foodstamps and medicaid..vent



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  • My opinions didn't involve swearing and telling people who thought differently to shut up.
    Thats the difference between a debate and an arguement.
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  • Oh I know debt for dumb reasons but it don't help by putting Americans in more debt at others expense kinda thing. Thts all I'm askin for just a boost like ppl fresh to our country lol. As for cable I can't cancel or is owe $200 I obviously can't afford. Plus once one of get back to working ill be making my 1700 a month or ur will be making his 1200 I'm prayin we both work n ill b peachy. Lol
    Wouldn't the government rather spend money well my paid in money lol to get me back to payin taxes again? Id help ppl to get them good and on the right track before is help someone who can't work ya know.
  • iI only ment th eillegals who abuse cause hey some illegals deserve our freedom and work hard to get it. they come with a dream n get help then boom are millionaires and married to Donald trump bahah
  • noone is entitled to welfare, citizen or not.
    although I feel like it's not fair I cant get help with my sons education, I know there are people who need things worse than me. The government doesnt owe anyone anything, but continues to dish out everything.
    thats why we're in so much debt with China because we're constantly trying to save everyones behinds. Thats why taxes are going up and up because we're in this huge hole..
    and when taxes go up, more people require government assistance..
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  • This country isn't in debt because of illegals or people on welfare, although billions of dollars goes towards welfare recepients each year, so if no one was on it, it would help. But thats not an option. Butting our nose into every other countries business is what I think is making us go into debt.
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  • Yup. I'm crying cause today I had to choose my daughters juice over mine. After I bought dinner cause I need to eat I had to choose gettin her two types or somethin for me. Im prego n she's my child where's my needs? I guess im just mad I was told I can't be given help without ao many minorites filled. It should b who needs it more.
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  • My question is y come here make so little n get help ? Y choose to not b able to live and get help.
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  • So y don't they make things better.
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  • WWe helped them and they did nothing we showed them how to kinda thing n they don't change I say stop helping and be like some countries n fix our selves lol sometimes being selfish is better. nobody will help us after we helped everyone. so stupid! Rich get richer poor just stay poor. It's all about image not sense
  • we have homeless n poverty in America n instead of helping our own we send money to others. or let any one in and over populated the states causing the welfare and unemployment rate. if the illegals stopped comming over and let us help all who was already here then we could help more but we are so populated with ppl who need help adding to it isn't doin good.
  • edited April 2011
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  • Ok my oldest sons daddy is Spanish but he is not from Mexico. His family came here from Spain. So not all Spanish people are from Mexico.
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