foodstamps and medicaid..vent



  • *takes a deep breath* can we talk about something else now?
  • edited April 2011
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  • Hey I had my identity stolen by a Mexican. Well she tried to atleast lol. But she was caught since my last name is polish bAhah she just was deported I wanted her to serve jail I was so mad
  • edited April 2011
    Alright I apologize for not doing my research on working without being legal, you can find ways around it, but since noone would bother to tell me how, and just said theres "ways" I just went by common knowlege that it's illegal to be hired by an employer without proper paperwork. I asked, but recieved no answers until just now. Now, I know I was wrong and apologize for it.
    All in all, I guess everyone missed the point that no matter how great the people are, they are still criminals, because they are here illegally. That is a fact, not me just using my uneducated opinion.
    Yep, I'm just a racist, you caught me, let me go tell my two children (who are hispanic) that their mother doesn't love them because of that. 8-|
    As I said before, I live in San Antonio, so the majority of people I know who are illegal are from Mexico. I don't hate them because they are hispanic, I just dislike criminals.
    I especially dislike criminals, who abuse the welfare system. Not only illegals, just in general.
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  • Uh oh everyone has to be so Damn PC in this day am age :-)
  • I just didn't kno how without a social security number that is one thing u need for anything anymore I asked how an u answered my question an i did state Americans do bad things too so thanks for teaching me something
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  • Wasn't this about state assistance lol yall r nuts. Where is the love???
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  • edited April 2011
    Where I live, "hispanic" is just the politically correct term. Just like "Caucasion" or "African American" Most people here call themselves black, white, or mexican. I call my kids mexican.. Sorry if you take offense to it, but not everyone does.
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  • @mshahri im just wondering u keep throwing out the words uneducated and bias. What makes ur opinion so much better than mine?
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  • Mexico doesn't have an open border either. If you are caught being there illegally your going to jail.
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  • Every group of people has gone through persecution in one way or another. I'm irish french and italian. Basically white. ive never been racist. I have one white friend. Yet african americans will say I'm a wannabe black because I have black friends. Racist? Hmm... Theres a negro college fund and black entertainment television. Now if there were a caucasian college fund or a specific white entertainment channel it would be considered racist no? Meanwhile immigrants who work hard for half the money are being persecuted and banned? If employers would stop cutting corners and being cheap than citizens could get a job. These people work hard for less to support their families. Why are they looked down upon for that? If an immigrant came to me and said I need help I would help illegal or not they are still people and just as important.
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  • @mshahir you keep using the words uneducated and bias what makes your opinion better than say...mine?
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