Castor Oil Induction Documentary **2nd Try 6/18/11**

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Ok ladies, so I'm 36.6 weeks and my baby is already weighing 6.2 pounds and healthy to come. I woke up this morning at 7am MST with contx 2 mins apart lasting 1.5 mins. They got stronger and stayed persistent until 2pm MST... then spaced out.

At 3pm I drove to my MIL house so the kids can swim and stopped by Walgreens and got castor oil, an OJ and a Rootbeer.

So 3:45 MST I drunk my first dose of 2 oz of yuck oil and chased it with my OJ. I gagged a little but it wasn't as bad as with my other pregnancies. After, I went for a 30 walk and I'm back here on the couch watching a movie. I'll keep you all posted!

Please note... this documentary is not for those that are against me drinking Castor Oil... I'm a grown ass women and I can do whatever I please. This post is for those ladies that are interested to find out what the success and failure rate is to inducing yourself with yuck potion.

Please note... my Dr is fully aware of me drinking this and laughed and said "Go ahead, at least your bowels will be emptied and you'll stop complaining about being constipated!"

So please save the medical advice! I've been advised!


  • Haha after downing that nasty stuff it better work and be worth it lol I'm curious to see if it'll work
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  • My dr said she had a lady take it and two days later delivered so she told me take it at my own risk of it just being gross
  • 4:44 ... officially got my first bubble gut. No shit yet! LOL
  • Keep me posted. I'm past my due date and a complete biatch cause of it!!! Good luck!!!
  • It didn't work for me, but it didn't give me diarrhea, either. I hope it works for you!!
  • 5:20 MST... just puked everything up.
  • Good luck!!! Keep us posted I want to know if it works bc I'm so trying it if it does, not until I'm 37 weeks though:)
  • I drank castor oil 38 weeks into my first pregnancy. I drank it with lemonade after eating a 3 iteam meal at panda express lol.. I went to the bathroom 2 times and when i rolled over for the 3rd time my water broke!! and i didnt have to go to the bathroom lol. I was in labor for about 7 hours until my little boy arrived healthy as ever! So with that being said, GOOD LUCK! keep us posted on how it goes please =)
  • edited June 2011
    It don't work for everyone but it did for me. I drank it with my 3rd son. I drank it at midnight, with my OJ of course. Bout a hour later I got the poops soooo bad, but I was cleaned out. Then my contractions started & just got stronger & stronger. My husband kept asking if I want to go in but I said nope I want to be sure I'm in labor cause I don't wanna come back home. Just then my water broke, I said OK now lets go. By this time I'm in full labor, contracting ever 3 min. We get to the hospital & they are still putting the tape on my arm for the iv when I was pushing him out. From the time I drank it to the time I had him it was 5 hours. Hope it works for you, keep us posted. My friend said that it wont work if you can't keep it down that's why it don't work for her.
  • I'm excited to read about your out come. My mama & sister swear by castor oil, they both have used I time or another & between them they have 9 kids! Good luck!
  • Suuuper interestin on the outcome. Good luck and keep us updated.
  • 7:22 MST ... contractions all of a sudden doubled in pain. Packed up quick and heading to the hospital.

    Awwww shit! Whew! Hard to focus!
  • Wow! Impressive. Keep us updated!
  • 7:28 MST... just arrived to the hospital.. sorry ladies I only have a very small period of time to update you before the next contraction starts.

    we got here in 8 mins... I cursed 5 out of those 8 mins.
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  • Ahhhh amazing.
  • edited June 2011
    If it wrks ima try it lol
  • Good luck hun!!! Keep us updated! Yay for babies! :D
  • Eeeee goodluck!!!! %%-
  • Why you get cursed out? &did ur doc really say it was OK?! I've never heard of trying this? Good luck!
  • Good luck
  • Good luck. My sis did a castor oil induction and she went fast too. I do believe it will be my plan as well.
  • That worked fast! Goodlcuk!
  • @YNVTish
    I know you're obviously busy at the moment... But were you dilated or anything before this? I've just heard it only works if your body is somewhat "ready"?
  • Man when I took it I had it coming out both ends and the worse cramps. Didn't have my baby for another 3 weeks
  • Good Luck Hun!! ツ
  • 8:32 MST... ok..been hooked up to.monitors. checked me and no dialation. But at position -1 now. At least a little progress. Contraction hurt! On a scale from 1 to 10... about a 4-5 .. I'm no rookie so I know they can kill you and rate high.

    Their going to monitor me for a few hours and see were it goes.

    Great news tho.... I never got the shits!
  • Well if this is it i hope you don't poo when its time to push. Could you imagine your baby covered in the runs? Poor baby. Lol. Good luck.
  • I chased mine with hot chocolate it helped with the oily feeling, i went into labor with in 24 hours :) good luck
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