Dear Castor Oil, Go die. (tmi) ***UPDATE: THEY ARE HERE 2:40ish am CST****



  • Yay! Hope those babies come soon! You can do it!
  • Woohooo! Its almost time... Any minute now! :)

    I will be waiting for the update!
  • Any updates? We are all so excited for you!
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  • I'm so excited for you. I have been following your journey lol. From the shadows :) hurry babies come out and play :)
    So many people want to see you.

    Not to mention dear ole mommy is in EXCRUCIATING pain for you two :)

    Good luck mommy
  • Update sooooooon. I am so excited. You would think that I was the one having a baby again. Lol. Hurry up babies.
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  • I hope there's news soon that you delivered two beautiful, healthy twin babies by now! Maybe you're getting some well-deserved rest, but we're thinking of you sweetie. Update when you can! :)
    Best wishes!!! <3
  • So excited for you! Best wishes
  • I don't normally post but this one has me sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for updates.
  • Did I miss an update on another thread? Hope all is going well for you and you're holding your little munchkins already!!
  • Oooooo....good luck and come on baby give ur mommy a break and come out already!
  • The suspense is killing me. Ugh. Lol. Hope everything is wonderful.
  • I'm so on edge I keep checkin every few minutes!!! Hope all is well girlie!
  • ***UPDATE: STILL IN L&D 9:26 PM CST***
    Sorry it took me so long. The twins STILL are not here, and the hospital isn't letting him induce me yet. My whole body looks as though I had an allergic reaction to shellfish thanks to massive fluid retention. My mom and husband have had to literally pull me off the bed to walk because my skin is so tight. The contractions are worsening, but my cervix still isn't doing what it's supposed to. I've bounced, walked, and done squats, and nothing is working. I feel little 'pops' in my stomach, and have a bright pink/red discharge, but..... I dunno what's going on: :( this is starting to suck!

    @praying4our3rd @mommyof4girls @bensmama @josie749 @lil_buggie_3
    @momof5 @Kristaf22 @mommyo3soon2b4 @amyduh @artistmamma @missmommy28 @USMCwifemommy101101
    @3girls_0boys @misskristin @almost4 @vette_devil @mommyoftwoprincesses @viviya @garagebandfan @Karla_with_a_k
    @rubi1989 @kgb10
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  • Good luck Hope all goes well.
  • I agree id be pissed for no being induced. Clearly the babies r trying t come and prolonging it is just going to make you exhausted to the point where when labor kicks back in you'll be screwed and more miserable. Hope things get better. Your a tough momma. Good luck.
  • Break Ur own waters? Hope they hurry up 4 u
  • Thats so messed up they're not inducing you you should demand it, this is just torture on you and your babies!! You poor thing, kudos to you for beeing a super woman!! Hope they induce soon..
  • Why are they not inducing you? That seems kind of stupid if you ask me. Hopefully everything gets going soon!
  • ***NEW UPDATE: 11:48 pm CST***
    SO I have the most badass nurse EVER. She just checked me before the doc decided whether or not I stay or go, and I hear "this is ridiculous. Babe this is gonna hurt, so hold on." All of a sudden I thought I was dying..... guess whose dilated more with a water leak?! That would be me. Nurse Brooke, you are my hero!! Things are looking up ladies!!! And the hospital I'm at is great, but they just don't like inductions. So my doc has his hands tied. Thank you all sweet ladies for your wonderful support!!! I'll update soon!!

    @mommyoftwoprincesses @josie749 @cheekyerin @missmommy28 @tinknbob @almost4 @lil_buggie_3
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  • Yay!!!!! Way to go! :D I understand on the induction thing now hun, but now you know for sure you will be having your little ones soon! I know its hard but TRY to get some rest, you will need it! :) good luck, can't wait for the next update!
  • Woohoo!!! They're gonna be here very soon!! Can't wait for ur next update! Thank god for that awesome nurse!!
  • edited June 2011
    Hopefully you will not be in much pain any more and they will come soon. Once they are here all the pain will be gone. Good luck hun!!!! Wishing you a good delivery and a quick easy one!
  • Oh my gosh, I hope this got things going! I was SO sad to see that as of your last update, you were still suffering. Unbelievable!! :(
    But sounds like nurse Brooke was an angel! Hooray for her! C'mon babies...time to meet your momma! :D
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