@mrsstanley_x2 awww im sorry, hang in there hopefully everything will be over and you'll get to hold your precious babies very soon! Im so happy for you
**** UPDATE***** well the damn Demerol stalled my contractions and I was stuck at a 4-5 95% effaced. I was sent home to be comfy in my attempt to jumpstart them back up, but they started up on their own! We will be heading back soon!
@praying4our3rd I was hoping you'd be back soon I think I'm going to have back labor And its freaking me out. I can barely breathe through contractions!
***UPDATE AT 12:02 CST***** I'm back in l&d and my contractions are the cervix changers so I'm here for the night. My mom (massage therapist) is coming and going to rub my back! I'm so tired.... I just want them to be here now
I hope you meet your babies this morning!! Its a good plan to have your momma with you. When you feel the contractions low in your butt have your mom squeeze your hips together it will help the baby move down. Good luck!!! I hope it goes great!
***UPDATE: STILL IN L&D 8:33 am CST*** Okay so they checked me when I was admitted and I'm sitting at almost 5cm. Well, I refused the Demerol this time so my contractions wouldn't stall, and you bet your butts they didn't! I've realized back contractions/labor is Satan's doing. Haha just kidding, but it really does suck worse. My mom stayed with me so my hubby could go get some sleep, and her constantly rubbing my back helps SO much. The doc should be in any minute, and I'm about to get with the begging and pleading.... fingers crossed!
@mrsstanley_x2 omg! Im so anxious for you lol, glad you have your mom helping you and massaging your back, back labor is the worst but you've been doing great, you can do it you're so close!! C:
***UPDATE AT 12:02 CST*****
I'm back in l&d and my contractions are the cervix changers so I'm here for the night. My mom (massage therapist) is coming and going to rub my back! I'm so tired.... I just want them to be here now
***UPDATE: STILL IN L&D 8:33 am CST***
Okay so they checked me when I was admitted and I'm sitting at almost 5cm. Well, I refused the Demerol this time so my contractions wouldn't stall, and you bet your butts they didn't! I've realized back contractions/labor is Satan's doing. Haha just kidding, but it really does suck worse. My mom stayed with me so my hubby could go get some sleep, and her constantly rubbing my back helps SO much. The doc should be in any minute, and I'm about to get with the begging and pleading.... fingers crossed!