foodstamps and medicaid..vent

edited April 2011 in Parenting
S whycis it that some people think you are a bad parent if you need assistance. I get assistnce but that doesn't make me and my husband bad parents. He works a full time job who'd pays under $1600 a month. By the living cost chart he is suppose to mae over $3600 a month. We ay our own insurance out of his check and then there are stupid taxes they takevout. Hecmay bring home maybe a little under under $1000 a month. Then we have rent and utilities to pay. Sorry if tvoffends someone that i have to ask for. I am so tired of judgmental people around the town i live.


  • Oh and here is this older lady that thinks she is sent from god to judge everyone. She has publicly said in the local newpaper hat everyone on assistance is lowlifes, drunks, druggies and no god. I am like how does she know everyone's situation. Grrr!
  • my husband and I are in the same asituation now and I am applying this month... I have never looked down at amyone who needs it to me it shouldnt matter . I only get mad bexause I personally know people who play the syatem cus they ate lazy totally different. I agree people shouldnt be so judgemental!
  • sorry typos fat fingers little phone lol
  • I had to get on Medicaid for pregnant women when I got pregnant and I will definitely take advantage of any and all state assistance programs I can. I have constantly worked and paid my taxes since I was 15 years old. There is no shame of using the programs made available to us! It doesn't make you lazy or a mooch to society, it means you work hard and still want to be able to care for yourself and your family! So screw the haters lol.
  • @AandK1031 i agree. It just really makes me mad that someone would say it publicly like the woman did here.
  • @Aandk1031 I agree .... and when I said these people are lazy I meant the ones o knew not general . I dont care how I get it as long as my kids have food im happy!
  • We too are on assistance, but my husband works full time and I go to school full time. I can't stand when people knock on others who recieve assistance for having children. Just because we recieve assistance means we shouldn't be able to have a family? Also, I can't stand when people on here get on their high horses and complain that they pay taxes and it's not fair to them... Ummm hello.... We pay taxes too, and FYI you get a tax refund at the end of the year. I think people are so judgemental due to the people who play the system, the ones who have child right after child and have no intentions to work for anything because they get it all handed to them through the goverment.
  • I definitely understand. People will continue to be hateful until they get in a situation where they need help too and they realize that anyone can need assistance, not just "lowlifes and drunks" ugh. Ignorant people upset me and my hormones lol.
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  • as I said im going onto yhe same system medical assistance and food stamps .... I have someone I personally knew lie her way through literally and voluntarily quit her job to do so I dont tbink its wrong at all to take assistance.
  • @sarahbeara03 I know what you meant girl, no worries! Trust me I know people who abuse the system too, and then people who really need it (like my disabled mother who is 50 and has had 2 knee replacements, hip replacements, has rheumatiod arthritis, restless leg syndrome, fibro myalgia, and reflex sympathetic dystrophy) can't get disability without extensive court appointments, etc. We had to give up on getting her disability because it cost too much to get the state to let her have it. The system is pretty screwed sometimes.
  • I wasn't venting about people on here. I was talking about people that live in the town i do. They are so judgmntal in this town.
    @Mama_Kat have you heard of Schwans? They take foodstamps and have wonderful food. I am ordering from them for the 3 weeks after i deliver becausei know ivan not gonna want to cook.
  • @Mama_Kat I was looking on Craigslist the other day, and came across an ad where they put "Show me your F/S card and it's yours..." WTH! Food Stamps are to help provide the family with food. It's so crazy!
  • I think that there should be drug testing before people can get assistance but that doesn't include the elderly that need assistance.
  • edited April 2011
    I think alot of ppl look down on it bc so many ppl play the system that when ppl who are truly in need get it everyone just automatically assume they are playing the system too.

    But ppl are always gonna be close minded...I'm glad you and your husband put pride aside and did what is best for y'all. Congrats and good luck.
  • (@Aandk1031 it makes me mad the same woman who did this tried to get me on all of the assistance with my first child( at thr time I didnt need it) she was angry cus I could have gotten all this free money I figured there were people out there who needed it more then I did
  • @OutNumberedByBoy: that is just crazy.
  • Schwans is awesome lol my guy will be here today I get excited when he comes lol and yes I buy food from him with my food stamps and its delicious I don't care who dont like it lol
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  • I think when people think of food stamps They think of a woman with 3 or 4 kids and no job. I think that it makes people mad that They go to work everyday and they think of someone else not having to go to work.
  • edited April 2011
    It is the women who have multiple kids, who are living off the government and not doin sh** for themselves that piss the tax payers off. I mean think about it, you can have a woman from mexico who isn't even LEGALLY allowed to be in the U.S. , who has 5 kids and living off welfare and the tax payers are paying for her to eat.. most criminals who are caught end up in jail, but somehow when it comes to a pregnant single mom who is breaking the law, it's okay. This country is in a huge debt, and the money to fix this debt comes from the paychecks of people who are required by law to pay taxes. The more money that isn't going toward needy family, is going towards fixing the debt (I hope, but you never know with how this damn government is)
    I understand sometimes people need a helping hand, thats fine, been there done that.
    But when your feeding off the system out of pure laziness, then I believe you should be cut off. If you can afford cigarettes and beer, you can afford food.
    Also for a previous comment about tax returns. My husband had around 18k taken from his paychecks last year for taxes and even with 2 children we barely recieved 3k back.
    According to the foodstamps site for the state of texas, If i were on foodstamps I would be recieving 520 a month, thats over 6k per year...
  • People have some nerve to speak about someone, ijs i don't like to have my privacy constantly invaded to get some help but we gotta do what we gotta do,its not easy but atleast we can swallow our pride for our childrens sake, theyll keep talking doesn't it make a lil difference that we opt not to sell drugs to make ends meet? I wish i was handed the good deck of cards to play, though i am truly appreciative of the assistance i do receive
  • The bad thing is they go out of the income you make before deductible and you get a 1 time bonus they think you get it every month.
  • @luvbump it's not just the mexicans who do that. I am mexican and have a HUGE family and I only know one person who is on welfare. But I have 5 white friends who are like those mexicans you speak of.
  • Shoooot. I love me some foodstamps. I just got back from turning my app in. I pray we get them. I am also on medicaid along with my kids. I love medicaid too.
  • WA is a really expensive place to live and I only get $126 a month in food stamps. $200 is basic! Our DSHS people are really horrible too. I had a discussion about how rude this lady was to me for not working, not going to school, and for being married to an older man. Ugh.
  • I wish ppl would stop whining about taxes. If welfare didn't exist we'd all still be paying taxes. Most of our taxes go to police salaries, public schools, things like that. It doesn't just go to welfare. So wat if ppl need help. Its about the kids. N the same ppl complaining would gladly accept assistance if they were eligible.
  • @Mariacon I'm not saying "Oh its all the mexicans who are on welfare" I know whites, mexicans, and blacks do it. I'm speaking on the fact that our government gives assistance to people who aren't legally suppose to be in this country.
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