foodstamps and medicaid..vent



  • FYI people who get on walfare,foodstamps, medicaid or any state assistance need a social security number so people who are here illegaly dont get any of this.
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  • @Mama_Kat did you say you were from Ft. Oglethorpe GA?
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  • @Mama_Kat I'm from Chattanooga, TN so I know exactly where that is. I thought it was random.
  • edited April 2011
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  • @Mama_Kat yep, out in the country!
  • I'm going to school for social work and I've had to use the system myself. Tgere are many programs that are available to all kinds of people.
    @luvbump good realistic points.

    Now we have a bunch of baby boomers looking at the system as a means of living, plus lower income or families- groups that really need help.
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  • Explain the ways around it, if you will.
    According to every website on google its a felony offense to hire an illegal alien.

  • @mama_kat I just want to know for educational reasons how someone with an illegal status is legally hired.
    I was explaining how frauding the government can lead to a big economical crisis, which I think is very important for everyone to know.
    There are very few people who keep up with politics and have no idea what is really going on with America.
  • @Brookiesbaby: i live 45 minutes from Chattanooga is Spring City.
  • @luvbump: we have a manufacturing company that has been fined so many times for not checking someones social security card and letting illegals work in their plants. The jobs these people have could go to people that really need them.
  • I tried finding it on google with dead end results..
    and if she has personal experience it would help me understand it better, not trying to be rude at all and sorry if I come off that way.
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  • @Mama_Kat You have a very good point.
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  • Yeah, I have to admit that I do judge most people who are on govt assistance especially when then plan their lives around it. Like having another child when you are already on assistance. I'm biased because I personally know people that milk the system. One co-worker has 3 kids and gets $2200 a month for section 8 housing, food stamps, childcare, and healthcare paid for. She quit her job a few months ago because she didn't our boss. She talks about having more kids and just got a nose job with her tax refund. She has been on govt assistance for over 10 years. I think that govt assistance should be temporary help to get you on your feet during hard times, not a permanent lifestyle.
  • So I think you should have to check in with your case worker every 3 months with verification that you have tried to have employment or that your in school. Except with medicaid, because its not likely your going to get hired if your preggo. If you dont, your case gets dropped and will not be reinstated until you do provide proof. I would set up more programs to help people get free GED's, including GED classes that will help you prepare for it. I would make this class/program mandatory for anyone without a diploma or GED.. That would help alot of people get on the right track. I think you should be drug tested on a regular basis also to make sure that your concentrating on making things right for yourself so you can get off welfare.
  • edited April 2011
    Oh and for those who dont make enough but still work, they would just go by the income guidelines, but I still think they shuld be required to take drug test and show that they are trying, but its just not cutting it. I think as long as your trying, your a valuable asset.
    Its people who dont try and depend on the government to take care of them instead of trying to take care of themselves that bother me.
  • Im in the same boat.... im applying for Foodstamps in May... I just ran out of unemployment benifits.. and i was activley searching for a job till i found out i was pregnant... no one was gonna hire me.... i was (still am) super sick.. throw up often.. id be nearly non productive. .... only way i will be able to feed myself... my unborn baby and my 2 daughters is if i can get some assistance.... this will be my first time applying.. i never received it when i was a teen mom.. i was too proud... im not too proud anymore. we need to eat. according to the state "calculator" i should get about $315 a month... that will be perfect... (along with my WIC)
  • @luvbump... I completely agree. Just caught up on most of the posts on this topic and we're on the same page.
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  • I totally agree! My sister told me I am talking her hard earned money so I could be on welfare. I told her to go F herself, I am 23 layed off and pregnant ofcoarse I need help. My boyfriend of 7 years makes about 1,200 a month. Its takes many didn't things to make this world go round. Just cause I don't have money like her does not make me a bad person!! Yay I got to vent, thanks it feels good:)
  • edited April 2011
    @Mama_kat It used to be like that here, and now it's only with unemployment that its required. But I think it should be with TANF and food stamps too, except with pregnancy. It basically boils down to politics, thats why things change (which are just laws being passed) and some of us notice but we don't really question it, because we're just one person.
    A family member of mine is a politician and so I am forced to keep up with it on a regular basis.

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