Castor Oil Induction Documentary **2nd Try 6/18/11**



  • Your doc sounds awesome, lol. Mine is such a stick in the mud.. :(
    Hope your baby gets here soon, one way or another!
  • @lucy_loo_288 ... my doctor is awesome. He's actually 72 years old.. RMAO... YES 72! Been a OBGYN Dr. for almost 45 years and his wife who he's been married to for 43 years is also an OBGYN For 33 years... and was a midwife for 10 years in India. My Dr is white and his wife is Indian.

    I know I'm I'm in great hands! They are not rookies in this game!
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  • 10:45 MST ... had a bloody show around 9:45pm so I called my Dr. (which the L &D nurse instructed me to last night before being discharged)

    Apparently someone else ruined his golf game so he was already at the hospital.

    He asked me to come straight in to be checked..

    10:05 MST ...arrived at the hospital and got straight in.. he checked me and I was still at station zero but cervix is extremely soft. We scheduled an appt for Tuesday to be rechecked at that time.

    I'm all dressed now and just waiting to be discharged.
  • Your doc gets the "coolest doc award!"

    @mommy2isaiahngiselle I know you are really glad your doc has been around! I hope your feeling better and not going too crazy ob redress, hon!

    My doc is surprisingly young. She seems to know her stuff, but she's really upright. I trust her, but sometimes a little humor goes a long way..
  • 7:02 am MST.. Ok ladies .... it has kicked in again. Contrx 2 mins apart and lasting for 1.5 mins. They're getting stronger. I'm going to try and stay in bed as long as possible.

    I think I'm going to try and poop (TMI), take a hot shower, eat and drink 16 oz of water. If I do all that and my Contrx are still persistent.. then it'll be time.

    Will keep you posted...

    Please check out @havin_a_girl Castro Oil Documentary #2 ... she's started her roller coaster experience as well.
  • @kristaf22 ... me too! LOL
  • This is so fun to read! And informative!
  • Seriously this is awesome. It gives me hope, to give birth vaginally at 37-38 wks instead of a csec at 39 weeks, that I don't want. Thank you so much :)
  • Great read! Cant wait to read the latest update!
  • Anything exciting happening? I've been following both documentarys and am excited to see what's happened.
  • 11:02 PM MST ... Nothing new (kinda bumbed) contractions have been going all day every 2 mins but not horribly killing me so I've stayed put. I have a 9am appt tomorrow with my prenatal chiropractor then a 10:45 am with my OBGYN... I've been sitting and bouncing on this damn yoga ball all day so I'm hoping for some good news tomorrow.

    I know @havin_a_girl who is doing a documentary #2 l is over there letting her husband sweep her membranes (lol) but my honeys way to freaky and kinky so it'll turn in to some crazy sex-capade.

    So I'll just be having some extremely deept sex tonight!

    I'll update everyone tomorrow AM...

    So @havin_a_girl and I dare the next contestant to step up and start a Castor Oil Documentary #3 ....SO WHO'S NEXT?!?!
  • 10:51 am MST ... just arrived to my Dr Appt. Hoping for some major dialation here.

    Yesterday was a weird day for me... I was absolutely dog tired to the world. It was hard for me to stay awake all day. Normally I don't nap through the day.. its been hard to sleep for months.

    They just called me in... keep you posted
  • I hope today is your day mama good luck
  • Any updates yet???? I can't even sleep reading both documentaries =) when my time comes ill try it for sure! Way too soon I'm only 23 weeks, but good luck ;;)
  • I know stanley something took castor oil and I believe she's in labor
  • 11:07 AM MST .. oh em gee ... Am I the only idiot that can't seem to pee in a cup without tinkling on the toilet seat, down my legs, and always managing to puddle my flip flops. Jeeez! I strictly wear summer dresses to my appts because I got tired of trying to cover all the wet spots on my pants.

    So my urine looks fine but I have to undress for my internal check and apparently they want to do a culture for strep B...

    Errr, hoping I get a breast exam for a little foreplay before this damn internal exam. I swear I hate this part.
  • Well????
  • So how'd the exam go???? Update! Update =)
  • 12:23 PM MST ... Finally out if this appt.

    Super excited! Dialated to 1.5 cm ... so so excited. My Dr felt my contractions internally during my exam. He thinks Ill deliver by the weekend.

    He was concerned about my baby not being as active so he sent his nurse out to get me a icey lemonade from Hot Dog on a stick! LOL (I think he was feeling guilty because my bagels and cream cheese werent waiting for me as he promised)

    So I have my icey and I'm headed to the mall to hurry and buy my fathers day gifts... just incase I go into labor and can't.

    In exactly an hour.. if baby doesn't start kicking up a storm I'm ordered to go straight to L&D for a stress test.

  • Yay!!! Im so excited for you!
  • @babynumbersix ... thank you! I super excited! I'm running around trying to take care of everything. OMG! I have so much to do at home as well.

    This is baby 4 for me so I don't know why I'm freaking out here.
  • Wow! Im loving this! Keep us posted & good luck :) Hope the baby comes soon!
  • Im going to try castol oil this weekend.... Ive had alot of pressure n some contractions but nothing exciting.... Im due in 3 weeks but my baby is already head down and doctors are suprised ive made it to this point plus if my bp gets any higher they are wanting to induce.... But i want to do it without medical induce. Hopefully it works :)
  • edited June 2011
    @kindell ... if you do try it, please document it so we can all ride the ride with you.

    If I don't go into labor by Fri I'll be drinking it again.
  • So any updates?? Did the baby move??? Did u go to the L&D??? I bit a nail off today cause my BF didn't want me on the phone and I couldn't check on u girls catrol oil updates =p hahahaha!
  • I am also an addicted
  • edited June 2011
    5:25 AM MST ... I've been up for 2 hours with contractions 2 mins apart lasting 1 min 40 seconds long. It feels like I'm running to the bathroom every 20 mins too.

    Baby is tossing and turning so I'm feeling a lot better about the kick counts.

    My honeys alarm will be going off in 30 mins.. not sure if I should tell him to stay home or not.

    I have a stress test scheduled at 10am and and promised my 7 and 10 yr old I'd take them to the carnival after. (how the Hell am I gonna manage that)

    All I know is if this baby isn't here by Friday... I'm drinking more Castor oil.
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