Castor Oil Induction Documentary **2nd Try 6/18/11**



  • lucky...i just woke up crampy thats it.. Been feeling sick all night. Keep me posted mama...good luck
  • 7:00 AM MST .... still having contractions 2 mins apart, and getting stronger.
  • 7:17 AM MST... just had the biggest BM. First time in a long time I felt like I actually moved everything out of my bowels.

    Now my contractions have moved to my back... and my honey has decided to stay home.

    Contractions still 2 mins apart... some are coming 1.45 mins apart.

    Let's hope this is it!

    Now I'm laboring on my knees bent over the bed. OMG! The bad thing is... I know this is gonna get waaay worse!
  • Good luck. Labor dust your way
  • Good luck. So excited for you. Keep us updated.
  • @YNVTish and @havin_a_ girl ~this and the other documentary has me wanting to do one also but am only 34weeks so I have to wait a few more weeks. But good luck for the both of y'all and please keep us updated.
  • Omg....I'm so excited...i started mine a day after you so send some of that labor dust my way..keep me I'm going to be on pregly all day:)
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  • Anything new mama???
  • 10:19 AM MST ... at my Parinatal & Genetics Dr. He had me come in for a stress test. I'm currently hooked up to the monitors and waiting my 30 mins through testing. So freaking tired!
  • Omg so exciting hun!!! Keep us updated!! Sending lots of labor dust your way! And @havin_a_girl too! :D
  • Good luck hun..hope you have your baby still having contractions??
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses thanks for the labor dust.I'm so ready lol..
  • Omg! 30min have passed..... and I can't even get out of bed waiting for an update! I hope todays your day!!! Good luck =)
  • 10:53 AM MST ... ok stress test was fine and now I'm 2 cm dialated. Thinking about taking that 2nd shot of Castor Oil now.

    Do you guys think I should go for it?

    I'm sure it'll send me right over the cliff!
  • 10:53 AM MST ... ok stress test was fine and now I'm 2 cm dialated. Thinking about taking that 2nd shot of Castor Oil now.

    Do you guys think I should go for it?

    I'm sure it'll send me right over the cliff!
  • If your doctor is fine with it hun, go for it! Maybe you just need that little extra push...again. lol
  • Good luck
  • Take it.. Take it.. Take it.. I wanna see if it works for you. :
  • Omg! Go have sex!!! And for a walk first! Then take the oil! =) how exciting! Ur progressing that's great!
  • My honey has officially started his fully paid maternity leave so the pressure is on. Looks like I'll be taking it today.
  • yay...let us know how it goes..:)
  • Omg I juss read this whole thing 39 wk n 2d n im sooo tempted to try this noe but im scared lol this is my first
  • Maybe you'll have a fathers day baby
  • @missmommy28 ... I think so, all of my kids were born on holidays.
  • I'm ready to take it again... does anyone have a good recipe... I refuse to take it straight again. Yuuuck!
  • Mmm I'm gonna have to try that omlet..
  • Any updates? Hope contractions are getting stronger.
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