if my son falls into a categorie of needing help they should help instead of brushing me off like your rich, your son doesnt need help. your money will help you. Thanks though, that made me feel better. =) It's hard to communicate with him and it frustrates me, I feel so horrible because I have always felt I haven't had a connection with him like my other kids and just dont know why. I feel like a bad mom for it.
  • This went from a calm debate to a bashing with one simple comment. wow.
  • ur entitled to ur opinion, so am i :)
  • Yup. And I can name plenty of examples and I didn't see anyone write ALL illegals to particular help or such. The ones that do and who are treated specifically maybe. Wow immature is say.
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