Castor Oil Induction Documentary **2nd Try 6/18/11**



  • I was having bad contractions w/ my son & they weren't showing up either so they used an internal monitor to prove they were as strong as I said they were. Ask the nurse if they can do that for you.
  • @starkrayzie ... How many cm dialated were you when they did that
  • Omg hun I hope they break your water or something! You deserve to get this baby OUT! My contractions didn't show up much unless I was on an internal monitor either. Your doctor sounds very nice, hopefully he will give in and help you out some! Sending more labor dust to you and @havin_a_girl s way!!!
  • I was either 1.5 or 2. My water had broken (that's why I went in) but contractions didn't start on their own so I got pitocin & they were intense but they weren't picking up on the monitor.
  • edited June 2011
    If im not mistaken I think your water has to be broke before they can insert an internal monitor because it has to enter your uterus and sit next to baby's head. I know you didn't ask me, but I was 1.5cm dilated with my first and second when they inserted mine after my water was broken by my doctor. :)
  • Bump.. ★★★labor dust★★★
  • Whoa so I just jumped on the band wagon...can't wait til u have ur baby...glad I finally read this..thus helps out a lot! Shows possibilitys of what can actually happen rather then reading it on Google or Sumthn thanks for doing this..ill have to stay posted hope u have that baby Sunday:)
  • edited June 2011
    11:40 PM MST .. SO FREAK'N PISSED!

    So he's sending me home.. Errrr! But said we can discuss an induction date on Tuesday. He's hoping I progress on my own before Tuesday. (yeah freakn right)

    1.) I'm officially putting ... Castor Oil on my $hit list...

    2.) Giving Dr Streeter MD and his induction date discussion the finger (and its not the pointer finger)

    3.) I'm extremly pissed at Eve (Adams wife in heaven) its all her fault why these contractions hurt... What, she couldn't.have ate a darn orange instead of the Apple.... And then the Lord wouldnt have intensified our labor pains. When i get to heaven we will be having a sit down talk.

    4.) Pissed at my honey... Not sure why, but I figure he should be included since you lash out at the closes person to you.

    5.) I'd like to reserve #5 for anyone that I might have missed and want to add to my $hit list later tonight while pouting.

    Sorry ladies... I'm so freakn pissed at the world.

    Thank good I have my Pregly Girlfriends.

    What would I do with out you guys!
  • Sorry to hear that sweetie .... she's be here soon!!
  • @my1stbaby08 ... Thanks, I hope so!
  • @YNVTish - Did you try drinking the raspberry leaf tea....
    Heres a link I know you wont try this again tomorrow but hey maybe you can try it on your induction date and it will help with labor =)

    Read the story by -trischarcol
  • If it didnt taste so bad I would take some just to poop.
    But knowing my luck I would go into labor ..
  • Ah so gutted for you, thought that might be it!! Hopefully won't be long now! Loving this thread!
  • Love this! I will definitely be doing one of these in 3 weeks when I'm 37 weeks! Hoping you'll dilate more before Tuesday and have that baby! :)
  • What a roller coaster!!! I hope that baby stops being stubborn and gets things moving already!!! Labor dust your way!!!
  • Thanks you guys... So so disapointed it didn't work for me. Castor Oil is the most nastiest $hit I can ever drink in my life. The depressing thing is it worked for my other kids.

    I DO know there WON'T be a third attempt. I'm officially convenced that a baby will come ONLY when it and your body is good and ready... Or you get induced! LOL
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  • Oh that is not cool. I'm so sorry your dr wouldn't help you and just let you have baby. I hope your baby comes soon.
  • :( what a stubborn little girl!!! Gosh I really hope she comes on her own before Tuesday for you, or at least you dilated more by then!
  • I am like all the rest of these ladies I love this thread in fact my husband is evening asking if you ladies on castor oil have had your babies. Lol but you know I'm thinking your precious bundle is just like her momma ;;) Because as stubborn as you are in trying to get her out she is just as stubborn at saying oh hell no I like it in here! Good luck and lots of labor dust to you.

    Ps I am so having a talk with god also when I get up there about stupid people and Eve that lady better run and hide her ass is getting a fruit salad thrown at her. Lmao
  • @mylittleman2011 .... do you feel me? OMG, Eve better run and hide behind Gabriel or David cause its going down... LOL

    I never looked at it that way about our babies being stubborn cause were stubborn... Ha Ha ... I LOVE IT!

    The funny thing is she has a double dose of stubborn-ness DNA cause her Dad will refuse to do ANYTHING if you try and make him. It has to be his idea.. even if he really wants to do it. LOL (gotta use trick psychology on him Everytime.)

    So I'll be trying a new form of induction today. It's called....

    "Baby Stay Your Ass In There Forever... You'll Never Be Allowed To Come Out" :-?
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses ... I'm officially giving up. I wouldn't be surpised if she decides to come... Now that I'm throwing in the towel. LOL
  • @angel26 ... My doctor sucks right now. LOL (the hospital was slow last night.. he could've just went on and induced)
  • Right plan a week getaway and be like baby you gotta stay in there til then and watch her come.
  • @missmommy28 ... She would show up just to pee on my parade.. lol
  • That's what they do best! Lol come when you give up!
  • That's so funny last night i was with my bestfriend googling remedies on how to induce her labor she is 38w tomorrow and she's MISERABLE. She drank castor oil but after a few hours all it did was make her have a lot of bad pain along with contractions at about every 10 minutes. She put it inside OJ and just gulped it.. then we went for a walk for about 45 minutes played Michael Jackson experience, volleyball, bowling, and table tennis on Xbox, did squat, boiled water and put a hot rag on her nipples because her baby's father is no where to be found she can't have sex like all the blogs tell you too. i feel so bad but it's pretty funny watching her try all this stuff.
  • @1sttim3mommy ... After all that, did she have her baby
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  • I'm doing a eggplant parmesean recipe today that is suppose to put you into labor 2 hours later.
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