Dear Castor Oil, Go die. (tmi) ***UPDATE: THEY ARE HERE 2:40ish am CST****



  • I can not even begin to imagine what you're going thru! This is really way 2 much!! Hope ur dr sympathies with you and does something tomorrow if nothing progresses before then!! You and your babies are in my prayers.
  • U poor thing your Dr sounds like a big jerk! I bet if he was a she u would had those babies by now. That's just crazy and no bueno for u:( I'm sorry hang in there
  • @josie749 thank you! I really think after I talk to him and really show him how miserable I am, he will induce me or at least break my water and see if I progress on my own.

    @nmartinez79 he really is a sweetheart, though! I honestly believe he is just wanting the babies to have enough time in there to be healthy, I just can't take anymore. I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow, so enough is enough!
  • edited June 2011
    OMG!!!! ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME!?! You poor, poor woman!!! Your doctor better be breaking your water ir inducing you tomorrow or I will personally call him myself and complain! 38 weeks is by far long enough for those 2 babies to cook! Tell him you are not looking forward to breaking the world record for the largest twins or the longest gestation with twins either! Lol. If he doesn't help you out tomorrow, you are damn sure nurse Brooke will! :) I don't see why your swelling isn't enough of a concern for induction. That's why I was induced, that and my blood pressure was starting to rise....I really hope you give a good news update tomorrow and you will be holding your babies tomorrow!!! Keep me updated hun! What time is your appointment?
    ***********LABOR DUST (tons!)**************
  • Sorry for all the misspellings, I edited them just now ;) much easier to understand now.
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  • @mommyoftwoprincesses Haha he is going to have some angry preglies on his hands if he refuses (I really don't think he will refuse this time!) Technically, he never straight up said no before, but his opinion was clear. The babies are out of room and getting crazy! My appointment is at 3pm CST, so I will DEFINITELY be posting immediately afterwards. This staying in the hospital thing is bull, and it's their fault I'm swollen like an oversaturated lasagna noodle! *sigh* I just keep telling myself its almost over!.... hopefully :-/
  • @lil_buggie_3 thank you! I need all the good luck I Can get!
  • Im looking forward to your update hun. He CAN'T say no to you tomorrow.....or he will be getting yelled at! Lol
  • I am soooo sorry u haven't had ur babies yet....I'm prayin they come at the right time and that you will have peace while since ur still waiting. I hope they come soon for your sake.
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses I'm pretty sure my hubby will be begging him long before I do! Haha poor thing feels helpless when I'm just laying there crying, and there isn't a single thing he can do! If all else fails.... I hope doc can handle a bunch of angry preglies! :)
  • @blissmarie23 thank you so much :) it really does help to know you all care so much!
  • I can't believe you are still waiting! I would have murdered a doctor by now!! Hope it all gets sorted today hun and you have those babies in your arms soon x
  • Ill say a prayer for right now and tonight! I hope you beautiful babies come soon.. Your in my thoughts mommy
  • If he doesn't help you out, give us his number & we'll all call him to tell him what we think. No man in his right mind would want several dozen angry pregnant women coming down on his a**!! So this had better get resolved. ;)
    I'm so sorry, momma! Stay strong!!
  • edited June 2011
    I would throw a fit! I'm a RN-CNS, so here is my suggestion. A.) Break down and cry to your doctor and nurses about how you can't do this and make them feel bad B.) speak to the nurse manager, tell her how awesome your favorite nurses are and let her know what you've been through...get them to feel bad for you C.) Demand that your doctor do more for you...he/she could be fighting a little harder to get you induced D.) You could start complaining of headaches, blurry vision...get them thinking you are preeclamptic since you are so might buy you another night and maybe an induction...shame on me, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do ;)

    At this point they can't send you home with out babies...its just not right. You are dilated with a leak and been through so much...they'd just look like a-holes if they sent you home!
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  • I agree with everyone. Give us his number if he refuses. You and those babies are in my thoughts. ★labor dust★
  • oh hun I am so sorry. I hope you get to have those babies soon. And let them know that they are grounded forever. Lol. Lots of prayers and labor dust mama.
  • Boooo. This stinks!! Ill be prayin for you and your appointment today. I cant believe they havent induced you, especially at 37 weeks and twins.. I hope nurse Brooke comes back
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  • Awe you poor thing. That is terrible you are so swollen. Fluid over load. That's how I was until I made them quit giving me the fluid. I made them hep lock my iv so I told them if they didn't stop id walk out. My hubby at the time who is an emt told them they had better stop giving me fluid or it was going to make it worse off.. I hope the do something for u. Make your hubby snoop through the drawers of the room and see if he can't find the hook that they use to break your water with lol. My hunny threatened to go to the store and get a crochet hook and use that. Lol the nurses laughed so hard.. id tell your doc your going to do more damage to the babies bc your stressing out and that's not good for them. I know it very uncomfortable for you but if he doesn't do anything go have so crazy sex. If you waters leaking that should break it lol. Here in ohio they will not let you leave if your water is leaking they will break it. Well in the city im at I should say. I wish for your sake and your hubbys he does something for you!! You sound so miserable!!!! Good luck hun at the docs. Wishing you lots of water breaking labor dust lol..@MrsStanley_x2
  • Well I'm crossing my fingers for u, I know how miserable u must be ;( I know how I was and that was with 1 baby any not in the hospital. Ya I had a male Dr with my first two and I loved him, he was so sweet. Sometimes I think women r the only ones that have a true understanding of how miserable and uncomfortable it is towards the end:( good luck get some rest ;)
  • Today is the day! Your doctoris going to be compassionate and induce you. You are going to be holding those babies soon and feeling soooooo much better. Can't wait for an update.
  • Holy crap, you poor amazingly strong woman! This is just awful! I just can't even imagine what you are going through and I'm horrified that they are letting this go on! Wow, yeah, angry preglies for sure! They had better get their act together, because this is ridiculous and unacceptable! I would seriously consider lodging a complaint to someone when this is all over... I just cannot believe they are allowing you to suffer like this when you are 38 weeks pregnant with twins!!! I am so sorry you are going through this, but for what it's worth, my prayers for you continue!
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  • I am so pissed off for you!!! Im about to come to that hospital and break your waters! This is BS and I would be a royal b**** til they broke your water! Im so sorry! I would have taken some of this pain from you if I could have! I love you my special pregly mommy!!! Im going to be praying my heart out for you!!!! My daughters will too!
  • ****UPDATE: I GIVE UP 4:28 pm CST****
    This is going to be short, as I am not in a great state of mind. I'll get to the point. He has "no medical reason to intervene until 39 weeks." Even the nurse was trying to convince him. I love my doctor, but right now I wish kidney stones the size of golf balls on the male gender. I gained 15 lbs in A WEEK thanks to the IV fluid. Yet, still, he will do nothing. I can't walk, get dressed, get out of bed, or get off the freaking toilet without help, and now we add elephantitis of the body making it worse. The nurse said do my best to have as much sex as my husband and I can, but I cry when I see myself, why would I want him to? I'm going to take a nap. I'll be on later. *sigh*
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